Below please find a list of all of the ideas under consideration as a part of the Sustaining Excellence Project. This list represents a compilation of the ideas submitted from the SCU community as well as ideas generated within the Working Groups.
Key points to note:
- The fact that an idea is on this list does not mean it is actionable or that the idea will be enacted. This list is very simply all ideas that have been submitted. The list is organized alphabetically. (Why is the list organized this way?)
- All ideas on this list will be included in the report from the project co-chairs to Fr. Engh. Prior to submitting the full list to Fr. Engh, the Steering Committee will deliberate in order to evaluate ideas (based on factors such as connection to mission and values, financial impact, opportunity for greater efficiency/effectiveness, etc) to help inform Fr. Engh’s decisions.
- In compiling all the information from so many community members, the Steering Committee merged ideas where possible and edited language to best capture the spirit of ideas submitted. If you feel as though the spirit of an idea you submitted is not captured in this list please email
The charge of the Steering Committee is to present all information from the project to Fr. Engh to best position him to make the best decisions for SCU. We want your voice to be included in that information.
We have created a feedback form open to the campus community until May 10. We invite any and all members of the community to submit feedback in general or on specific ideas listed.
Feedback will be shared with the Steering Committee to inform deliberations and will also be included as an addendum to the report presented to Fr. Engh in June by the co-chairs. If you prefer not to fill out the form you may also email
Compilation of All Ideas |
1 | A review of the entire organizational chart would reveal areas where the chart has become too deep, with too many layers of management. |
2 | Address the duplication of faculty offices. |
3 | Adopt a campus-wide energy-efficient appliance purchasing policy: require any purchased product to be Energy Star certified at minimum. |
4 | Adopt a Responsibility Center Management (RCM) model of budgeting. |
5 | Align fiscal year with academic year. |
6 | All faculty should be given advising training so they can effectively counsel their assigned advisees. |
7 | Allow Departments to research and purchase what they need at the best price they can find. |
8 | Allow faculty to be trained in helping to coordinate their students to sign up for Zipcars or bikes to take for nearby field trips instead of relying on students to find their own way. Allow departments to have discounts on sign-ups so employees who bike or take public transit in can use them for midday errands or emergencies. |
9 | An early retirement plan for faculty and staff or "something like the Stanford plan in regards to faculty retirement issues. |
10 | Analyze the savings from increasing the capacity of core courses by one. |
11 | Assist students with housing by establishing a housing consortium to partner students with independent living senior citizens who own homes and live by themselves. Run the program through the University and take a small % of the monthly rent. |
12 | Attend seriously to impediments to recruiting and retention of faculty and staff posed by high area housing costs. |
13 | Become competitive with other University Christmas shut down policies; consider full or partial use of vacation time with exceptions for new hires to lower University exposure during the shutdown. |
14 | Begin using corporate sponsorship at events such as Grand Reunion, Commencement, parent's weekend, Orientation, etc. |
15 | Better understanding needed for Athletics, de Saisset, Osher Lifelong Learning, Jesuit School of Theology and Casa revenue. |
16 | Better understanding needed for Osher Lifelong Learning revenue. |
17 | Bolster summer school offerings and reconsider academic year teaching load to improve course offerings and flexibility in scheduling. |
18 | Bring severance package policy in line with industry standards. Six months for six years service is outside the norm for higher education and especially our corporate comparison companies. |
19 | Build a new STEM complex while maximizing use of building structures currently in place. |
20 | Building re-commissioning to make sure buildings' systems are working properly and replace systems that need to be upgraded. |
21 | Campus archeology should be an academic endeavor. |
22 | Cancel low enrollment courses. |
23 | Centralize bidding process with signature authority matrix. |
24 | Centralize constituent relationship management (CRM) database information so that there is more efficient communication across the University relative to donor relations. |
25 | Centralize marketing and communications budgets for the entire campus. |
26 | Centralize marketing and communications functions for the entire campus |
27 | Centralize Purchasing by using the Purchasing Department for the majority of university purchases from basic supplies to electronics and furniture. |
28 | Centralized facility scheduling. |
29 | Centralized graduate services - admissions, enrollment, financial aid, student services/welfare etc. |
30 | Change landscaping requirements. |
31 | Change PC Replacement Program to every five years versus four. |
32 | Change the bookstore to a co-op as many other universities have done. |
33 | Change undergraduate tuition remission program for spouses and dependents of eligible employees. |
34 | Charge Bronco Bench Foundation salaries to Bronco Bench instead of University. |
35 | Charge faculty and staff for tickets to all SCU athletic events. |
36 | Charge faculty and staff for use of Malley Fitness Center. |
37 | Charge for overnight and extended parking permits and provide flexibility for day/night parking and long term parking. |
38 | Classroom Utilization: Conduct a review to ensure we are utilizing classrooms most efficiently to support increased enrollment. |
39 | Classroom Utilization: Increase average class size for undergraduate classes by 1-5 students. |
40 | Concerts in Leavey. |
41 | Conduct a comprehensive facilities evaluation to identify opportunities for enhanced revenue generation. |
42 | Conduct a review of enacting Summer Rental of vacant (non-student use) University Villas. |
43 | Conduct a review regarding centralizing the University's purchasing that would include all University divisions/departments . |
44 | Conduct a thorough evaluation of the Faculty Housing Assistance Program (Part 1 - University-owned Rental Properties & Rental Assistance). |
45 | Conduct a thorough evaluation of the Faculty Housing Assistance Program (Part 2 - Purchase Assistance). |
46 | Conduct an organized well thought out review of staffing to determine workload capacities across units and ensure a proper distribution of staffing and an appropriate ratio between faculty and staff positions. |
47 | Conduct campaign to turn off lights campus wide. |
48 | Conference services charging outside parties for the cost of Campus Safety work in the summer. |
49 | Consider increasing faculty teaching loads from 5.2 back to an aggregate of 6. |
50 | Consider moving IT to Finance and Administration with the exception of the University Library. |
51 | Consolidate back office functions for all three centers of distinction. |
52 | Consolidate Purchasing department under Controller’s organization and move the remainder of USS to University Operations in order to gain efficiencies. |
53 | Consolidate the mail functions on campus. |
54 | Continue to develop a partnership with the City of Santa Clara and the development of the new Santa Clara revitalized downtown. |
55 | Convert to Dual Flush Toilets or the most efficient low flow toilet. |
56 | Coordinate Mission, Branding and Communication. |
57 | Create a casual meeting place that serves alcohol. |
58 | Create a better system of excess dining points at the end of the quarter. |
59 | Create a long term budget plan for sustaining all on and off campus properties. |
60 | Create a mandated university wide travel program. |
61 | Create a resource, office, position, point person etc to manage or streamline event planning on campus. |
62 | Create a shared support structure to help with financial services, marketing, registration, event support, scheduling programs and classes, and updating databases. |
63 | Create a uniform semester calendar. |
64 | Create an extended studies program. |
65 | Create an operating incentive for Endowment Fundraising. |
66 | Create an opportunity to attract prospective students to campus to take college prep classes during the summer. |
67 | Create campus standards and consolidate oversight for Ergonomic Program. |
68 | Create campus wide policy for cell phone reimbursement/stipend for cell phone usage/parameters/subsidy across campus. |
69 | Create entrepreneurial projects which will offer services to our community for a fee (i.e., develop marketing plans for small to medium-sized businesses). |
70 | Create new division for all non-degree academic programs and consolidate all administrative and leadership functions. |
71 | Create new division for all non-degree academic programs and consolidate all administrative and leadership functions. |
72 | Create new position in Global Engagement Office to manage and coordinate short term visiting scholars and students. |
73 | Create small list of "go to" printing companies, graphic designers and photographers that have been researched for best quality and price, and approved by OMC for the University to use for projects. |
74 | Creation of a pre-college summer program. |
75 | Creation of internal audit function. |
76 | Defer both funding and vesting of University's 401a retirement contribution. |
77 | Develop a graduate program for technical writing. |
78 | Develop academic-year online course offerings at the undergraduate level. |
79 | Develop energy policies for on-campus residents to reduce plug-load (electronics account for 25% of a residence hall's energy use!). |
80 | Develop new certificate program in Organizational Leadership. |
81 | Develop new certificate programs, for example Parish Personnel or other ways to serve local church. |
82 | Develop new summer school course offerings targeted for international high school students. |
83 | Develop new summer school course offerings. |
84 | Develop Santa Clara community partnership events that entice the community to come on campus. Establish an annual community welcome day event which brings the community, students, faculty and staff together. |
85 | Disciplinary process for student fines. |
86 | Discontinue Pathways essays. |
87 | Eliminate annual performance reviews. |
88 | Eliminate Blue Cross PPO Health Savings Account. |
89 | Eliminate club boxing team. |
90 | Eliminate either Kaiser or Anthem Blue Cross "silver" level health insurance plan. |
91 | Eliminate gift cards from Concur, treat as awards and pay through HR/ Payroll. Reduce spending from Dept operating budgets on gift cards. |
92 | Eliminate holiday Christmas party. |
93 | Eliminate Kids on Campus. |
94 | Eliminate one of the two medical insurance providers. |
95 | Eliminate option for double coverage of vision products/services for Kaiser Plan participants by not allowing them to also enroll in the Blue View Vision Plan. |
96 | Eliminate or reduce benefits of Employee Assistance Program (EAP). |
97 | Eliminate or reduce graduate tuition remission for spouses or dependents of employees. |
98 | Eliminate or shorten one week vacation between Christmas and New Year. |
99 | Eliminate our KOC which runs at a deficit annually. Create a financial assistance/voucher system or partnerships with existing community program offering something less costly to SCU and with less liability. Make this an elected option from a cafeteria plan of benefits employees. |
100 | Eliminate trash disposal for custodians. |
101 | Empower existing non-degree units. |
102 | Enact a significant and meaningful shift in the way the University values, engages, and stewards its alumni by creating enduring, reciprocal, and meaningful relationships between alumni and the University to advance Santa Clara’s transformative strategic direction while helping achieve the most ambitious fundraising campaign in University history. |
103 | Enhance a community education programming by developing a robust online accelerated degree program targeted to the community and at-risk individuals. |
104 | Enhance community education programming by expanding Osher life-long learning concept to include a community education summer program, development of a certificate program, associate degree program, and other career advancement courses. |
105 | Enhance continuing education offerings in Business school. |
106 | Enhance online course offerings. |
107 | Enhance professional development offerings and certificate offerings. |
108 | Enhance senior offerings like Osher Lifelong Learning for the growing senior community in SF Bay Area. |
109 | Enhance summer offerings including a residential component. |
110 | Enhance summer offerings including pre-college coursework. |
111 | Enhance summer offerings including pre-college, residential option. |
112 | Enhance summer school offerings and residential options. |
113 | Enhance summer school offerings target for high school and corporate markets. |
114 | Enhance summer school offerings targeted for pre-law students. |
115 | Enhance summer school offerings. |
116 | Establish a harder application for establishment of new student clubs. |
117 | Establish a Santa Clara credit card where the % cash back goes to the university and market it to students, parents, alums, faculty and staff. |
118 | Establish consistent written standards for all gardening duties, work, tasks. |
119 | Establish MOUs that articulate the rules of engagement between unit and administrative structure providing oversight. MOU should ensure units are able to retain profit for investment in new opportunities. |
120 | Evaluate compensation models used for staff. |
121 | Evaluate feasibility and desirability of benefits "cafeteria" plan. |
122 | Evaluate new off campus building site to include in Campus Safety Parking oversight. |
123 | Evaluate new undergraduate orientation - timing and structure. |
124 | Evaluate the cost structure of the Casa de la Solidaridad Program in El Salvador . |
125 | Evaluate the investment in Centers of Distinction, de Saisset museum, etc. |
126 | Examine Kids on Campus (KOC) operating budget to determine if reasonable cost savings can be identified. |
127 | Examine professional development expenditures across departments/units. |
128 | Examine student health insurance plan. |
129 | Executive Education in Ignatian Leadership for Silicon Valley leaders. |
130 | Expand continuing education opportunities (International target). |
131 | Expand corporate sponsorship opportunities to drive increased awareness and increased revenue to include corporate sponsorships for graduation picnic, grand reunion, and for campus wide offerings (e.g., healthcare, banking, etc). |
132 | Expand online course offerings at the graduate level. |
133 | Expand Vintage to two days. |
134 | Explore a fee structure to support the operation and programming needs for Campus Recreation. |
135 | Explore alternative staff/faculty housing options. |
136 | Explore desirability and feasibility of expanding Kids on Campus (KOC). |
137 | Explore desirability of altering age group served by Kids on Campus (KOC). |
138 | Explore new space strategies should be employed to address the vast under utilization of office space on campus. |
139 | Explore on-line degree programming. |
140 | Explore possibility of consolidating planning and execution of University events. |
141 | Fees rendered for non-essential services (Malley, etc.). |
142 | For mortgage assistance program, allow use of any qualified mortgage program rather than restricting to use of Wells Fargo. |
143 | Formalize University name licensing and develop a strong, central brand framework for Santa Clara University. Ensure that all colleges, schools, departments, etc. are incorporated in this effort. |
144 | Four-day work week in summer, hard shut down during the holidays/breaks. |
145 | Full-time staff option to work 35 instead of 40 hours/week. |
146 | Fund balance carried over to incentivize savings and better financial management. |
147 | Generate renewable energy via photovoltaics and solar hot water on as many rooftops as we can. |
148 | Give divisions authority to temporarily shift funding from vacancies to meet their department needs. |
149 | Give faculty and staff incentives for replacing energy-intensive equipment with newer, more efficient models. |
150 | Global engagement programs model -- conduct an external review of this model. |
151 | Greater accessibility to online educational modules for diversity training created by Student Life. |
152 | Have the Office of Diversity & Inclusion work more closely with or advise/direct the Rainbow Resource Center, Office of Multicultural Learning, and the Multicultural Cultural Center since they all do similar work and fall under the same umbrella. |
153 | HR to open the professional development classes to small companies nearby and charge for the training to generate revenue. |
154 | Identify and implement a single scheduling system to manage our campus space utilization needs. |
155 | Implement a “research and development” construct on campus. |
156 | Implement a contract management software with verified e-signatures to reduce paper waste and inefficiencies. |
157 | Improve alignment of Jesuit School of Theology with home campus regarding mission and overlap. |
158 | Improve centralized support for website management. |
159 | Improve Santa Clara Rankings vs Peers. |
160 | Improved structures for conference services / manage rental of space / cost of hosting events / event setup - rental rates, event service fees and custodial fees / who / how spaces are rented. |
161 | In an attempt to creature a culture of continuous improvement, one which obsessively focuses on efficient processes and increasing value for stakeholders, perform an analysis of current staffing in areas that drive the most external support (e.g., University relations, OMC, athletics, performing arts, alumni office) in an effort to determine efficiencies in job responsibilities and to determine whether increasing or decreasing the number of personnel aligns with strategic goals of advancing the University specific to revenue generation. |
162 | In the new Benson remodel plans, offer an official space for Food Recovery Network donations in the kitchen, as well as a Share/Resource room where campus community members can donate, share, and take reusable office and school supplies. Do not promote Micro 101 (mini fridges and refrigerators) to incoming campus residents so students will be more likely to utilize the new kitchens! |
163 | Incentivize early retirement by offering supplemental medical insurance to those who retire at or about age 65. |
164 | Increase Development Office support for Schools/College and Centers. |
165 | Increase employee incentive to waive medical insurance coverage. |
166 | Increase flexibility and timeliness of software purchases and implementation. |
167 | Institute an infrastructure "gift tax" to support University Advancement. |
168 | Introduce a formalized construction audit process. |
169 | Invest in energy storage solutions to store the power our renewable produce so we can use that power at night/when they aren't generating energy. |
170 | Limit herbacide/chemicals use. |
171 | Limit off-site retreats. |
172 | Limit the amount of departmental apparel that is purchased each year. |
173 | Look to curtail spending on food campus wide through Bon Appetit and elsewhere. Create written documentation and/or guidelines showing what is acceptable and what is not. |
174 | Make the University a 12 month operation (not just principally 9 months). |
175 | Merge the Career Center and Drahmann as a Center for Vocation. |
176 | More teaching should be brought in-house through fewer adjunct hires and more tenure-track lines; cost savings should instead be sought through more aggressive outsourcing of administrative and campus services. |
177 | More time for student move-in and move-out. |
178 | Move bursar to finance office and better utilize that space. |
179 | Move summer orientation from July to September. |
180 | No new part-time jobs for retired high-level staff. |
181 | Offer Certificate in Organizational Leadership. |
182 | Offer community garden plots for a fee. |
183 | Offer grants, stipends, etc to help faculty pay off student loan debt. |
184 | Offer post-grad certificate in Leadership and Communication. |
185 | Offer SCU on-line diversity training to other universities. |
186 | Offer tribute pavers for purchase in new construction. |
187 | OMC should be able to serve all departments; utilize student internships to supplement needs of office. |
188 | Open up campus to profit making companies for meetings, conferences, product launches. |
189 | Outside rental of Buck Shaw Stadium. |
190 | Outsource some or all of Human Resource functions to external units that have direct expertise in compliance, etc. |
191 | Outsource the health services and counseling. |
192 | Perform an analysis to assess cost of doing business, including inter-department charges and external rental fees, to identify potential cost savings and to perform an analysis of monetization opportunities across campus. |
193 | Pipe new buildings and retrofit existing buildings to make use of recycled water. |
194 | Pool of "floating" employees to fill gaps / vacancies - manager and administrative support (reduce temps, fixed-term positions, better manage areas of work surges); could be a person who just floats for one day a week while working in a regular position. |
195 | Preserve Blue Cross PPO Health Savings Account but increase employee premium contributions. |
196 | Prioritize (fund) energy projects that will reduce energy use even though they have an up-front cost. |
197 | Promote online publications in order to save paper. |
198 | Promote the Forge Garden as an experiential learning garden for off-campus entities. |
199 | Property Management Review. |
200 | Provide a new campus space for the Ignatian Center and convert those spaces to faculty/staff/student housing for an additional revenue stream. |
201 | Provide and charge for storage during breaks. |
202 | Provide more funding to Campus Recreation and move them back to Athletics so 1) the budget won’t be so tight for a limited number of employees and/or their hours and 2) gym hours can be extended 3) more sustainability initiatives can happen within the realm of athletics. |
203 | Purchase eco-trays (as an overhead cost) to distribute at Move-In Day to lower orders and use of to-go disposables. And, purchase only “for here” dishware so students must use their eco-tray if they want it to go. |
204 | Purchasing Dept. could be more engaged in evaluating and promoting corporate contracts and services available to campus and other Jesuit institutions. |
205 | Reconsider planning for STEM complex to focus on space for classrooms, labs, offices and other space. |
206 | Reconsider SCU's tax exempt activities for conference facilities and private hotels using Stanford University as a model. |
207 | Reconsider the enrollment and physical plant goals of the 2020 Master Plan. |
208 | Reduce life insurance coverage. |
209 | Reduce percentage of students on Financial Aid. |
210 | Reduce self-funding of insurance for dental care benefits. |
211 | Reduce the maximum salary cap used by the University in making retirement contributions to 401a accounts. |
212 | Reduce vacation benefits or vacation maximums. |
213 | Re-examine the current summer orientation model in view of its impact on the current budget, sustainability priorities, and possible revenue-generating activities on campus. |
214 | Refine the marketable identity of Santa Clara University and aggressively promote the Santa Clara University brand. Who are we? What do we do well? We are who people say we are, so let's tell them what to say. |
215 | Regarding STEM (II): On the order of $100 million could be saved by not having to build temporary lab space and by not demolishing and then rebuilding spaces that we presently have in Bannan Hall and Bannan Engineering. This would put us in a better financial position as we face uncertainties in the future, allowing us to be more nimble and better able to respond to whatever change may come later. |
216 | Regarding STEM: It would be so much better if SCU would build a new building like the Northeastern Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex that is interdisciplinary and offers new capabilities and leave the classrooms and labs in Bannan Hall and Bannan Engineering in place. Keeping as much of the existing facilities as possible while augmenting with new construction that provides new desired capacity would provide an economical and more environmentally sustainable approach to fulfilling the STEM Vision. |
217 | Regular increases to University's tuition reimbursement program for spouses/dependents of eligible employees. |
218 | Reinvest in revenue-generating, non-degree international programs. |
219 | Relay attendance data to Registrar's office in real time. |
220 | Renegotiate contracts with Bon Appetit regarding pricing. |
221 | Re-organize contract with Bon Appetit to have correct proportions of food. Take food quality down a notch and charge less. |
222 | Require at least one online course for all undergraduate students. |
223 | Require external program reviews of the Provost and EVP's Office, the Dean's Office of every school, the Global Engagement Office etc. |
224 | Require tenure-stream faculty who are not engaged in research to actually teach 7 courses, instead of 6, as stated in their contracts. |
225 | Respond to the concerns of students of color particularly through Unity 4 and recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission. |
226 | Responsible Management of Revenue, especially parking fees. |
227 | Restructure campus bookstore. |
228 | Retirement incentive - faculty and staff. |
229 | Review and clarify guidelines for giving gifts and gift cards for faculty, staff, student workers, etc. Create written documentation and/or policy. |
230 | Review Bon Appetit contract in general - not necessarily through an RFP - but there must be efficiencies and cost savings that can be incorporated into the Bon Appetit negotiations or re-negotiations. |
231 | Review Bon Appetit hiring/lay-off policy for fairness. |
232 | Review financial support for making publications open access. |
233 | Review food service contracts. |
234 | Review guidelines and related costs and need for administrators to receive University vehicles. |
235 | Review interdepartmental chargebacks. |
236 | Review Mission Cemetary oversight. |
237 | Review night janitorial staffing. |
238 | Review of Facilities Consultants and Independent Contractors Hiring Process. |
239 | Review of temperature settings (ie: Reduce heating empty buildings at night). |
240 | Review off campus university housing program. |
241 | Review opportunities for rental of University Property (classrooms, facilities). |
242 | Review SCU's endowment fund management to ensure best returns. |
243 | Review staff positions - 11 or 10 month options (offer the option, voluntary). |
244 | Review summer schedule of academic administrative assistants. |
245 | Review the cost/benefit of services that beautify the campus. |
246 | Review the implications of a switch from quarters to semesters. |
247 | Review the intangible benefits of the Backup Care Advantage Program and Care.Com. |
248 | Review the need for the three Registrar's Offices. |
249 | Review the policy of the utilization of on- and off-campus housing for faculty & staff. |
250 | Review the staffing and responsibilities of the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President. |
251 | Review university governance system. |
252 | Revise model of faculty course releases to perform administrative/staff functions. |
253 | Satellite Campus in SF for grad and online. |
254 | Seek Cal Train or VTA passes, subsidies, or discounts for employees. |
255 | Sell beer and wine at University events. |
256 | Sell University-owned rental properties. |
257 | Shared Collaborative Laboratory Space -- An interdisciplinary laboratory space for researchers in allied disciplines could go a long way in generating additional grant-funded research and would reduce scheduling problems associated with single-owner labs. Furthermore, such a laboratory space could foster additional student-led research in areas that wouldn't normally have access to lab space. |
258 | Sharing non-academic services across schools, especially graduate schools. |
259 | Standardize landscape equipment and procedures. |
260 | Stop duplication of independent services across departments; use OMC for support to maintain consistency across branding. |
261 | Stop printing the Bulletin; duplication of copies to multiple addresses (clean mailing list). |
262 | Student Interns/Employees: Take a look at how and why they are paid. |
263 | Student officers in Campus Safety. |
264 | Study usage of health/wellness/professional development benefits and explore methods of increasing participation. |
265 | Sustainability - Full sort recycling. |
266 | Sustainability - Recycling Dumpster use evaluation. |
267 | Sustainability - Recycling Fine Structure. |
268 | Switch event support labor from Facilities FTE to student crew. |
269 | Take funding from deSassiet Museum and use it toward resources that provide benefits to most students. |
270 | Terminate financial consultations in HR. |
271 | Tighten controls on sick leave and long-term disability to lessen perceived abuse and reduce overtime expenditures for replacements. |
272 | Universalize coffee and tea and water purchases on campus. |
273 | Use software to automatically power down all computers in labs when unused. |
274 | Utilize a contract management system. |
275 | Utilize construction audit services. |
276 | Utilize Faculty authors for development efforts. |
277 | Vet various options to make sure we go out to bid to make sure that we are doing a better job of finding better cheaper options. |
278 | We should look at the Bon Apetit contract. |
279 | Widen the reach of our conference and housing revenue capabilities. |
280 | Widen the reach of our conference and housing revenue capabilities. |
281 | Work with the city to consider neighborhood or SCU-affiliate permits and/or metering. Don’t allow first-years and sophomores to bring cars to campus. Enforce Athletics to take public transportation whenever possible. begin requiring parking permits at 475 El Camino and Guadalupe Hall. |