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Technology at SCU

Prepare for power failures and local internet outages.

To prepare for potential internet or power outages while using Zoom, we recommend adjusting your meetings. This ensures that you and your participants or students have alternative ways to join the sessions.

If your Zoom invites don't include a "Join by Phone" option, use the following steps below to include a call in number for your Zoom sessions. The FAQ section at the end provides information on using the Zoom app on your mobile devices.



  1. Log in to mySCU Portal via
    Alt text:

  2. Click the Zoom tile.

  3. Click Meetings in the navigation panel on the left, then click the title of the desired meeting.
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  4. Scroll down then click edit this Meeting. If it is a recurring meeting select All.
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  5. Scroll down to the Audio section, and confirm the Both radio button is selected. This will allow you and your participants to call in by phone.
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  6. Scroll down and click Save if you made changes.
    Alt text: Interface buttons labeled


  1. Scroll to the Invite Link section, and click Copy Invitation.

    Text field showing a meeting invite link, with 'Copy' button.
  2. When a small pop-up window opens, you can then click Copy Meeting Invitation and paste the information into your desired notes application. This has the phone number, meeting ID, and password to join your meeting by phone.
    Alt text: Web page showing steps to copy an invitation link with a highlighted

  3. Click Cancel when done.


If you have entered the Host Key to start the meeting, you will have host controls available to you by entering DTMF tones on your dial pad. To hear all available commands, enter ** on your phone.

*4 - End the meeting for all participants

*5 - Lock or Unlock the meeting

*6 - Mute or unmute yourself

*7 - Start or Stop Recording
Note: all participants in the meeting will be notified when recording is stopped or started.

*# - Hear the number of participants in the meeting

99 - Mute or unmute all participants

  1. Sign in to mySCU Portal and click the Zoom tile.
  2. Click Profile on the left navigation panel.
  3. Scroll down to Host Key.
    The host key is hidden by default. By clicking Show, you can review your host key. You can also edit the host key to something you can easily remember by clicking Edit on the right.

You should've received your meeting information via email or calendar invite. Copy the meeting information ahead of time and/or set up your email to be available offline.
Use Gmail offline

Once you are dialed into the meeting you will be able to use the following key combination to adjust your meeting settings:

*6 - Toggle mute/unmute

*9 - Raise hand

  1. Open your Zoom desktop client
    Windows: Start Menu >
    Apple: Look for Zoom icon on your application dock, or go to Finder > Applications >
  2. If prompted, Sign in with Google
    Alt text:
  3. Click the Meetings tab on the top row.
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  4. Highlight desired meetings and click Copy Invitation or Show Meeting Invitation.
    A desktop client interface displaying an invitation to a

For training on advanced features and troubleshooting, please contact Media Services.