April Updates
HR Update
Our HR colleagues have been busy under the direction of our new VP of Human Resources, Zenobia Lane! HR is currently assessing and addressing recruitment, performance management, benefits enhancement and education, and staff compensation.
Title IX Changes and Alternative Resolution Practices Task Force
The UCC, in consultation with the Title IX Office and as a result of recommendations made by a former Task Force, convened this task force to: assist with legally mandated language changes to SCU's Title IX policy; assist with a comprehensive review of the Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct policy, and continue development of a model for alternative resolution practices addressing allegations of harassment and discrimination at SCU. For more information, view the Task Force Charge and Membership List.
Staff Senate Bylaws Amendment
Proposal 2023.04(a)to update the Staff Senate Bylaws was APPROVED by the Staff General Assembly by a vote of 23 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstentions.
Proposal 2023.04(b)to update the Staff Senate Bylaws was APPROVED by the Staff General Assembly by a vote of 23 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstentions.
Proposal Article VII, Section 3(c)(i) to update the Staff Senate Bylaws was APPROVED by the Staff General Assembly by a vote of 21 Yes, 1 No, 1 Abstention.
May Updates
Board of Trustees
Chair Larry Sonsini and President Sullivan expressed their gratitude for all the work done by staff to carry out SCU's mission. BOT Chair Sonsini stressed the importance and relevance of SCU’s mission as we enter into an age of Artificial Intelligence technology that will bring disruptions to our work and the way we conduct business. They are looking forward to working with the whole community – staff, faculty, students, and alumni to chart the future course of the University.
Planning Action Council
Strategic Planning: SCU Impact 2028 – The Planning Action Council (PAC) solicited feedback from the Staff Senate on five preliminary ideas via breakout sessions using the following jamboard. Staff was encouraged to use this jamboard to share their feedback to help refine priorities for SCU: Impact 2028. There is no intention to change the university’s mission or vision, but the strategic pillars and plan will define a set of actions to extend SCU’s impact and distinctiveness. The Pillars will group the actions and initiatives into clear themes, and the plan will be supported by units and centers across campus. Community town halls will be held in Fall 2023 to offer the SCU community a chance to hear about the draft strategic plan. The strategic planning timeline has been extended with the goal of obtaining the Board of Trustees’ endorsement in Winter 2024. See the slide deck for more information.
Parking & Transportation Update
The committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending changes or adjustments related to Parking and Transportation services (e.g., fee-based parking management system on campus, parking spaces and allocation, alternate methods of transportation programs), providing an outlet for members of the community to present concerns and suggestions related to parking and transportation. The two appointed staff representatives to this committee are John Rebagliati and Ixtlac Dueñas. You may send them your parking and transportation concerns and suggestions and they will bring them before the advisory committee.
New Parking Enforcement
Reminder – Guadalupe Lot Enforcement will begin July 1, and note that a Permit is required for ADA Parking.
Join Staff Senate
We are continuing elections to fill senator seats for Academic Year (AY) 2023-24. Please welcome some of your newest senators for AY 2023-24:
- Carmina Mendoza (School of Education & Counseling Psychology)
- Joseph Dolby (Athletics)
- Sukhjit Johal (SCU President & General Counsel)
- Tina Sciolla (College of Arts & Sciences)
- W. Mark Litteral (Finance and Administration & UFO)
Stay Up To Date
Check out the Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that SCU offers. Follow the Staff Senate on Instagram for any bite-sized updates.
Over 30 staff, students, and faculty attended the Far East Deep South screening hosted by APISA and Black/African-American ERG!
Special thanks to all who attended and to those who helped make this event happen.

Folks gathered together to create beautiful flower arrangements during a workshop held and supplied by SCU's Forge Garden!

New Staff Senate Leadership
Ray Plaza is our newly elected Staff Senate President-Elect! His term will begin on July 1, 2023.
Staff ERGs
Check out the Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that SCU offers. Follow the Staff Senate on Instagram for any bite-sized updates.
Next Staff Senate Meeting - Join Us!
June 21 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. via Zoom.