The Staff Senate is excited to welcome the new academic year. We wish you a productive year and look forward to collaborating with the entire SCU community as we jointly advance Santa Clara's mission.
From left to right:
- Shane Maye, Leavey School of Business
- Janelle Atangan, School of Law
- Kari Craighead, Arts & Sciences
- Hannah Dahdouh, Ignatian Center
- Joanna Thompson, Student Life
- Liz Mireles Quevedo, Human Resources
- Linda Hylkema, University Operations
- Janis Davis, Arts & Sciences
- Nadia Nasr, University Library
- Rachaella Giannotta, Alumni Relations
- Marina Masini, Leavey School of Business
- Yvonne Dominguez, Development
- Andrew Amador-Corrales, School of Law
- Sarah Stricker, Undergraduate Admissions (not in the photo)
On behalf of the entire SCU community, thank you for your generous service.
Introduction of New Senators
- New Staff Senator orientation occurred 30 minutes prior to the general Staff Senate meeting.
Introduction of Committee Chairpersons
- Sergio Lopez, Communications Committee Chair
- Leah Nakasaki-Peterson, Events and Services Committee Chair
- Brian Moon, Elections and Bylaws Committee Chair
Liaison and Working Group Review and Sign-ups
- Communications Committee
- Andrew Amador-Corrales
- Marina Masini
- Janelle Atangan
- Events and Services Committee
- Alma Ruiz
- Jan Davis
- Kari Craighead
- Rachaella Giannotta
- Hannah Dahdouh
- Yvonne Dominguez
- Elections & Bylaws Committee
- Staff Benefits Working Group
- Nadia Nasr
- Lynda Hylkema
- Lisa Fabiny
- Shane Maye
- Leslie Leonetti
- Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
- Joanne Thompson
- Andrea Cruz
- Technology Advisory Committee Liaison
- Workplace Sustainability Liaison
- Parking & Transportation Liaison
- Dining Services Liaison
October Assembly Meeting Preview and Discussion - SCU Parking and Transportation
- Some questions to be posed to SCU Parking and Transportation during the
October 17 meeting are listed in this slideshow.
UPC: Staff Affairs Committee (Bill Mains, Staff Affairs Committee Chair)
- Bill provided an overview of the Staff Affairs Committee, including the committee’s charge and current membership.
- Please refer to the meeting minutes for the committee’s primary focus for 2019-20 and other topics.
The October 19, 2019 meeting minutes are saved on the Staff Senate Google Drive.

We hope you enjoyed the Staff Faire. What a wonderful way to start our new academic year!
Thanks to our entire community for making this event so special. We particularly wish to thank those areas and departments that donated items for our drawing.
Our heart-felt gratitude to the Staff Senate's Events and Service Committee for organizing this event.
Building Bridges at Santa Clara University
Sponsored by the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of the Provost, and the Campus Climate Study Follow-up Team, these conversations emerged as a recommendation from the Campus Climate Study in 2018. They provide opportunities for meeting, listening to, and communicating with all members of the Santa Clara University community.
The Conversations will be held on the first Tuesday of each month and the topics will vary.
Future dates this Fall Quarter include:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 (12:15pm – 1:15pm, Nobili Dining Room)
Tuesday, December 3, 2019 (12:15pm – 1:15pm, Nobili Dining Room)
Light Bites, Refreshments, and Discussion
No RSVP Needed.
Please contact Margaret Russell, Associate Provost for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, at, and/or Ray Plaza, Director for the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, at

Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 10:30 am Nobili Dining Room
On-Campus Parking
Millicent Kenney, Transportation Services Director
Laura Ceja, Transportation Office Manager
Have a question about on-campus parking or transportation? Come join us, be part of the discussion, and let your voice be heard! Can't make it? Then submit your questions to by noon on Monday, October 14th.
All staff are invited to attend Staff Senate Meetings.
Share your ideas and concerns, hear updates, and connect with staff from across campus.