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A black circle with the word turn with a red letter U next to the words tUrn Climate Crisis Awareness & Action

Multi/Interfaith & Nontheists

Initiatives and resources for faith communities and nontheists


Religious Statements on Climate Change | Interfaith Power & Light

Links to climate change statements in contexts of the Baha’i Faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Interfaith, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, and Unitarian Universalism.


Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology seeks to identify ecological and justice perspectives in the religions of the world and encourage solutions to environmental crises through dialogue between different spiritual communities, scientists, and policymakers. It hosts events as well as publicizes news and articles related to religion and ecology worldwide.


  • A white candle flame in a blue circle with the words
    Romero Institute

    The Romero Institute is an interfaith, nonprofit law and public policy center. They focus on structural injustices through litigation and help protect vulnerable people from those doing humanitarian and environmental harm.

  • A white outline of a tree within a dome shape and the words,
    Interfaith Rainforest Initiative

    “The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative brings the commitment, influence and moral authority of religions to efforts to protect the world’s rainforests and the indigenous peoples that serve as their guardians.” See especially: Faith Toolkits for guidance specific to different religious communities


  • The word, greenfaith, written in dark green with teal rays surrounding the g and a leaf icon in the dot of the i

    Greenfaith is a global multifaith environmental and climate network that organizes within local Circles to advocate for climate action among religious and spiritual groups. This organization was represented in tUrn6 (spring 2022) by Nana Firman who spoke at our interfaith panel.


  • Catholic Climate Covenant, Care for Creation, Care for the Poor, below a blue cross with a green leaf & hand in the center
    Catholic Climate Covenant

    The Catholic Climate Covenant seeks to “inspire and equip people and institutions to care for creation and care for the poor.” Its 20 national partners “guide the U.S. Church's response to climate change by educating, giving public witness, and offering resources.” This organization was represented in tUrn6 (spring 2022) by Anna Robertson who spoke at our interfaith panel.

  • The words, DAYENU, A Jewish Call to Climate Action, written next to a blue gradient ring of dots

    “Dayenu is a movement of American Jews confronting the climate crisis” by supporting climate solutions, building “collective power with national and global movements, and raising up a spiritual, religious, and moral voice.” This organization was represented in tUrn6 (spring 2022) by Michal Strutin who spoke at our interfaith panel.

  • An icon of a person with raised arms inside a red location pin, with the words
    HERE for Climate

    The Humanist Environmental Response Effort (HERE) is a project of the American Humanist Association that “empowers nontheists to act to confront the climate crisis.” See especially: Events 

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