Division of Student Life Leadership Group
Navigate here to Heather Dumas-Dyer
Heather Dumas-Dyer
Associate Vice Provost for Student Health, Counseling and Well-Being
Phone: 408-554-4501
Email: hdumasdyer@scu.edu
Navigate here to Janice DeMonsi
Janice DeMonsi
Campus Recreation
Phone: 408-554-5491
Email: jdemonsi@scu.edu
Navigate here to Matthew Duncan
Matthew Duncan
Dean of Students
Phone: 408-554-4583
Email: mduncan@scu.edu
Navigate here to Jason Lau, Ph.D.
Jason Lau, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice Provost for Student Life Finance and Administration
Phone: 408-554-2791
Email: jlau2@scu.edu
Navigate here to Lafayette Baker
Lafayette Baker
Director, Office of Residence Life
Phone: 408-554-4900
Email: lbaker@scu.edu
Navigate here to Philip Beltran
Philip Beltran
Campus Safety Services
Phone: 408-554-4161
Email: pjbeltran@scu.edu
Navigate here to Tedd Vanadilok
Tedd Vanadilok
Center for Student Involvement
Phone: 408-554-5423
Email: tvanadilok@scu.edu
Navigate here to Steven Ponce
Steven Ponce
Director, Parent & Family
Communication and Engagement
Phone: 408-554-4996
Email: sponce@scu.edu