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Waste Diversion Systems

SCU prides itself on diverting waste from landfills by either recycling, composting, reusing, or donating.

The SCU Facilities Department operates the University's comprehensive recycling, waste, and compost collection program. The University collects plastic, glass, metals, cardboard, paper, electronics, and much more!  Items are collected from campus buildings and taken to the Facilities Yard for storage until pickup by haulers.
Every landfill waste receptacle is paired with a recycling receptacle throughout campus, and since 2009 containers, labels, and instructional signs have been replaced on campus to standardize the University's waste diversion system:

Landfill waste = Red/Black | Compost = Green Recycling = Blue

 Waste diversion bins and signs at campus events

  • Three labeled waste bins: recycling (blue), landfill (black), and compost (green).
    Residence Halls

    Recyclable items include aluminum, plastics (#1-7, including film plastics when bundled in a clear plastic bag and knotted at the top), glass, tin, paper, corrugated cardboard, electronic waste, compact fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, and ink cartridges. Compost collection is also available in residence halls.

  • Alt text: Office waste bins labeled for landfill and recyclable items.
    SCU Offices

    The waste diversion systems in SCU offices help reduce waste and promote recycling. A guide is available to help faculty and staff identify materials that can (and cannot) be recycled in SCU offices. Categories include paper, corrugated cardboard, beverage containers, scrap metal, electronic waste, batteries, and ink cartridges.

  • Events

    Every large campus event has at least one waste recovery station. This includes containers for compost, recycling, and landfill waste. Event planners can request this waste diversion system through a Facilities Event Equipment Request. If you'd like insight in planning your sustainable event, contact

Black Waste Badge - Recycling Symbol Icon #SustainableSCU
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