Thursday, October 8, 2020 @ 1:00p.m.
Location: via Zoom
● Welcome & Approval of Minutes ● Update from the President (Joanna Thompson) ● Staff Senate Committee Updates o Elections and Bylaws (Brian Moon) ■ If Senators are impacted by any furloughs, please notify the Staff Senate Officers at The Staff Senate will use the existing bylaws to fill vacant position(s). ■ The Elections and Bylaws committee will be addressing what to do if a committee chair is furloughed. The committee will propose an amendment to the bylaws and will target an election in November.
o Events and Service Committee (Hannah Dahdouh) ■ The 10-minute Examen will continue Fridays from 12:05-12:15PM on Zoom through the fall quarter. To obtain the Zoom details for this event, contact: Depending on the response, the committee hopes to broaden the audience to serve other members of the SCU community. ■ The Get Up and Move Virtual workouts will be offered again this quarter. ■ Pumpkin Carving Photo Contest will occur in October, see details here. The winner will receive a feature in the Staff Senate eNews and social media outlets.
o Communications Committee (Andrew Amador-Corrales & Deborah Lohse) ■ The committee is focusing efforts on building the Staff Senate’s presence on social media platforms, and is collaborating with Events and Services Committee and the Constituent Engagement Working Group to publicize events and create community building opportunities. ■ Staff Senate is currently using the following social media platforms: Instagram (@staffsenate) and YouTube (SCU Staff Senate).
● Updates on Staff Senate Working Groups (Joanna Thompson) o The Anti-Racism Working Group has a key role in educating and creating community amongst communities of color and marginalized members on campus. The UCC met this month with UPCs to discuss the role that shared governance plays in anti-racist efforts, and collaborated with UPCs to identity and prioritize initiatives that could be addressed this academic year. ■ Two of the three subcommittees of the Staff Senate Anti-Racism Working Group provided the following updates: ● The Policy and Recommendations Subcommittee has reviewed and compared staff, student, and faculty policies and reviewed the 2019 Campus Climate Survey (see here) and the University’s 10 priorities (see here). ● The Outreach and Employee Resource Group (ERG) Subcommittee is benchmarking best practices for ERGs found at other universities in order to formalize and propose a structure to HR.
● Updates on Staff Senate University Committee Liaisons (Joanna Thompson) o Three Senators, Eli Edwards, Kari Craighead, and Tiger Simpson, have volunteered to serve as liaisons to the Technology Advisory Council (TAC). A description of TAC can be found here.
● Shared Governance (Leah Nakasaki-Peterson, Staff Affairs Committee Chair, and Tim Urdan, UCC Chair) o The Staff Affairs University Policy Committee serves as the final locus of dialogue in the formulation, review, and recommendation of policies and initiatives pertaining to the responsibilities, rights and compensation of non-union staff members. For monthly updates, please visit the Staff Affairs Committee webpage here.
o University Coordinating Committee (UCC) ■ The UCC is the meta committee that makes governance more efficient, effective, and responsive. The UCC Chair, Tim Urdan, encouraged staff to submit policy proposals to him directly at or to the Sr. Administrative Assistant for Collaborative Governance, Ixtlac Dueñas, at ■ The UCC will be working this year to strengthen the consultation process and transparency of the decision-making processes.
● Open Forum o The Staff Senate President opened the floor for comments and questions, and staff requested additional information on the WASC Open Forum with the Staff Senate. Senators who attended the open forum expressed that WASC questions focused on transparency and communication and how it relates to shared governance. Staff may provide feedback to the WASC committee by sending an email to
- Adjourn
- See meeting minutes linked below:
The Staff Senate invites you to: LUNCHTIME EXAMEN
Every Friday | 12:05 - 12:15 PM
The Examen was developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola
as a technique of prayerful reflection on the events
of the day in order to detect God's Presence and
discern God's direction for us.
We are excited to continue this offering throughout
the Fall Quarter, and hope that you will be able to join.
No registration required.
Add to Google Calendar here.
Passcode: 634508
Bronco Pantry use is at an all-time high and continues to be in need of support. For those interested and able to help, please consider the following options:
- Donated items: During the COVID-19 crisis, a donation bin has been placed inside the lobby of the Campus Safety Services office. The bin is available 24/7 for donation drop-offs. Most needed items include rice, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, canned vegetables, microwavable meals (vegetarian friendly), granola bars, dishwashing sponges and dish soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. We, unfortunately, cannot accept homemade items.
- Target eGift Cards can be sent to by selecting the e-mail delivery method. Individual cards of $25, $50, or $100 are preferred. These gifts will be forwarded directly to students in need.
- Safeway Gift Cards can be purchased on our program's Amazon Wishlist. To ensure quick retrieval during the COVID-19 crisis, physical cards will be mailed to Assistant Dean Kimberly Gilkey by selecting "Kim Gilkey's Gift Registry Address" at checkout. Our staff will hand off these gifts directly to the students.
- Cash Donations: Donate directly to our program on the Santa Clara website here.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
Office of Student Life

Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Join us, be part of the discussion, and let your voice be heard!
Can't make it? Then submit your questions to StaffSenate@scu.eduby noon on Monday, November 9, 2020.
Meeting will be held via Zoom.
Link and password will be sent closer to meeting date.