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Cultural Resources

The Cultural Resources Management (CRM) Program guides the university through the archaeological mitigation process during construction projects. The CRM program ensures that SCU's history is conserved in order to meet the university's ethical and legal obligations as stewards of the past. Working in tandem with university and city planners, the CRM program balances the requirement for historic preservation with the ongoing needs of a dynamic campus.


Linda Hylkema Director, Cultural Resources Management (408) 554-4513
Tiffany Torma Archaeological Collections Manager (408) 554-2122
Collection Volunteers (Year-Round)

Kathleen Campos                                  Sandra Burke                                  Nancy O'Shea

Ranae Marengo                                    May Goodreau                                 Add Your Name Here!


The Conservation and Curation Facility (CCF), which houses the Cultural Resource Management Program (CRM) office, fulfills a four-fold purpose:

Cultural Resource Management is a process by which the protection and management of the multitudinous elements of cultural heritage are given consideration in a modern world with an expanding population and changing needs. Most often equated with archeology, CRM in fact, comprises a range of property types, including cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, historical records, old buildings, industrial heritage, folk-life and ethnography.

Within, and around, the SCU campus is a tremendous amount of history, often manifested by rich archaeological deposits that may be impacted by ground-disturbing projects. Staffed by a professional archaeologist, the University’s CRM office maintains a proactive role in the recovery of archaeological information prior to construction. Working in tandem with university and city planners, the tasks of pre-field research, archaeological field work, post-field artifact analysis, report writing and curation requirements are treated as planned “construction phases” and coordinated by the CRM program.  This ensures that they are treated as discrete, proactive elements within the project schedule and are not reactive “project-stoppers.”  SCU’s CRM program balances the requirement for historic preservation with the needs of a growing campus.

Our 10,500 sq ft curation facility, currently housed within the Ricard Memorial Observatory, provides storage for over 2,300 boxes of artifacts spanning the last 2,000 years. Within the facility, wet and dry labs provide space for the processing of artifacts to ready them for exhibition and/or curation. Volunteers and students hired each year as archaeological technicians learn to process artifacts, conduct research, catalog and maintain collections, and other invaluable services.


The CRM program is responsible for artifact curation and writing the reports that describe archaeological findings for each construction project.  Other researchers often have specific topics of interest that require further investigation. The CRM program is committed to providing the best possible service to the academic and professional communities by providing access to the archaeological materials and completed reports to assist them in their research.


Our public outreach efforts are a critical part of the CRM process. The CRM manager regularly writes articles and makes presentations at professional conferences, vocational interest groups, and on-campus programs.  She also keeps up-to-date on current research advances and best management practices for the CRM profession.  Additionally, the CRM program provides collections support and expertise for teaching history and archeology, and offers opportunities for volunteer, internship and employment opportunities for students to work with and learn about regional history and archaeology.


NAGPRA and Cal-NAGPRA Updates (2024)

Please direct all Cal-NAGPRA or NAGPRA concerns to Kate Morris at Thank you.