Preparing for your meetings
The following meeting schedule and setting recommendation are for your reference. Most of the screenshots are taken from the Zoom Pro tab within the Camino course.
You can schedule the meetings using the website or the Zoom desktop client. The layout may look slightly different.
We recommend using the Zoom Pro tab within your Camino course site to schedule recurring class meetings. This is the easiest way to share Zoom meeting information with your students, and to share class recordings with your students automatically.
Topic section is prefilled with course full name.
We recommend you add the following information if you combine multiple sections into the same Camino course, but still want to keep the meetings separate per section.
- Section # or 5 digit Course ID #
- Class start time
Description field is optional and students do not see this section. Feel free to skip this section.
Input your first day of class. The time field defaults to 15-minute increments, but you can change it by clicking on the field and typing in the desired start time in the HH:MM format. Make sure to double-check AM/PM.
Zoom will let you start the meeting even if it's not during the scheduled time.
The duration field defaults to 15-minute increments. We recommended setting the time to the closest 30-minute mark.
Zoom will not cut you off if you run past the meeting duration time.
You should not have to change the default Pacific Time (US & Canada) time zone unless you (the meeting scheduler) are currently in a different time zone.
Check the Recurring checkbox to see the recurring options.
The most common setting is to set Recurrence to Weekly, Repeat every 1 week.
Check all the days you are meeting every week (we will cover how to remove holidays in the later section.)
We recommend including the final exam week in your meeting schedule. You can delete it later if you don't need it.
Registration is designed for events that invite both internal and external attendees. Typical classes do not need this option.
We strongly recommend you set security parameters to prevent possible Zoombombing.
Passcode can be customized with up to 10 letters, numbers, and special characters.
Waiting Room is a great option for 1:1 meetings or office hours. However, we do not recommend turning on this option for recurring meetings.
Require authentication to join - Zoom users with SCU email is recommended if you would like to track meeting attendance. If you expect a guest from outside of SCU community to join your class, you can change the settings to allow any Zoom user.
This dictates if you want the camera to show when you and the participants first log in to the meeting. You and the participants can always turn camera off at any time.
We recommend selecting Both Telephone & Computer audio so that if a student encounters audio issues with their computer, they can always choose to call in with their cell phone to participate in the meeting.
Meeting options can vary depending on how you want to run your meeting. Below is the explanation of each option for turning on or off.
Students can join the meeting anytime of the day.
If this option is checked and you selected to record your meeting session automatically, you may see recordings appear every time someone joins a meeting even when class is not in session.
We recommend this option.
Students will see a "please wait for host to start the meeting" message, and will not be able to join the meeting until you start the meeting session.
We recommend this option.
Participants' microphone will be muted when they first join the meeting. They will have the option to unmute themselves once they are ready.
Participants' microphone may be unmuted upon joining the meeting. You may hear unnecessary background noises.
We recommend this option.
Recording will start automatically when someone joins the meeting. You can always pause or stop the recording at any time.
You have the option to start the recording at any time.
Note: We always recommend recording your session to the cloud. Zoom will keep your video recording on Zoom recording server for 30 days. We automatically make a copy of the recorded video to the Panopto video server, where it will remain available indefinitely.
By using the Zoom Pro feature, the copied video is posted to the Class Recordings folder in Camino automatically for you.
Office Hours usually requires a little bit more privacy than the regularly scheduled class meetings.
If you want to schedule one office hours per Camino course site, you can do so using the Zoom Pro tab.
If you want one overarching office hours meeting for all your courses, we recommend using the Zoom website or desktop client instead.
The following screenshots are taken from the site.
You can use one office hours to meet with all of your students across multiple sections and different subjects. We recommend keeping it simple to accommodate your situation.
Description field is optional and students do not see this section. Feel free to skip this section.
Please check the Recurring meeting box, and select No Fixed Time in the dropdown box. This allows you to use the meeting at any time. The meeting will automatically expire if it is not used for more than 1 year.
We strongly recommend you set security parameters to prevent possible issues.
Passcode can be customized with up to 10 letters, numbers, and special characters.
Waiting Room is a great option for 1:1 meetings or office hours since it allows you to control the number of people in the meeting room. (Most students prefer having a 1:1 conversation especially if they are inquiring about their grades.) We recommend this option.
Require authentication to join - Zoom users with SCU email is recommended if you would like to track meeting attendance. If you are expecting a guest from outside of the SCU community to join your session, you can change the settings to allow any Zoom user.
This dictates if you want the camera to show when you and the participants first log in to the meeting. You and the participants can always turn the camera off at any time.
We recommend selecting Both Telephone & Computer audio so that if a student encounters audio issues with their computer, they can always choose to call in with their cell phone to participate in the meeting.
Meeting options can vary depending on how you want to run your meeting. Below is an explanation of each option for turning on or off.
Students can join the meeting anytime of the day, even when you are not holding office hours.
If this option is checked and you selected to record your meeting session automatically, you may see recordings appear every time someone joins a meeting even when the class is not in session.
We recommend this option.
Students will see a 'please wait for host to start the meeting' message and will not be able to join the meeting until you start the meeting session.
Once you have saved the meeting, you can then scroll up to Invite Link and click Copy Invitation.
You can share the meeting invitation via regular email, Camino courses Pages, or Module, as well as sending it as an Announcement.
We provide a few examples on how Zoom recording settings can affect the final video layout.

Please review and test prior to your actual event. Video format cannot be altered after the meeting ends.
Polling feature is available for all SCU Zoom users. Host and Cohost can control the polling activity.
Polling feature is available to all SCU Zoom users. Below are a few quick tips:
- Polling feature is limited to Multiple Choice & True/False
- Polling questions are attached to meeting IDs
- You can create ad hoc polling while in a meeting, but we recommend you prepare your polling questions ahead of time by:
- Import polling questions within the Zoom Pro tab in your Camino course page, or
- Manually input polling questions and answers on the website
- Only the most recent poll results will be saved in the poll report; the report can be accessed once the meeting concludes.
You need to turn on the Automatic Live Transcription service in your Zoom Settings page (outside of the meeting details page) before your meeting starts to enjoy the feature.
Please note that Automatic Live Transcription is used for live meetings only, and is separate from the captioning for recorded videos. You will need to turn on the Zoom Audio Transcription service separately.
SCU Documentation on how to enable the Automatic Live Transcription for LIVE EVENT
Zoom Documentation on how to enable audio transcription for RECORDED VIDEO
Improving your Meeting Experience
Zoom provides a variety of tools and settings to help you better manage your Zoom meetings.
A new Security & Privacy setting to disable all screen sharing features is set to off by default in macOS Catalina and Big Sur. To share your screen in Zoom, you will need to enable this feature.
You have many tools to help you control your attendees during a Zoom meeting. In this section, we will cover what each of the options means.
The meeting will be locked and no other attendees will be allowed to enter.
If attendees drop out due to internet connection issues, they will not be able to return.
Examples of use:
- 1:1 confidential meetings
- Interview panel reviewing candidates after the interviewees leave.
The waiting room feature can be turned on or off here.
This option toggles your profile photo on or off.
Participants can share their screen with everyone.
The host's share screen will take priority and replace the participant's shared screen.
Allow participants to use the chat feature.
Allow participants to rename their profile name. This does not affect their attendance report if you turn on the "require authentication to join: Zoom users with SCU email" option.
Participants can mute and unmute their microphone at any time.
Turning off this feature will not mute all participants. However, those who are already muted will not be able to unmute their microphone.
You can use the Mute All function in the Manage Participants control to mute everyone, then only invite those who are allowed to speak. Detailed Manage Participants documentation by
Participants can mute and unmute their cameras at any time.
Turning off this feature will not turn off the participant's camera. However, those who have already turned their camera off will not be able to turn it back on.
This function disables all participants' ability to use their cameras, microphones, and screen sharing. The meeting will also be locked.
Upon turning on this feature, the host's camera and microphone will also be muted. However, you will be able to unmute yourself.
Archiving your Meetings
You can review your meeting recordings and download attendance & Poll reports after the meeting ends.
Attendance & Poll reports can be found in both Zoom Pro tab of Camino course site and Zoom website under Reports
Attendance & Poll reports are available after the meeting concluded. You can generate reports in Zoom Pro tab in Camino course, or Zoom website for those who don't use Camino.
If it is important to identify exactly who attended the meeting and/or answered polls, you want to enable Only authenticated users can join: Sign in to Zoom under meeting options.
If you need attendance/poll reports to show SCU students email (for grading purpose), you want to enable Only authenticated users can join: Zoom user with SCU email under meeting options.
Hyperlink to Downloading Attendance Reports from Zoom website
Hyperlink to Downloading Poll Reports from Zoom website
Hyperlink to Accessing Attendance & Poll Reports from Zoom Pro tab in Camino
All Zoom meeting cloud recordings will expire after 30 days.
However, we backup all cloud recordings to our Panopto video server
where it will be kept indefinitely.For training on advanced features and troubleshooting, please contact Media Services.
You can customize your Waiting Room experience in the Settings section on the website. Please note that the changes will apply to ALL future meetings, including the ones already scheduled but have not happened yet. |
WAITING ROOM SETTING Please note that turning on this option means all future meetings scheduled will have the waiting room default to on. ![]() |
WAITING ROOM OPTIONS - ADMITTING POLICY ![]() You can customize the admitting policy and allow certain groups of people to bypass the waiting room. Please note that once enabled, this policy will apply to all future meetings with waiting rooms. If you hold office hours regularly, we recommend you set the policy to EVERYONE. ![]() |
WAITING ROOM OPTIONS - CUSTOMIZE WAITING ROOM MESSAGE You can personalize your waiting room message to add more information. Please note that once edited, it will apply to all future meetings with the waiting room feature enabled. We recommend you DO NOT add your personal information to the waiting room message to protect your privacy. ![]() Below is an example of a waiting room message: ![]() |