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Sustainability Minor

Students pursuing a sustainability minor will become better educated about the environment, social equity, and economic issues. The sustainability minor offers students new dimensions to existing local, regional, and global SCU partnerships, through academics, plus opportunities to assist organizations in increasing their commitment to sustainability. Students will also be part of a cohort of empowered individuals with the skills to collaborate for effective change. This minor is easily accessible to all SCU undergraduates as it incorporates existing classes from multiple schools.

Nested dependencies model of sustainability

To complete the sustainability minor, students must take 8 courses: ENVS 95 (Sustainability 101), two courses from each of the dimensions of sustainability (Environmental, Societal, and Economic), and one action learning course.

Once students declare the Sustainability Minor, they automatically become members of the Sustainability Alumni & Student Association, a community that fosters networking and mentorship.

Screenshot of Sustainability Minor Enrollment data viz

Sustainability Minor students come from the College of Arts & Sciences, Leavy School of Business, and the School of Engineering! Check out the Sustainability Minor enrollment trends, including the most popular majors.

To declare the Sustainability Minor, fill out the SCU Registrar's Program Petition form.