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SVP Sustainable Futures Fellow Profiles

Bea Ricafort
SVP Sustainable Futures Fellow

Pronouns: she/her

Year: 2026

Major / minor: Environmental Studies major with double minors in Economics and Spanish

What is your project about? I will be researching how to convert underutilized parcels of land in the city of Santa Clara into green spaces. I seek to identify which areas would benefit most from sustainable landscaping/increased tree canopy, and create recommendations based on my findings. I hope to create a roadmap that will enhance the presence of green spaces in urban areas so as to bring their environmental and cultural benefits to marginalized communities. 

How will this fellowship support you in your future scholarship/career goals? A fervent believer that research belongs to the community, I am enthusiastic about engaging in applied research that explores the economics of nature-based solutions in Santa Clara. This fellowship will help me develop as a researcher, enabling me to better study equity, ecology, and sustainability. By supporting the city’s Climate Action Plan, I will gain a deeper understanding of the factors that create sustainable cities. 

Other passions, hobbies, fun facts, or anything else you want to share: My top three garden tasks are setting up irrigation lines, building trellises, and weeding. I also enjoy geography trivia, good books, and nice hikes!