Kieran Sullivan
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Clinical Psychology
- Support processes in intimate relationships
- Intimate relationships and health
- Technology and communication in intimate relationships
- PSYC 2: General Psychology II
- PSYC 115: Psychopathology
- PSYC 144: Psychological Assessment
- PSYC 153: Psychology of Close Relationships
Sullivan, K.T., Sullivan, A.F., & Bradbury, T.N. (2023). A psychometric analysis of the Relationship Attribution Measure–Online Behavior. Family Relations.
Sullivan, K.T. (2021). Attachment style and jealousy in the digital age: Do attitudes about online communication matter? Frontiers in Psychology.
Sullivan, K.T., Riedstra, J., Arellano, B., Cardillo, B., Kalach, V., & Ram, A. (2020). Online communication and dating relationships: Effects of decreasing online communication on relationship satisfaction and feelings of closeness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 2409-2418.
Sullivan, K.T. Pasch, L.A., Schreier, M., & Healy, M. (2018). Responses to intimate partners’ attempts to change health behavior: The role of readiness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 35, 1356–1380.
Sullivan, K.T. Pasch, L.A., Schreier, M., & Healy, M. (2017). Responses to intimate partners’ attempts to change health behavior: The role of readiness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Advanced online publication, doi 10.1177/0265407517713364
Pasch, L.A. & Sullivan, K.T. (2017). Stress and coping in couples facing infertility. Current Opinions in Psychology, 13, 131–135.
Sullivan, K.T., Lawrence, E.E., & Bradbury, T.N. (2015). Physical aggression, compromised social support, and 10-year marital outcomes: Testing a relational spillover model. Journal of Family Psychology, 29, 931-937
Cobb, R. & Sullivan, K.T. (2015). Premarital education and marital trajectories of newlywed couples. Journal of Family Psychology, 29,667-678.
Sullivan, K.T., & Davila, J. (2013). The problem with my partner: Treating couples when one partner wants the other to change. The Journal of Translational Research, 24, 1-12
Sullivan, K.T., Pasch, L.A., Johnson, M.J., & Bradbury, T.N. (2010). Social support, problem-solving, and the longitudinal course of newlywed marriage. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Sullivan, K.T., & Davila, J. (Eds). (2010). Support Processes in Intimate Relationships. New York: Oxford Press.
Sullivan, K.T., & Karney, B.R. (2009). Incorporating Religious Practice in Marital Interventions: To Pray or Not to Pray? Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology.
Cornelius, T.L., Sullivan, K.T., Resseguie, N., & Milliken, J. (2009). Participation in Prevention Programs for Dating Violence: Beliefs about Relationship Violence and Intention to Participate. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Sullivan, K.T., Ramos-Sanchez, L., & Etukudo, S.D. (2007). Predicting Problem Severity and Use of College Counseling Services for Asians, Latinos and Whites: Gender, Ethnicity, and Generational Status.Journal of College Counseling, 10, 103-116.
Johnson, M.J., Cohan, C.L., Davila, J., Lawrence, E., Rogge, D., Karney, B.R., Sullivan, K.T., & Bradbury, T.N. (2005). Dyadic behavioral antecedents of marital dysfunction: Examining the moderating influence of skills on expressions of affect. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73, 15 - 27.
Sullivan, K. T., Pasch, L. A., Cornelius, T., & Cirigliano, E. (June 2004). Predictors of Participation in Premarital Prevention Programs: The Health Belief Model and Social Norms. Family Process, 43, 175-194.
Sullivan, K. T., & Anderson, C. (2002). Recruitment of engaged couples for premarital counseling: An empirical examination of the importance of program characteristics and topics to potential participants.The Family Journal, 10, 388-397.
Sullivan, K. T. (2001). Understanding the relationship between religiosity and marriage: An investigation of the immediate and longitudinal effect of religiosity of newlywed couples. Journal of Family Psychology, 15, 610-626.
Sullivan, K. T., & Fitzgerald, P. J. (2001). Preparing for Marriage: What Pastoral Marital Counselors Should Know About Religious Belief, Psychological Health, and Marital Outcome. The International Academy for Marital Spirituality Review, 7, 68-77.
Sullivan, K. T., & Goldschmidt, D. (2000). Implementation of Empirically Validated Interventions in Managed Care Settings: The Premarital Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP). Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31, 216-220.
Sullivan, K. T., & Bradbury, T. N. (1997). Are premarital prevention programs reaching couples at risk for marital dysfunction? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 24-30.
Sullivan, K. T., & Bradbury, T. N. (1995). Preventing marital dysfunction: The primacy of secondary strategies. The Behavior Therapist, 19, 33-35.