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Department ofPsychology

Psychology Honors Program

Congratulations to our 2024 Psychology Honors Program Graduates!
Gabriela Arcangeli
Ariana Chavez-Magana
Jenny Dinh-Tran
Tlakaelel Gonzalez
Tiffany Lam
Sam Liu
Gabby Mangano
Irene Nagasaka
Ander Poitras-Lazcano
Gabby Rosenberg
Inara Sharma
Lucas Tan
Elodie Torres
Angelina Valenza
Dani Yabut

Psych Honors Seniors Speak to Prospective Applicants


The Psychology Honors Program accepts applications from all current Junior psychology majors. Students enter the program in the Spring quarter of their Junior year, with applications available in early February of the Winter quarter. At the time of application, students must:

  • Be a declared psychology major
  • Have Junior or Senior standing (in credits earned)
  • Have a minimum 3.3 GPA in Psych courses and 3.3 overall.  
  • Have completed by the start of the quarter in which you enroll:
    • Psyc 1, 2, and Math 8
    • Psyc 51, 52, &  53 (Psyc 53 may be taken concurrently during the Spring)

Program Information

The Psychology Honors Program provides a unique opportunity for an intensive, in-depth experience during your undergraduate career here at SCU. You’ll participate in a multi-term experience with other psychology honors students and faculty mentors. The program is designed to bring together strong psychology majors who will complete a major project by the end of senior year. The major project can be either an intensive internship or research experience, culminating in a written thesis and oral presentation. While focusing on your major project, you will also work on practical skills (e.g., public speaking, using stats and methods tools), career planning and development, and completing service projects for our department or the larger community.

If invited to participate, you must complete an extended course sequence that includes:

  • Two quarters of Psyc 99: Honors Colloquium (2 Units each), enrolled in Spring of Junior year and Fall of Senior year
  • Either PSYC 199E: Directed Research (5 Units) or PSYC 198E: Internship/Practicum (5 Units), typically enrolled in your last quarter before graduation. 

The 199E/198E coursework reflects 100 hours of participation. Typically, students would register for 199E or 198E during the quarter when they expect to complete their major project, although the work itself would likely be spread out over multiple quarters. (See Major Project Coursework below.)

A typical schedule might look like this:

Year Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter

Psyc 99 (2 units)

Explore project ideas; decide on research or internship path; identify project mentor; discuss career paths; skill development.


Psyc 99 (2 units)

Practice presentation skills; peer feedback on major projects; complete service projects.

For research students: meet weekly with mentor, write proposal, prep IRB approval, etc.

For internship students: begin internship hours (5 per week for 10 weeks)

For research students: Continue to work with faculty mentor, collect data, conduct preliminary analyses

For internship students:

PSYC 198E (5 units) Continue internship hours (5 per week for 10 weeks). Complete paper on internship topic, give oral presentation.


For research students:

PSYC 199E (5 units)

Continue to work with faculty mentor, finish analyses, complete full report of project, give oral presentation


Psyc 99 Course Overview

Earn 2 units in a P/NP course for each quarter you participate in the Honors Colloquium (Psyc 99). Psyc 99 is offered in Spring and Fall quarters and meets on Wednesdays 4:45-6:15 pm. The class will include career development activities, technical skill development, guest speakers, as well as activities designed to enhance and support you as honors students. The class culminates with a public presentation describing the major project you have in progress when the Fall quarter ends.

Major Project Coursework

If you choose the RESEARCH option, you must identify a mentor (typically a faculty member in the Psychology Department) who is willing to sponsor your application to and participation in the honors program. You’ll earn 5 units of PSYC 199E credit, with your mentor as instructor of record, for 100 hours of participation in the lab (which can be spread over multiple terms). The details of your work are something you negotiate with your mentor.

If you choose the INTERNSHIP option, you’ll earn 5 units of PSYC 198E credit, with Professor Kieran Sullivan as the instructor of record, for 100 hours of participation at your internship site. There are numerous resources on campus to help you find an appropriate internship which will be discussed in the Psyc 99 course. As Professor Sullivan is the instructor, you will consult with her to determine how you’ll work toward the 100-hour requirement. Often, students will begin working at a site and tracking hours before the quarter in which the 198E credits are earned. You must complete at least 50% of the hours during the quarter in which you complete the 198E credits, however. You will connect with Professor Sullivan if you have questions about the specific requirements.

To be clear, for either option, expect to put at least 100 hours of participation into your major project, where, again, the work can be spread over multiple quarters. Both options allow you to earn 5 units in the final quarter of your participation in the program, which can count as an upper-division elective toward the psychology major requirements. You will write a paper and give a public presentation on your work, which will serve not only as fulfillment of the Psychology Honors program requirements but also as part of the basis of your letter grade for PSYC 198E/199E.

Other Expectations

All students enrolled in Psyc 99 will be expected to contribute toward at least one tangible service project to benefit either the SCU psychology department, the SCU community, our surrounding community in Santa Clara, or the profession of psychology more broadly.


Q: Do I get a grade for P99?

A: The class is P/NP.


Q: Do you sign me up for P198E/P199E?

A: No. You will need to do that yourself, through the Petition for Independent Study form on the SCU Registrar’s website. (Look under Forms on their landing page.) After submitting the application, either Professor Sullivan (P198E) or your research mentor (P199E) will receive an email about your intent to enroll and will need to approve it before the Registrar will enroll you in the course. If you are conducting research, you should consult with your mentor on aspects of the application as you work on it, e.g., bibliography, timeline for work, meeting schedule with mentor, etc.


Q: I want to do an internship. Can you help me find one?

A: No. There are a number of resources on campus to assist you in finding an appropriate internship. These will be discussed in the Spring quarter Psyc 99 class. Professor Sullivan is the person to consult if you are stuck and have specific questions about what might be a suitable site.


Q: I have a busy schedule! May I miss P99 classes?  

A: Attendance and participation are required for all Psyc 99 class meetings. Students who fall below the expectations set at the start of the quarter will earn an NP for the course.


Q: I want to switch from doing research to an internship (or vice versa). May I?

A: Yes, assuming you’re still early in the process.  If you choose to do this, notify the Psyc 99 instructor ASAP.


Q: I’m a junior but I’m going abroad in the spring. Can I still get accepted into this program? What if I’m a senior who will miss fall quarter?

A: Missing either quarter of Psyc 99 is not recommended for students in the program. If you enter the program as a Junior but are unable to complete the Fall quarter due to unforeseen circumstances, please speak with the Psyc 99 instructor. 


Q: I’m graduating a quarter early (end of Winter). Can I still participate in the program?

A: Yes, you may still participate in the Honors Program, however, if accepted, we recommend that you speak with your faculty mentor (for research) or with Professor Sullivan (for internships) as soon as possible to lay out a concrete plan for finishing your major project in time. 


Q: How and when will I know if I’ve been accepted into the Psychology Department Honors Program?

A: You will hear from us by email before Spring registration begins. 


Q: I'm eligible and interested. How do I apply?

A: Please complete an application online. For current Juniors applying to enter in Spring quarter, the form must be submitted by 5 pm on the Friday of Week 5 of Winter quarter.