This page layout includes the SCU core navigation, and a main content area suitable for full-width adaptable content types.
The Jumbotron, Block Left/Right, Pull Quote, General Content, and Agenda content types can be used in a landing page layout. In fact, any content type can be used if you've added opening and closing Landing Page Content Container content types before and after the content.
This is the Jumbotron Block content type. Apply the .lead style to paragraph tags to increase the text size.
Jumbotron Hero - The caption is optional, and can be positioned to the left or right. You can also apply a custom setting to the dimming level for the background image, as needed.
General Content blocks can be used in a Landing Page layout.
The General Content element that's used widely in TerminalFour pages can be used in landing page. Just check the "display in Main content area" and "Landing Page" checkboxes.
Here's a straight-up jumbotron with a cool gradient fade.
The block, gradient, and video Jumbotrons offer a Call-to-action button option.

This content type includes an image and associated text, with an option to include a call-to-action button.
The image can be positioned on the left or right side, and the text block width can be set to half or two-thirds of the container width. This content type works in all page layouts, including landing pages. By default each block is set at 50% width, and the image is on the left side.
The Jumbotron Block can use a background image instead of the background color options. The content type includes a dimming option which applies a range of opacity levels to the background image, to improve the contrast between the backround and foreground text.
Landing Page Content Container
Add this content type before and after any standard T4 content types to adapt content to the full-width Landing Page layouts.
The Landing Page Content Container includes options to set the background color or image, and include heading and intro text (as we see here) above the container content.

The Learning Commons and Library was designed to support the diverse learning and scholarship needs of SCU students, faculty and staff.

The Leavey Center is home court for the men's and women's basketball, and women's volleyball teams.

Charney Hall is the new home to Santa Clara University’s School of Law. This facility has 96,000 square feet of classroom, office, study and library space.

The Mission Santa Clara de Asis is the eighth-oldest mission site in California; the current building was constructed in 1927-28 after a fire and is a replica of the early 19th century church.
The video Jumbotron can be positioned at the top of the page below the header, or in the main body of the page.
SCU Design System