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Department ofMarketing

McQuarrie, Edward - Emeritus


Edward McQuarrie


Edward F. McQuarrie is a Professor Emeritus in the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. He received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Cincinnati in 1985.

He has published in three broad areas: 1) consumer response to advertising, with a focus on rhetoric and narrative; (2) qualitative research techniques and market research appropriate to technology products; and 3) emergent online consumer behaviors.  He has written four books, Customer Visits: Building a Better Market Focus, The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners, The New Consumer Online: A Sociology of Taste, Audience, and Publics, and Visual Branding: Rhetorical and Historical Analyses. His papers have appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology,  Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Advertising, Marketing Theory, and elsewhere.  He previously served as Faculty Director for Assessment at the Leavey School, responsible for the assessment of learning outcomes and the evaluation of teaching. He also served as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, responsible for the MBA and Executive MBA programs.

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