Bike Information
There are a total of 603 bike racks around campus to reduce bicycle theft. In an effort to safeguard bicycles parked on campus, our P&TS department recommends the following:
- Register your bicycle in SCU’s Bike Registry
- Once registered, an Alternative Transit Card will be provided. Please see below for more details.
- Register your bicycle with the National Bike Registry
- Secure your bicycle with a lock at bicycle racks
- U-locks are available for purchase in our P&TS office at a subsidized rate
- Utilize bicycle lockers outside of Loyola Hall and SCDI
- Park vehicles in view of security cameras if possible
- Report any damages to vehicles or thefts to Campus Safety Services as soon as possible
Alternative Transit Card
An alternative transit card is provided (once per month) for the following modes of transportation: carpooling, bicycling, or taking the train (monthly pass only). Customers may receive a maximum of five daily parking permits, per month, for using an alternative mode of transportation to get to campus. One card is issued per person.