September 14, 2017
Members of the SCU Community,
I’m writing to share a brief update on the Sustaining Excellence Project.
Phase 2 Implementation and Communication Plan
The Phase 2 Project Implementation and Communication plan maps out the details of the process that began this month and will continue until February 2018. If you have any questions or feedback on the process, do not hesitate to email We have developed the process to engage the full campus community in gathering data and feedback that will be integral in preparing Fr. Engh to successfully decide which ideas will move on to a robust implementation planning phase.
Brief overview of process:
- Campus consultants with support from Sustaining Excellence Data Team develop concise reports that compile quantitative data, perform data analysis, and synthesize qualitative data from experts as needed
- Reports are presented to Planning Action Council, which will provide direct feedback to the President
- Reports for the ideas with policy implications are sent to the appropriate University Policy Committees for consideration
- Reports are shared with the broader community for feedback opportunities, both in person and through an online survey
- Fr. Engh considers all feedback and decides which ideas will move on to implementation planning
Convocation Address
Fr. Engh’s Convocation Address (text and video) from Tuesday grounded the Sustaining Excellence Project in its current context and provided a vision for its success.
Thank you all for your ongoing work and support of the project. As always, please contact with any questions or comments.
Michael Nuttall
Project Manager, Sustaining Excellence Project