Lisa Whitfield
Ph.D. Arizona State University - Developmental Psychology
M.A. Arizona State University
Dr. Whitfield earned her degree in developmental psychology, specializing in cognitive development. In recent years, she has collaborated with colleagues in the Learning & Remembering lab, primarily investigating how to get college students to choose more effective study strategies. She teaches a variety of courses with a developmental or cognitive focus and also currently directs the Psychology Honors Program.
- Psyc 1: General Psychology I
- Psyc 2: General Psychology II
- Psyc 53: Statistics & Methods Practicum
- Psyc 185: Developmental Psychology
- Psyc 172: Psychology of Adolescence
- Psyc 131: Cognitive Psychology Psyc
- 178: Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology
Simone, P.M., Whitfield, L.C., Bell, M.C., Kher, P.*, & Tamashiro, T.* (2023). Shifting students toward testing: Impact of instruction and context on self‑regulated learning. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 8(14).
Simone, P.M., Bell, M.C., Whitfield, L.C. (2016). “Implementation of Best Practices in Online Learning: A Review and Future Directions.” EDULEARN16 Proceedings.
Bell, M.C., Simone, P.M., Whitfield, L.C. (2016). Evaluation of ‘out-of-the-box’ textbook technology supplements on student learning. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2, 112-124.
Simone, P.M., Whitfield, L.C., Morrison, C.*, Griffin, K.*, & Anderson, M.* (2023). The disappearing metacognitive illusion. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, November 16-19, San Francisco, CA.
Simone, P., Whitfield, L.C., & Bell, M.C. (2022). Instructions promote self-testing in a difficult task. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
Whitfield, L.C., Collier, B.*, Monke, G.*, & Bagley, J.* (2016). Influence of natural scenes on restoration of attentional fatigue in school-aged children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, April 27-May 1, Long Beach, CA.
*student co-authors