International Studies

Director: Susan Popko

Students who pursue the [international studies minor]{.underline} examine global themes, trends in globalization or intercultural communication, or use the minor to add a global dimension to their major. The minor offers students the opportunity to customize their interests through two emphases: (1) the Global Thematic Emphasis (GTE) in which students concentrate their coursework on highly individualized themes related to international or cross-cultural studies, or (2) the Area Studies emphasis in which students concentrate their coursework on selected geographic areas, Africa, Europe, or Latin America.

The Global Thematic Emphasis (GTE) offers students the opportunity to examine broad international issues that transcend a single nation or geographic area. In the GTE, students focus on a topic such as poverty and development, global health, international law, international human rights, peace and conflict resolution, cross-cultural communication, international social justice in the arts, technology and globalization, the global dimensions of natural and physical sciences, diplomacy, gender and society. Such subjects require systematic approaches distinct from the examination of single-nation or area studies. Some of the most compelling Global Thematic emphasis topics in recent years have included international law, global issues of sustainability, international women's rights, and community arts in the global context. The Global Thematic Emphasis is highly individualized and students are encouraged to develop a focus that relates to their broader interests.

The Area Studies emphasis may include a focus on Africa, Europe, or Latin America. The Area Studies emphasis offers an interdisciplinary introduction to the cultures, languages, politics, and global challenges facing the region. The Area Studies emphasis with a focus on Africa also includes study of the African diaspora and related issues of slavery, colonialism, and globalization.

Requirements for the Minor

For the minor in international studies, students must complete the equivalent of four foundation courses, a capstone course, plus an emphasis course in either Global Thematic or Area Studies as follows:

Foundation Courses

  • Foreign Language: Two upper-division courses in a foreign language related to the chosen Global Thematic or Area Studies emphasis or the equivalent, as demonstrated through successful examination through the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

  • Social Science: Two relevant courses in anthropology, communication, political science, or sociology; one of which must be ANTH 3, COMM 107A, POLI 2, POLI 25, SOCI 133, or SOCI 134

Capstone Course

A minimum of 20 contact hours in a class, academic internship, or community-based learning experience abroad. The course must include academic oversight and assessment. This requirement may be fulfilled by a minimum of one quarter study abroad related to the chosen Area Studies or Global Thematic emphasis. Students should communicate with the Associate Provost for International Programs to request approval for alternative capstone courses.

Global Thematic Emphasis (GTE) Courses

In addition to the foundation courses, students pursuing the Global Thematic emphasis must complete three courses, at least two of which must be upper division and no more than one of which may be in the student's academic major. Students develop their own theme and present a detailed proposal to the International Studies Committee for approval usually no later than the first quarter of their junior year. Students planning to incorporate academic work from a study abroad program should obtain approval prior to departure.

Area Studies Emphasis Courses

In addition to the foundation courses, students pursuing the Area Studies emphasis must complete three courses, at least two of which must be upper division and no more than one of which may be in the student's academic major. Other courses may be approved with the permission of the Associate Provost for International Programs.

  • Area Studies Africa: ECON 134, 135; ENGL 35, 130, 157, 164, 165, 166; HIST 104, 107, 141, 142, 143, 144, 149, 157, 193; FREN 111, 112, 113; POLI 146; RSOC 19, 22L, 46, 81, 170, 191; TESP 131, 184

  • Area Studies Europe: COMM 199 (appropriate topic only); ENGL 149, 155, 168; 131, 132, 134, 136, 139, 192; FREN 108, 110, 111, 116, 170, 171, 172, 182, 183; GERM 110, 111, 150, 151, 160, 182, 183; INTL 110, 119; ITAL 113, 180, 182; SPAN 125, 150, 151; PHIL 108, 109, 143, 150, 158; POLI 119, 132, 133, 134, 143, 144, 145

  • Area Studies Latin America: ANTH 185, HIST 64, 161, 162, 163, 164, 169, 196; POLI 124, 136, 136A, 137, 140, 196; SOCI 134, 135; SPAN 112, 130, 131, 135, 140, 141, 145, 146, 148

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