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Fundraising for Resiliency Bags

We are seeking donations to purchase pantry items for our Resiliency Bags. Rather than shopping at big box stores, we buy items from local corner stores in the community where the bags are delivered. Give today!

In response to COVID-19, The Forge Garden and Bronco Urban Gardens (BUG) launched the Resiliency Bags Project, in a coordinated effort to support the families and children that have participated in our garden-based programming. Many in our community face a myriad of challenges related to COVID-19, and Resiliency Bags is our way of responding to our most vulnerable community members. The Forge Garden transitioned to donating all of the produce grown on our half-acre site for this purpose. About 4,000 pounds of produce were donated between March and October 2020! Each week the produce is harvested and packed into boxes for families that are in need of food. We also include an educational activity in each box that allows the kids to get outside and connect with nature. With the help of volunteers, the bags are delivered directly to the families. Additionally, we donate produce to SCU's Bronco Pantry for food-insecure students and HomeSafe, a local women's transitional housing shelter.

We are seeking financial donations to our programs to be able to purchase pantry items.
Pantry items for the Resiliency bags include flour, rice, pasta, masa, beans, cooking oil, salt/ pepper, and other spices. Rather than purchasing from big box stores, we purchase items from local corner stores in the community they serve. We'd like to increase the pantry items we give during the holidays as this can be a difficult time for many of the families we serve. 

Fundraising duration: December 1st through January 4th 

Our asks: 

  1. Staff/ faculty mention our fundraiser in their team meeting during the holiday season and encourage their coworkers to donate. Even a $5 donation would help us greatly!
    Donation link: Choose the fund “BUG”

  2. If any staff/faculty have fruit trees with excess fruit, we would love to include the fruit in our weekly donations. Donations can be dropped off at The Forge Garden at 1051 Sherman St. Santa Clara on Thursdays between 12pm and 2pm or make alternate arrangements by emailing Katharine Rondthaler at 

Photo of produce donation for Bronco Pantry:

Produce donation to Bronco Pantry 

What’s in each Resiliency Bag? 

Each week, the content changes based on what is growing at The Forge Garden and what pantry items recipients have expressed need for. 


Example of a Summer Bag: 

Oct 2020

Example of a Fall Bag:

example of fall produce, herbs, beans and oil from a corner store 

Educational Activity: 

Each Resiliency Bag includes an educational activity that allows the kids to get outside and connect with nature. 

Example Activity: Birdwatching - kids made binoculars with toilet paper rolls and used the local bird guide to watch for birds in their neighborhoods. Resiliency Bag Summer Activity example of Birdwatching Binoculars



Example activity: Fall leaf wreath - encourage children to go on a walk in their neighborhood to collect leaves for a wreath. 

Example of a Fall Educational Activity: Fall Leaf Wreath



Photo example of a fall Resiliency Bag produce and pantry items