Thursday, November 12, 2020 @ 1:00p.m.
Location: via Zoom
● Welcome & Approval of Minutes ● Update from the Staff Senate President ● Diversity, Equity and Inclusion/Anti-Racism Effort ○ The Staff Senate President introduced guest speakers Margaret Russell, Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, and Ray Plaza, Director for the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, to provide an overview of DEI and anti-racism efforts occurring across campus. With the assistance of Ray Plaza and Teresa Kopriva, the administration has developed an Advancing Racial Justice Dashboard that tracks progress on new and previously established DEI initiatives. ● COVID-19 Updates ○ The Staff Senate President introduced guest speaker Kat Saxton, Associate Professor of Biology and Director of Public Health Program, who provided an overview of COVID-19 testing and contact tracing plans for W21. Kat Saxton reminded staff that it is important to quarantine until results of the test are obtained. It is best to avoid contact with others over the holidays and to limit travel. ○ SCU Contact Tracers will be using the County system to streamline the process for collecting contact tracing data. If someone is tested off campus, he/she should call extension 5100. Contact tracing initiates quarantine and support and identifies potential clusters who were exposed. Updated testing protocol for W21 can be viewed HERE. Any additional questions regarding SCU’s testing protocol may be sent directly to Kat Saxton at:
● Staff Affairs Committee Updates ○ The Staff Affairs Committee shared the committee’s recommendations to Policy 216 (Furlough Policy) with Staff Senators and the associated outcomes. Any questions or concerns regarding the recommendations, outcomes, or the administration response process may be sent to Leah Nakasaki-Peterson, Committee Chair, at: or to the Staff Affairs Committee at:
● Staff Senate Committee Updates ○ Elections and Bylaws (Brian Moon) ■ The Committee Chair, Brian Moon, provided an overview of the proposed bylaws revisions which may be viewed HERE ○ Events and Service Committee (Hannah Dahdouh) ■ An announcement will be sent to staff soliciting holiday recipes for the Dessert Recipe Swap. The recipes will be released as a PDF eBook on December 18. ○ Communications Committee (Andrew Amador-Corrales & Deborah Lohse) ■ The Communications Committee continues to collaborate with the Events and Services Committee to coordinate efforts for publicizing upcoming events and service opportunities. Follow the Staff Senate on Instagram.
● Updates on Staff Senate Working Groups ● Updates on Staff Senate University Committee Liaisons ○ The Dining Services Advisory Board is still in need of a Senator volunteer. The first meeting is scheduled for February 17th at 3:00PM. If you are interested and available to serve on this Board, please email ○ Technology Advisory Council (Tiger Simpson, Kari Craighead, & Eli Edwards) ■ The Council met and discussed “reply all” emails. Bob Owen sent a proposal identifying different ways to address this issue. The Council will continue to investigate alternative options. ■ The transition to Workday Financials is on track and is scheduled for January 2021. The transition of student data to Workday will begin in July 2021 with full implementation expected in 2023.
● Open Forum ● Adjourn
- See entire meeting minutes linked below:
Remembering Charlie Ambelang
Click Here for words of remembrance on behalf of Staff Senate and staff members.
A moment of silence was taken to remember Charlie during the December Staff Senate meeting. If you were unable to attend, you can view the moment of silence observed here.
The Staff Senate invites you to: LUNCHTIME EXAMEN
Every Friday | 12:05 - 12:15 PM
The Examen was developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola
as a technique of prayerful reflection on the events
of the day in order to detect God's Presence and
discern God's direction for us.
We are excited to continue this offering throughout
the Fall Quarter, and hope that you will be able to join.
No registration required.
Add to Google Calendar here.
Passcode: 634508
Bronco Pantry use is at an all-time high and continues to be in need of support. For those interested and able to help, please consider the following options:
- Donated items: During the COVID-19 crisis, a donation bin has been placed inside the lobby of the Campus Safety Services office. The bin is available 24/7 for donation drop-offs. Most needed items include rice, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, canned vegetables, microwavable meals (vegetarian friendly), granola bars, dishwashing sponges and dish soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. We, unfortunately, cannot accept homemade items.
- Target eGift Cards can be sent to by selecting the e-mail delivery method. Individual cards of $25, $50, or $100 are preferred. These gifts will be forwarded directly to students in need.
- Safeway Gift Cards can be purchased on our program's Amazon Wishlist. To ensure quick retrieval during the COVID-19 crisis, physical cards will be mailed to Assistant Dean Kimberly Gilkey by selecting "Kim Gilkey's Gift Registry Address" at checkout. Our staff will hand off these gifts directly to the students.
- Cash Donations: Donate directly to our program on the Santa Clara website here.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
Office of Student Life

Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 1:00 pm
Join us, be part of the discussion, and let your voice be heard!
Can't make it? Then submit your questions to StaffSenate@scu.eduby noon on Monday, January 11, 2021.
Meeting will be held via Zoom.
Link and password will be sent closer to meeting date.