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Chad Raphael

Chad Raphael
Sustainability Across the Curriculum Faculty Associate

Chad Raphael is the Faculty Associate for Sustainability across the Curriculum. He leads the Center's annual workshops, which train faculty members at SCU and other universities to integrate teaching about sustainability and justice into courses in every field. He is also involved in implementing the academic goals in SCU's Sustainability Action Plan. Chad is a Professor of Communication, and Co-Coordinator of SCU's Environmental Justice and the Common Good Initiative, which supports community-driven research and learning about environmental justice. He has chaired committees that designed Santa Clara’s Core Curriculum and that helped draft the University’s Strategic Plan. Chad consults on communication campaigns and has served on the boards of environmental justice organizations, such as the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation and the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition.  He is a Design Team member of the Clean Electronics Production Network. His most recent book is Ground Truths: Community-Engaged Research for Environmental Justice (University of California Press - Luminos).