Chapter 13: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Professor Emeritus: Terry E. Shoup
Associate Professor Emeritus: Timothy K. Hight
Professors: Christopher Kitts, M. Godfrey Mungal
Associate Professors: Mohammad Ayoubi, Drazen Fabris, On Shun Pak, Panthea Sepehrband, Michael Taylor (Department Chair)
Assistant Professors: Michael Abbott, Jun Wang, Xiaoou Yang
Lecturers: Sina Heydari, Robert Marks, Sthanu Mahadev, Michael Neumann, Peter Woytowitz


The Department of Mechanical Engineering is dedicated to delivering up-to-date, high-quality courses across a broad range of the discipline to meet the needs of both part- and full-time graduate students. These courses are concentrated in five emphases: (1) dynamics and controls; (2) design and manufacturing; (3) mechanics and materials; (4) mechatronic systems engineering; and (5) thermofluids and energy. Educational efforts are channeled to expand the skills of prospective and practicing engineers, not only in understanding fundamentals but also in developing competence in analyzing engineering systems. The department offers graduate degrees at the master's, engineer, and doctorate levels, as well as certificates.

Master of Science Programs

An M.S. degree requires a minimum of 46 units of study with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must select one of the five areas of emphasis and develop a program of studies with an advisor. Courses taken to satisfy any particular requirement may be used to simultaneously satisfy additional requirements for which they are appropriate. Master of Science degrees must include the following:

Engineering Core: Please refer to Chapter 6 for the core list. Students must take one course (2 units) from each of these two areas:

  • Engineering and Society
  • Professional Development

Math requirement: 8 units composed of MECH 200 and 201, or MECH 202, and an approved two-course sequence or equivalent four-unit course in applied math

Depth Requirement: 8 or more units depending on the chosen emphasis

Breadth Requirement: 4 units in other emphases outside one’s chosen emphasis. No double dip is allowed.

At least 28 units from graduate courses in mechanical engineering.

All emphases offer a culminating experience, which can be pursued by taking MECH 290 (Graduate Research/Project) and/or MECH 299 (Master’s Thesis).  Up to 6 units of MECH 290 can be taken and counted toward the 46-unit requirement.  Those who write a thesis or publish an article in a peer-reviewed journal can take 6 more units of MECH 299. Some emphases may require the culminating experience.

The student may take any additional graduate courses, as needed, offered by the School of Engineering to meet the minimum 46-unit requirement.

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Design and Manufacturing

Advisors: Dr. Michael Abbott, Dr. Sthanu Mahadev, Dr. Panthea Sepehrband, Dr. Jun Wang, Dr. Peter Woytowitz, Dr. Xiaoou Yang

The Design & Manufacturing (DM) emphasis in the Department of Mechanical Engineering allows students to develop abilities and skills in mechanical design and aspects of manufacturing in achieving competence in product development.

Core Courses (Students need to take at least 8 units out of these courses)

  • MECH 251 Finite Element Methods I (4 units)
  • MECH 275 Design for Competitiveness (2 units)
  • MECH 281 Elasticity, Fracture, and Fatigue (4 units)
  • MECH 285 Computer-Aided Design of Mechanisms (2 units)
  • MECH 325 Computational Geometry for Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture (2 units)
  • MECH 415 Optimization in Mechanical Design (2 units)

Other Related Courses

  • MECH 252 Finite Element Methods II (4 units)
  • MECH 257 Engineering Simulation and Modeling (4 units)
  • MECH 276 Design for Manufacturability (2 units)
  • MECH 293 Special Topics in Design & Manufacturing (2-4 units)
    (Tentative Topics: Designing with Plastic Materials; Processing Plastic Materials; CNC Machining; Additive/Hybrid Manufacturing; Advanced Manufacturing Lab)
  • MECH 371/372 Space Systems Design and Engineering I, II (4 units each)

Dynamics and Controls

Advisors: Dr. Mohammad Ayoubi, Dr. Christopher Kitts

The Dynamics and Controls (D&C) emphasis in the Department of Mechanical Engineering provides a foundation for students to utilize physics-based or data-driven techniques to model, identify, analyze, and regulate the behavior of dynamical systems. The important feature is to achieve the specified objectives in an optimal fashion while coping with the disturbances and model uncertainties.

Core Courses (Students need to take at least 8 units out of these courses)

  • MECH 220 Orbital Mechanics (4 units)
  • MECH 323/324 Modern Control Systems I, II (2 units each)
  • MECH 429/430 Optimal Control I, II (2 units each)

Other Related Courses

  • MECH 214 Advanced Dynamics (4 units)
  • MECH 305 Advanced Vibrations (4 units)
  • MECH 232 Multibody Dynamics (4 units)
  • MECH 296 Special Topics in Dynamics and Controls
  • MECH 337/338 Robotics I, II (2 units each)

Mechanics and Materials

Advisors: Dr. Sthanu Mahadev, Dr. Robert Marks, Dr. On Shun Pak, Dr. Panthea Sepehrband, Dr. Michael Taylor, Dr. Peter Woytowitz

The Mechanics & Materials (MM) emphasis in the Department of Mechanical Engineering allows students to explore the science of materials and how those materials move and deform in response to thermomechanical loading.

Core Courses (Students need to take at least 8 units out of these courses)

  • MECH 251 Finite Element Methods I (4 units)
  • MECH 281 Elasticity, Fracture, and Fatigue (4 units)
  • MECH 330 Atomic Bonding, Crystal Structure, and Material Properties (4 units)
  • MECH 331 Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations (4 units)
  • MECH 377 Continuum Mechanics (4 units)

Other Related Courses

  • MECH 230 Statistical Thermodynamics (2 units)
  • MECH 252 Finite Element Methods II (4 units)
  • MECH 293 Special Topics in Mechanics and Materials
  • MECH 333 Experiments in Material Science (2 units)
  • MECH 350 Composite Materials (4 units)

Mechatronic Systems Engineering

Advisor: Dr. Michael Abbott, Dr. Christopher Kitts

The Mechatronic Systems Engineering (MSE) emphasis in the Department of Mechanical Engineering focuses on the methods and techniques relating to the design, control, and operation of complex modern engineering systems.

Core Courses (Students must complete 10 units of coursework as specified below in requirements A, B, and C.)

(A) Mechatronics: Students will need to complete the 6-unit graduate mechatronic sequence:

  • MECH 207 and 208 Advanced Mechatronics I, II (3 units each)

(B) Systems: In addition, students will need to complete a minimum of 2 units of coursework from the following list of “systems” courses; additional courses may apply based on approval from faculty in the emphasis area.

  • MECH 292 Special Topics in Mechatronic Systems Engineering (2-4 units)
    (Tentative Topics: UAV Systems; Marine Systems)
  • MECH 311 Design and Control of Telerobotic Systems (4 units)
  • MECH 337/338 Robotics I, II (2 units each)
  • MECH 371/372 Space Systems Design and Engineering I, II (4 units each)
  • MECH 379 Satellite Operations (1 unit)

(C) Design Process: Students must also complete a 2-unit course in systems development. Some of these options may be used to also satisfy the degree’s enrichment requirement. Courses that satisfy this requirement include:

  • MECH 275 Design for Competitiveness (2 units)
  • EMGT 380 Introduction to Systems Engineering Management (2 units)

Other Related Courses

  • MECH 209/210 Advanced Mechatronics III, IV (2 units each)
  • MECH 217 Introduction to Control (2 units)
  • MECH 218/219 Guidance and Control I, II (2 units each)
  • MECH 323/324 Modern Control System Design I, II (2 units each)
  • MECH 345 Instrumentation and Design of Experiment (2 units)

Culminating experience (Required):  Students must complete a culminating project in the form of a capstone project (4-6 units) or a research-based thesis. The experiences take a minimum of two quarters to complete and should be discussed with faculty members in the emphasis area.

Thermofluids and Energy

Advisors: Dr. Drazen Fabris, Dr. Godfrey Mungal, Dr. On Shun Pak

The ThermoFluids and Energy (TFE) emphasis in the Department of Mechanical Engineering explores mechanisms and application of fluid motion at various scales and energy conversion.

Core Courses (Students need to take at least 8 units out of these courses)

  • MECH 228 Energy Conversion and Conservation (4 units) 
  • MECH 239 Solid State Power Generation and Energy Harvesting (4 units)
  • MECH 241 Approximation and Design of Heat Transfer System (4 units)
  • MECH 266 Viscous Flow & Advanced Fluid Mechanics (4 units)
  • MECH 377 Continuum Mechanics (4 units)

Other Related Courses

  • MECH 225 Gas Dynamics (2 units)
  • MECH 230 Statistical Thermodynamics (2 units)
  • MECH 241 Advanced Heat Transfer (4 units)
  • MECH 268 Computational Fluid Dynamics I (2 units)
  • MECH 269 Computational Fluid Dynamics II (2 units)
  • MECH 271 Turbulent and Convective Flow (4 units)
  • MECH 295 Special Topics in Thermofluids & Energy (2-4 units)

(Tentative Topics: Building Energy System Control (HVAC); Electronic Equipment Cooling; Microscale Fluid Mechanics; Water Purification & Desalination)

  • MECH 345: Instrumentation and Design of Experiment (2 units)

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering

Advisors: Dr. Mohammad Ayoubi

Required Core Courses (minimum 8 units)

  • MECH 214 Advanced Dynamics (4 units)
  • MECH 251 Finite Element Methods I (4 units)
  • MECH 281 Elasticity, Fracture, and Fatigue (4 units)
  • MECH 305 Advanced Vibrations (4 units)
  • MECH 323/324 Modern Control Systems I, II (2 units each)
  • MECH 377 Continuum Mechanics (4 units)

Required Aerospace Engineering Courses (minimum 12 units)

  • MECH 205/206 Aircraft Flight Dynamics and Control I, II (2 units each)
  • MECH 220 Orbital Mechanics (4 units)
  • MECH 222 Aircraft and Rotorcraft System Identification (2 units)
  • MECH 313 Advanced Aerospace Structures (4 units)
  • MECH 371 Space Systems Design and Engineering I (4 units)
  • MECH 431 Spacecraft Dynamics and Control (4 units)

Elective Courses (recommended)

  • MECH 232 Multibody Dynamics (4 units)
  • MECH 290 Graduate Research/Project (1–6 units)
  • MECH 299 Master’s Thesis (1–3 units)
  • MECH 355/356 Adaptive Control I, II (2 units each)
  • MECH 372 Space Systems Design and Engineering II (4 units)
  • MECH 420/ECEN 238 Model Predictive Control (2 units)
  • MECH 423/424 Nonlinear Systems and Control I, II (2 units each)
  • MECH 429/430 Optimal Control I and II (2 units each)

Doctor of Philosophy Program

The Doctor of Philosophy degree is conferred by the School of Engineering in recognition of competence in the subject field and the ability to investigate engineering problems independently, resulting in a new contribution to knowledge in the field.

See Chapters 2 and 3 for details on admission and general degree requirements. The following departmental information augments the general School requirements.

Doctoral Advisor

A temporary academic advisor will be provided to the student upon admission. The student and advisor must meet prior to registration for the second quarter to complete a preliminary program of studies, which will be determined largely by the coursework needed for the preliminary exam.

Preliminary Exam

A preliminary written exam is offered at least once per year by the School of Engineering as needed. The purpose is to ascertain the depth and breadth of the student’s preparation and suitability for Ph.D. work. Each student in mechanical engineering must take and pass an exam in mathematics as well as in two areas from the following list: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Strength of Materials, Dynamics, Design, Controls, Vibrations, Finite Element Analysis, Material Science, and Thermodynamics. The advisor must approve the student’s petition to take the exam. This exam should be taken within one year of starting the program.

Doctoral Committee

After passing the Ph.D. preliminary exam, a student requests his or her thesis advisor to form a doctoral committee. The committee consists of at least five members, each of which must have earned a doctoral degree in a field of engineering or a related discipline. This includes the student’s thesis advisor, at least two other current faculty members of the student’s major department at Santa Clara University, and at least one current faculty member from another appropriate academic department at Santa Clara University. The committee reviews the student’s program of study, conducts an oral comprehensive exam, conducts the dissertation defense, and reviews the thesis. Successful completion of the doctoral program requires that the student’s program of study, performance on the oral comprehensive examination, dissertation defense, and thesis itself meet with the approval of all committee members.

Time Limit for Completing Degree

All requirements for the doctoral degree must be completed within eight years following initial enrollment in the Ph.D. program. This includes leave of absence/withdrawals. Extensions will be allowed only in unusual circumstances and must be recommended in writing by the student’s doctoral committee and approved by the dean of engineering in consultation with the Research Program Leadership Council.

Engineer’s Degree Program

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers an engineer’s degree program. Details on admissions and requirements are shown in Chapter 2. Students interested in this program should seek individual advice from the department chair prior to applying.

Certificate Programs

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a certificate in the five concentration areas (Design and Manufacturing; Dynamics and Controls; Mechanics and Materials; Mechatronic Systems Engineering; Thermofluids and Energy) as well as general mechanical engineering. The certificate program is designed for working professionals, who would like to deepen their understanding of disciplinary subjects and apply the knowledge toward real engineering problems. One can receive a certificate in Mechanical Engineering by taking 16 units of Mechanical Engineering graduate courses with a minimum GPA of 3.000 and a grade of C or better in each course. Candidates for a certificate in a specific concentration area must take at least 8 units of core courses from the concentration area, which is listed under the section “Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering.” Applicants must have completed an accredited bachelor’s degree program in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field of engineering. Up to 16 units earned in a certificate can be transferred toward another advanced degree program at SCU if they are accepted to the M.S. or Ph.D. program.

Mechanical Engineering Laboratories

The mechanical engineering laboratories contain facilities for instruction and research in the fields of manufacturing, materials science, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, combustion, instrumentation, vibration and control systems, and robotic systems.

The Materials Research Laboratory supports interdisciplinary research efforts related to process-structure-property relations in engineering materials. Its principal activities focus on the characterization, quantitative analysis, and modeling of nano- and microstructural evolution in materials during thermal and mechanical processing.

The Robotic Systems Laboratory is an interdisciplinary laboratory specializing in the design, control, and teleoperation of highly capable robotic systems for scientific discovery, technology validation, and engineering education. Laboratory students develop and operate systems that include spacecraft, underwater robots, aircraft, land rovers, and robotic manipulators. These projects serve as ideal testbeds for learning and conducting research in mechatronic system design, guidance and navigation, command and control systems, and human-machine interfaces.

The Energy System Design & Optimization Laboratory explores topics related to energy sustainability, including building energy system control via Internet-of-Things (IoT); renewable energy; energy storage materials and system optimization; energy harvesting and conversion; and transactive energy (smart grid). Overarching goal of the various projects in the lab is to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels for a sustainable future. The Lab is also interested in making an impact on people in emerging markets, by providing sustainable and economically viable energy/water solutions: portable refrigerators for last-mile delivery; clean cookstoves; and desalination.

The Theoretical and Computational Mechanics Laboratory explores emerging problems in fluid and solid mechanics utilizing the tools of applied mathematics and numerical simulation. Research areas include low Reynolds number flow, microswimmers, biological flows and membranes, thin film mechanics, fracture simulation, auxetic metamaterials, and parallel computing.

The Micro Scale Heat Transfer Laboratory (MSHTL) develops state-of-the-art experimentation in processes such as micro-boiling, spray cooling, and laser-induced fluorescence thermometry. Today, trends indicate that these processes are finding interesting applications in drop-on-demand delivery systems, ink-jet technology, and fast transient systems (such as combustion or microseconds scale boiling).

The CAM and Prototyping Laboratory consists of two machine shops and a prototyping area. One machine shop is dedicated to student use for University-directed design and research projects. The second is a teaching lab used for undergraduate and graduate instruction. Both are equipped with modern machine tools, such as lathes and milling machines. The milling machines all have two-axis computer numerically controlled (CNC) capability. The teaching lab also houses two three-axis CNCvertical milling centers (VMC) and a CNC lathe. Commercial CAM software is available to aid in programming of the computer-controlled equipment. The prototyping area is equipped with a rapid prototyping system that utilizes fused deposition modeling (FDM) to create plastic prototypes from CAD-generated models. Also featured in this area is an Epilog Laser cutter/engraver system for nonmetallic materials.

The Fluid Dynamics/Thermal Science Laboratory contains equipment to illustrate the principles of fluid flow and heat transfer and to familiarize students with hydraulic machines, refrigeration cycles, and their instrumentation. The lab also contains a subsonic wind tunnel equipped with an axial flow fan with adjustable pitch blades to study aerodynamics. Research tools include modern, non-intrusive flow measurement systems.

The Heat Transfer Laboratory contains equipment to describe three modes of heat transfer. The temperature measurement of the extended surface system allows students to learn steady state conduction, and the pyrometer enables the measurement of emitted power by radiation. The training systems for heat exchangers and refrigeration systems are also placed in the lab.

The Instrumentation Laboratory contains seven computer stations equipped with state-of-the-art, PC-based data acquisition hardware and software systems. A variety of transducers and test experiments for making mechanical, thermal, and fluid measurements are part of this lab.

The Materials Laboratory contains equipment for metallography and optical examination of the microstructure of materials as well as instruments for mechanical properties characterization including tension, compression, hardness, and impact testing. The Materials Laboratory also has a tube furnace for heat treating and a specialized bell-jar furnace for pour casting and suction casting of metallic glasses and novel alloy compositions.

The Vibrations Laboratory is equipped with configurable torsional, rectilinear, and inverted pendulum test apparatuses (ECP Systems) allowing for exploration of both single and multiple degree-of-freedom forced and free vibration.  In addition, the lab contains a portable laser doppler vibrometer (Polytec) to allow for non-contact measurement of vibration in continuous systems.

The Control Systems Laboratory is equipped with the Rotary Motion Platform, QUBE-Servo 2, Rotary Flexible Link, Ball and Beam, and Rotary Inverted Pendulum which are designed and manufactured by Quanser Company. All equipment works with the MATLAB/SIMULINK® environment and can be used to evaluate linear and nonlinear control algorithms.

Courses Descriptions

An up-to-date listing of undergraduate courses offered by the Department may be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Graduate Courses

MECH 200. Advanced Engineering Mathematics I

Method of solution of the first, second, and higher order differential equations (ODEs). Integral transforms include Laplace transforms, Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Also listed as AMTH 200. (2 units)

MECH 201. Advanced Engineering Mathematics II

Method of solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) including separation of variables, Fourier series, and Laplace transforms. Introduction to calculus of variations. Selected topics from vector analysis and linear algebra. Also listed as AMTH 201.Prerequisite: AMTH/MECH 200. (2 units)

MECH 202. Advanced Engineering Mathematics I and II

Method of solution of the first, second, and higher order ordinary differential equations, Laplace transforms, Fourier series and Fourier transforms, method of solution of partial differential equations including separation of variables, Fourier series, and Laplace transforms. Selected topics from vector analysis, linear algebra, and calculus of variations. Also listed as AMTH 202. (4 units)

MECH 205. Aircraft Flight Dynamics I

Review of basic aerodynamics and propulsion. Aircraft performance, including equations of flight in vertical plane, gliding, level, and climbing flight, range, and endurance, turning flight, takeoff, and landing. Prerequisite: MECH 140. (2 units)

MECH 206. Aircraft Flight Dynamics II

Developing a nonlinear six-degrees-of-freedom aircraft model, longitudinal and lateral static stability and trim, linearized longitudinal dynamics including short period and phugoid modes. Linearized lateral-directional dynamics including roll, spiral, and Dutch roll modes. Aircraft handling qualities and introduction to flight control systems. Prerequisite: MECH 140 or MECH 205. (2 units)

MECH 207. Advanced Mechatronics I

Theory of operation, analysis, and implementation of fundamental physical and electrical device components: basic circuit elements, transistors, op-amps, sensors, and electro-mechanical actuators. Application to the development of simple devices. Also listed as ECEN  460. Prerequisite: MECH 141 or ECEN 100. (3 units)

MECH 208. Advanced Mechatronics II

Theory of operation, analysis, and implementation of fundamental controller implementations: analog computers, digital state machines, microcontrollers. Application to the development of closed-loop control systems. Also listed as ECEN 461. Prerequisites: MECH 207 and 217. (3 units)

MECH 209. Advanced Mechatronics III

Electro-mechanical modeling and system development. Introduction to mechatronic support subsystems: power, communications. Fabrication techniques. Functional implementation of hybrid systems involving dynamic control and command logic. Also listed as ECEN 462. Prerequisite: MECH 208. (2 units)

MECH 210. Advanced Mechatronics IV

Application of mechatronics knowledge and skills to the development of an industry- or laboratory-sponsored mechatronics device/system. Systems engineering, concurrent design, and project management techniques. Performance assessment, verification, and validation. Advanced technical topics appropriate to the project may include robotic teleoperation, human-machine interfaces, multi-robot collaboration, and other advanced applications. Prerequisite: MECH 209. (2 units)

MECH 214. Advanced Dynamics

Partial differentiation of vector functions in a reference frame. Configuration constraints. Generalized speeds. Motion constraints. Partial angular velocities and partial linear velocities. Inertia scalars, vectors, matrices, and dyadics; principal moments of inertia. Generalized active forces. Contributing and non-contributing interaction forces. Generalized inertia forces. Relationship between generalized active forces and potential energy; generalized inertia forces and kinetic energy. Prerequisites: MECH 140 and AMTH 106. (4 units)

MECH 217. Introduction to Control

Laplace transforms block diagrams, modeling of control system components and kinematics and dynamics of control systems, and compensation. Frequency domain techniques, such as root-locus, gain-phase, Nyquist, and Nichols diagrams used to analyze control systems applications. Prerequisite: AMTH 106. (2 units)

MECH 218. Guidance and Control I

Modern and classical concepts for synthesis and analysis of guidance and control systems. Frequency and time domain methods for both continuous-time and sampled data systems. Compensation techniques for continuous-time and discrete-time control systems. Prerequisite: MECH 217, MECH 142, or instructor approval. (2 units)

MECH 219. Guidance and Control II

Continuation of MECH 218. Design and synthesis of digital and continuous-time control systems. Nonlinear control system design using phase plane and describing functions. Relay and modulator controllers. Prerequisite: MECH 218. (2 units)

MECH 220. Orbital Mechanics

This course provides the foundations of basic gravitation and orbital theory. Topics include the two-body problem, three-body problem, Lagrangian points, orbital position as a function of time, orbits in space and classical orbital elements, launch window, and calculating launch velocity. Rocket dynamics and performance, orbital maneuvers, preliminary orbit determination including Gibbs and Gauss methods, Lambert’s problem, relative motion and Clohessy-Wiltshire equations, and interplanetary flight. Prerequisites: MECH 140 or equivalent and AMTH 118 or equivalent. (4 units)

MECH 222. Aircraft and Rotorcraft System Identification

Theory and application of frequency domain system identification, collection of data, numerical Fourier Transform techniques, auto-spectra determination and frequency response identification, effect of noise and cross-control correlation, transfer function modeling, determination of state space models, model structure selection, and theoretical accuracy analysis. Prerequisites: MECH 142 or equivalent. (2 units)

MECH 225. Gas Dynamics

Flow of compressible fluids. One-dimensional isentropic flow, normal shock waves, and frictional flow. Prerequisites: MECH 121 and 132. (2 units)

MECH 228. Energy Conversion and Conservation

Principles of thermodynamic laws and their application to energy conversion technologies. Concepts of exergy, power generation from cycles, and improvement of modern power plants will be covered. Prerequisite: MECH 121. (4 units)

MECH 230. Statistical Thermodynamics

Kinetic theory of gasses. Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions, thermodynamic properties in terms of partition functions, quantum statistics, and applications. Prerequisites: AMTH 106 and MECH 121. (2 units)

MECH 232. Multibody Dynamics

Kinematics (angular velocity, differentiation in two reference frames, velocity and acceleration of two points fixed on a rigid body and one point moving on a rigid body, generalized coordinates, and generalized speeds, basis transformation matrices in terms of Euler angles and quaternions), Newton-Euler equations, kinetic energy, partial angular velocities and partial velocities, Lagrange’s equation, generalized active and inertia forces, Kane’s equation and its operational superiority in formulating equations of motion for a system of particles and hinge-connected rigid bodies in a topological tree. Linearization of dynamical equations, application to Kane’s formulation of the equations of motion of beams and plates undergoing large rotation with small deformation, dynamics of an arbitrary elastic body in large overall motion with small deformation and motion-induced stiffness, computationally efficient, recursive formulation of the equations of motion of a system of hinge-connected flexible bodies, component elastic mode selection, recursive formulation for a system of flexible bodies with structural loops, variable mass flexible rocket dynamics, modeling large elastic deformation with large reference frame motion. Prerequisite: MECH 140 or equivalent. (4 units)

MECH 239. Solid State Power Generation and Energy Harvesting

Introduction to unconventional power generation technologies via solid-state energy conversion, such as photovoltaic (solar cells); thermoelectric; piezoelectric; and fuel cells. The course involves a term project as well as in-class lab activities to design an energy harvester by exploring practical issues. (4 units)

MECH 241. Approximation and Design of Heat Transfer System

Introduction to concepts of heat transfer mechanisms. Back-of-the-envelope style approximation for heat transfer system design problems. Prerequisite: MECH 123. (4 units)

MECH 242. Advanced Heat Transfer

Conservation equations to derive governing relations for fundamental heat transfer phenomena. More in-depth approach for Conduction; Convection; and Radiation. Prerequisite: MECH 123 or Undergraduate Heat Transfer. (4 units)

MECH 251. Finite Element Methods I

Introduction to finite elements; direct and variational basis for the governing equations; method of weighted residuals; elements and interpolating functions. Applications to general field problems: elasticity, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Extensive use of software packages. Also listed as MECH151. Prerequisites: MECH 45 or equivalent and AMTH 106. (4 units)

MECH 252. Finite Element Methods II

Solution of nonlinear problems using finite element analysis. Methods for solving nonlinear matrix equations. Material, geometrical, boundary condition (contact), and other types of nonlinearities and application to solid mechanics. Transient nonlinear problems in thermal and fluid mechanics. Application of commercial FF codes to nonlinear analysis. Prerequisite: MECH 251. (4 units)

MECH 257. Engineering Simulations and Modeling

Simulation and modeling of solids and fluids using modern computational methods. Application of finite element modeling techniques to analyze mechanical systems subjected to various types of loading. Heat conduction and fluid interaction effects with solids. Transient problems including vibrations. Practical experience gained in using commercial simulation packages and interacting with CAD systems. Review of basic finite element theory with particular attention to modeling loads, constraints, and materials. Prerequisites: CENG 43, MECH 122, MECH 123 (can be taken concurrently) or equivalent knowledge. (4 units)

MECH 266. Viscous Flow & Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Mathematical formulation of the conservation laws and theorems applied to flow fields. Potential flow, creeping flow, and physical phenomena. Derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations. The boundary layer approximations for high Reynolds number flow. Exact and approximate solutions of laminar flows. Prerequisite: MECH 122. (4 units)

MECH 268. Computational Fluid Mechanics I

Introduction to the numerical solution of fluid flow. Application to general and simplified forms of the fluid dynamics equations. Discretization methods, numerical grid generation, and numerical algorithms based on finite difference techniques. Prerequisite: MECH 266. (2 units)

MECH 269. Computational Fluid Mechanics II

Continuation of MECH 268. Generalized coordinate systems. Multidimensional compressible flow problems, turbulence modeling. Prerequisite: MECH 268. (2 units)

MECH 271. Turbulent and Convective Flow

Similarity solutions, instability, fundamentals of turbulence, convective heat transfer. Analytical and approximate solution techniques. Prerequisite: MECH 123 or MECH 266. (4 units)

MECH 275. Design for Competitiveness

Overview of current design techniques aimed at improving global competitiveness. Design strategies and specific techniques. Group design projects in order to put these design ideas into simulated practice. (2 units)

MECH 276. Design for Manufacturability

Design for manufacturability and its applications within the product design process. Survey of design for manufacturability as it relates to design process, quality, robust design, material and process selection, functionality, and usability. Students will participate in group and individual projects that explore design for manufacturability considerations in consumer products. (2 units)

MECH 281. Elasticity, Fracture, and Fatigue

Fundamentals of the theory of linear elasticity, formulation of boundary value problems, applications to torsion, plane stress & strain, flexure, and bending of plates. Introduction to three-dimensional solutions. Fracture mechanics evaluation of structures containing defects. Theoretical development of stress intensity factors. Fracture toughness testing. Relationships among stress, flaw size, and material toughness. Emphasis on design applications with examples from aerospace, nuclear, and structural components. Prerequisite: Instructor approval. (4 units)

MECH 285. Computer-Aided Design of Mechanisms

Kinematic synthesis of mechanisms. Graphical and analytical mechanism synthesis techniques for motion generation, function generation, and path generation problems. Overview of various computer software packages available for mechanism design. (2 units)

MECH 286. Introduction to Wind Energy Engineering

Introduction to renewable energy, history of wind energy, types and applications of various wind turbines, wind characteristics, and resources, introduction to different parts of a wind turbine including the aerodynamics of propellers, mechanical systems, electrical and electronic systems, wind energy system economics, environmental aspects and impacts of wind turbines, and the future of wind energy. Also listed as ECEN 286. (2 units)

MECH 287. Introduction to Alternative Energy Systems

Assessment of current and potential future energy systems; covering resources, extraction, conversion, and end-use. Emphasis on meeting regional and global energy needs in a sustainable manner. Different renewable and conventional energy technologies will be presented and their attributes described to evaluate and analyze energy technology systems. Also listed as ECEN 280. (2 units)

MECH 290. Graduate Research/Project

Research into topics of mechanical engineering; topics and credit to be determined by the instructor, report required, cannot be converted into Master or Ph.D. research. By arrangement. Prerequisites: instructor and department chair approval. May be repeated up to 6 units. (1–6 units)

MECH 291. Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering

Topics vary each quarter. (2-4 units)

MECH 292. Special Topics in Mechatronic Systems Engineering

Topics vary each quarter. (2-4 units)

MECH 293. Special Topics in Mechanics and Materials

Topics vary each quarter. (2-4 units)

MECH 294. Special Topics in Design and Manufacturing

Topics vary each quarter. (2-4 units)

MECH 295. Special Topics in Thermofluids and Energy

Topics vary each quarter. (2-4 units)

MECH 296. Special Topics in Dynamics and Controls

Topics vary each quarter. (2-4 units)

MECH 297. Seminar

Discrete lectures on current problems and progress in fields related to mechanical engineering. P/NP grading. (1 unit)

MECH 298. Independent Study

By arrangement. (1–6 units)

MECH 299. Master’s Thesis

By arrangement. May be repeated up to 6 units. (1–6 units)

MECH 305. Advanced Vibrations

Response of single and two-degrees-of-freedom systems to initial, periodic, nonperiodic excitations. Reviewing the elements of analytical dynamics, including the principle of virtual work, Hamilton’s principle, and Lagrange’s equations. Response of multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Modeling and dynamic response of discrete vibrating elastic bodies. Analytical techniques for solving dynamic and vibration problems. Vector-tensor-matrix formulation with practical applications to computer simulation. Dynamic response of continuous elastic systems. Strings, membranes, beams, and plates are exposed to various dynamic loading. Applications to aero-elastic systems and mechanical systems. Modal analysis and finite element methods applied to vibrating systems. Prerequisite: MECH 141. (4 units)

MECH 311. Modeling and Control of Telerobotic Systems

Case studies of telerobotic devices and mission control architectures. Analysis and control techniques relevant to the remote operation of devices, vehicles, and facilities. Development of a significant research project involving modeling, simulation, or experimentation, and leading to the publication of results. Prerequisite: Instructor approval. (4 units)

MECH 313. Advanced Aerospace Structures

Advanced aircraft, spacecraft structural design, and analysis. Airworthiness requirements and load factors. Stress analysis of aircraft components including wing spars and box beams, fuselage structures, and structural materials. Defection analysis of structural systems. Conventional, stiffened, sandwich, and laminated composite structures. Thermal effects. Prerequisite: MECH 153. (4 units)

MECH 323. Modern Control Systems I

Concept of state-space descriptions of dynamic systems. Relations to frequency domain descriptions. State-space realizations and canonical forms. Stability. Controllability and observability. State feedback and observer design. Also listed as ECEN 236. Prerequisite: MECH 142 or 217. (2 units)

MECH 324. Modern Control Systems II

Shaping the dynamic response, pole placement, reduced-order observers, LQG/LTR, introduction to random process, and Kalman filters. Prerequisite: MECH 323. (2 units)

MECH 325. Computational Geometry for Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture

Analytic basis for the description of points, curves, and surfaces in three-dimensional space. Generation of surfaces for numerically driven machine tools. Plane coordinate geometry, three-dimensional geometry, and vector algebra, coordinate transformations, three-dimensional curve and surface geometry, and curve and surface design. (2 units)

MECH 330. Atomic Bonding, Crystal Structure, and Material Properties

Structure of crystalline materials and the relationship between structure and mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. For all engineering disciplines. Prerequisites: AMTH 245 or MECH 200 or MECH 202. (4 units)

MECH 331. Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations

Thermodynamics of multi-component systems and phase diagrams. Diffusion and phase transformations. For all engineering disciplines. (4 units)

MECH 333. Experiments in Materials Science

This course is an introduction to experimental methods in materials science with a focus on the evaluation of structural and physical properties, especially at the nanoscale. A review of the fundamentals of X-ray, SEM, EDS, and TEM microanalysis represents the core of the course.  The main AFM imaging modes and their applications are covered. Practical implementation concepts of Optical, Electron, and Atomic Force Microscopes are given along with sample preparation techniques, calibration methods, image analysis, and AFM artifacts. (2 units)

MECH 335. Adaptive Control I

Overview of adaptive control, Lyapunov stability theory, direct and indirect model-reference adaptive control, least-squares system identification technique, neural network approximation, and neural-network adaptive control. Prerequisites: MECH 324, ECEN 237, and knowledge of Matlab/Simulink. (2 units)

MECH 336. Adaptive Control II

Stability and robustness of adaptive controller, robust modification, bounded linear stability analysis, metrics-driven adaptive control, constraint-based optimal adaptive control, and advanced topics in adaptive control. Prerequisite: MECH 335 or instructor approval, and ECEN 237. (2 units)

MECH 337. Robotics I

Overview of robotic systems and applications. Components. Homogeneous transforms. Denavit-Hartenberg representation. Forward and inverse kinematics. Manipulator Jacobian. Singular configurations. Also listed as ECEN 337. Prerequisites: Undergraduate in linear algebra or strong familiarity with matrix mathematics or Instructor Permission. (2 units)

MECH 338. Robotics II

Newton-Euler Dynamics. Trajectory planning. Linear manipulator control. Nonlinear manipulator control. Joint space control. Cartesian space control. Hybrid force/position control. Obstacle avoidance. Robotic simulation. Also listed as ECEN 338. Prerequisite: MECH 337 and an Undergraduate course in linear control systems or Instructor Permission. (2 units)

MECH 339. Robotics III

Advanced topics: parallel manipulators, redundant manipulators, underactuated manipulators, coupled manipulator/platform dynamics and control, hardware experimentation and control, dextrous manipulation, multi-robot manipulation, and current research in robotic manipulation. Also listed as ELEN 339. Prerequisite: MECH 338. (2 units)

MECH 345. Instrumentation and Design of Experiments

Overview of sensors and experimental techniques. Fundamentals of computer-based data acquisition and control, principles of operation of components in a data acquisitions system. Design and analysis of engineering experiments with emphasis on practical applications. Characterization of experimental accuracy, error analysis, and statistical analysis. (2 units)

MECH 350. Composite Materials

Design, analysis, and manufacturing of composite materials. Characterization of composites at the materials and substructural levels. Hyperselection. Manufacturing technology and its impact on design. Also listed as MECH 152. (4 units)

MECH 371. Space Systems Design and Engineering I

A review of the engineering principles, technical subsystems, and design processes that serve as the foundation of developing and operating spacecraft systems. This course focuses on subsystems and analyses relating to orbital mechanics, power, command and data handling, and attitude determination and control. Also listed as ENGR/GREN 371. Note: MECH 371 and MECH 372 may be taken in any order. (4 units)

MECH 372. Space Systems Design and Engineering II

A review of the engineering principles, technical subsystems, and design processes that serve as the foundation of developing and operating spacecraft systems. This course focuses on subsystems and analyses relating to mechanical, thermal, software, and sensing elements.      Also listed as ENGR/GREN 372. Note: MECH 371 and 372 may be taken in any order. (4 units)

MECH 377. Continuum Mechanics

General introduction to the mechanics of continuous media. Topics include the kinematics of deformation, the concept of stress, and the balance laws for mass, momentum, and energy. This is followed by an introduction to constitutive theory with applications to established models for viscous fluids and elastic solids. Concepts are illustrated through the solution of tractable initial-boundary-value problems. Prerequisites: MECH 122, CENG 43, AMTH 106. (4 units)

MECH 379. Satellite Operations Laboratory

Introduces analysis and control topics relating to the operation of on-orbit spacecraft. Several teaching modules address conceptual topics to include mission and orbit planning, antenna tracking, command and telemetry operations, resource allocation, and anomaly management. Students will become certified to operate real spacecraft and will participate in the operation of both orbiting satellites and ground prototype systems. (1 unit)

MECH 399. Ph.D. Thesis Research

By arrangement. May be repeated up to 40 units. (1–9 units)

MECH 415. Optimization in Mechanical Design

Introduction to optimization: design and performance criteria. Application of optimization techniques in engineering design, including case studies. Functions of single and multiple variables. Optimization with constraints. Prerequisites: AMTH 106 and AMTH 245. (2 units)

MECH 420. Model Predictive Control

Review of state-space model in discrete time, stability, optimal control, prediction, Kalman filter. Measurable and unmeasurable disturbance, finite and receding horizon control, MPC formulation and design. Also listed as ECEN 238. Prerequisite: MECH 323 or ECEN 236. (2 units)

MECH 423. Nonlinear Control Systems I

Introduction to nonlinear phenomena, planar or second-order systems: qualitative behavior of linear systems, linearization, Lyapunov stability theory, LaSalle’s invariance principle, small gain theorem, and input-to-state stability. Prerequisite: MECH 323 or equivalent. (2 units)

MECH 424. Nonlinear Control Systems II

Continuation of MECH 423. Stabilization via linearization, Integral control, integral control via linearization, feedback linearization including input-output, input-state, and full-state linearization, sliding mode control, back-stepping, controllability and observability of nonlinear systems, model reference and self-tuning adaptive control. (2 units)

MECH 429. Optimal Control I

Introduction to the principles and methods of the optimal control approach: performance measure criteria including the definition of minimum-time, terminal control, minimum-control effort, tracking, and regulatory problems, calculus of variations applied to optimal control problems including Euler-Lagrange equation, transversality condition constraint, Pontryagin’s minimum principle (PMP), linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and tracking control problems. Also listed as ECEN 237. Prerequisite: MECH 323 or an equivalent course in linear system theory. Students are expected to be proficient in MATLAB/Simulink or MECH 142 or equivalent. (2 units)

MECH 430. Optimal Control II

Continuation of Optimal Control I, control with state constraints, minimum-time and minimum-fuel problems, singular arcs, Bellman’s principle of optimality, dynamic programming, the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (H-J-B) equation, and introduction to differential game theory including zero-sum game and linear quadratic differential game problem. Prerequisite: MECH 429 or an equivalent course. Students are expected to be proficient in MATLAB/Simulink. (2 units)

MECH 431. Spacecraft Dynamics and Control

Kinematics and Attitude dynamics, gravity-gradient stabilization, single and dual-spin stabilization, control laws with momentum exchange devices, and momentum wheels. Time-optimal slew maneuvers, momentum-biased attitude stabilization, reaction thruster attitude control, introduction to dynamics of flexible spacecraft, and liquid sloshing problem. Prerequisites: MECH 140 and AMTH 106. (4 units)