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Department ofPsychology

Lisa Whitfield

Lisa Whitfield

Senior Lecturer


Ph.D. Arizona State University- Developmental Psychology

M.A. Arizona State University


Learning and Remembering Lab

Dr. Whitfield earned her degree in developmental psychology, specializing in cognitive development. In recent years, she has collaborated with colleagues in the Learning & Remembering lab, primarily investigating how to get college students to choose more effective study strategies. She teaches a variety of courses with a developmental or cognitive focus and also currently directs the Psychology Honors Program.

  • Psyc 1: General Psychology I
  • Psyc 2: General Psychology II
  • Psyc 53: Statistics & Methods Practicum
  • Psyc 185: Developmental Psychology
  • Psyc 172: Psychology of Adolescence
  • Psyc 131: Cognitive Psychology Psyc
  • 178: Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology

Simone, P.M., Whitfield, L.C., Bell, M.C., Kher, P.*, & Tamashiro, T.* (2023). Shifting students toward testing: Impact of instruction and context on self‑regulated learning. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 8(14).

Simone, P.M., Bell, M.C., Whitfield, L.C. (2016). “Implementation of Best Practices in Online Learning: A Review and Future Directions.” EDULEARN16 Proceedings.

Bell, M.C., Simone, P.M., Whitfield, L.C. (2016). Evaluation of ‘out-of-the-box’ textbook technology supplements on student learning. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2, 112-124. 

Conference Papers and Presentations

Simone, P.M., Whitfield, L.C., Morrison, C.*, Griffin, K.*, & Anderson, M.* (2023). The disappearing metacognitive illusion. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, November 16-19, San Francisco, CA.

Simone, P., Whitfield, L.C., & Bell, M.C. (2022). Instructions promote self-testing in a difficult task. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

Whitfield, L.C., Collier, B.*, Monke, G.*, & Bagley, J.* (2016). Influence of natural scenes on restoration of attentional fatigue in school-aged children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, April 27-May 1, Long Beach, CA.

*student co-authors