My Sincere Thanks
As we close out this year, I want to share my gratitude with each of you for allowing me to represent you as Staff Senate President. Respect, care, and equity for every person in our SCU community have been at the core of everything I've tried to accomplish this past year. I can only hope that you have seen this reflected in the way the Staff Senate has worked to put voice to your various interests and concerns. |
The year 2020 will certainly be one for the history books. The challenges that our University currently faces are multifaceted. Whether we're dealing with racial biases, budget cuts, potential layoffs/furlough, or other Covid19 fallout, we have a LOT of work ahead of us. And I encourage all of you to get involved in whatever way you're able. Whether you're asked to complete a survey, participate in a focus group, and even if you're nominated to be a senator at some point, it's important to say yes, if you can. Shared governance only works as well as the effort we put into it. On that note, I'd like to express my deep gratitude to all the outgoing senators -- our community is better for your work and dedication, so thank you!
As Kori Lennon, incoming President, and Joanna Thompson, incoming President-elect, officially step into their new roles, I ask you to help them help you. We have a tough road ahead of us. I wish I could guarantee that we're going to make it through this unscathed, but that would be unrealistic, in all honesty. So much about how the next few months, or even weeks, will unfold is unpredictable and out of our control. But what we can do is continue looking out for one another, and making sure that we stand united, together, as one University community.
Again, thank you for affording me this special and unique opportunity this past year. As busy and full as that year has been, I have to admit that I've had a blast. I look forward to seeing everyone back on campus and in-person, eventually.
Stay positive, stay well,
Andrew Chai
Staff Senate President | 2019-2020
Welcome & Opening Remarks
- The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. Total attendees included 20 Senators and 107 participants
- Andrew Chai, outgoing Staff Senate President, thanked all the new and re-elected Senators for accepting their nominations.
- Andrew also thanked all outgoing senators for their participation and important contributions to shared governance.
[See the section below that lists the afore-mentioned individuals. ]
Final Updates from the President
- Details to any of the points below can be found in the June 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes.
- Report on Outstanding proposals/resolutions
- Retirement Definition -- The Staff Senate President reported that this definition, submitted as an addendum to the original proposal to equalize informal retirement benefits, has been forwarded to the Staff Affairs UPC and Benefits Committee.
- Informal Retirement Benefits -- The Staff Affairs UPC, Benefits Committee, and UCC are actively considering this resolution. This item of business will carry over to the 2020-21 academic year.
- Statement of Solidarity and Commitment to Action -- Racial justice is a key priority for the new Staff Senate Executive Officers. The Staff Senate Executive Officers crafted a statement, and the Staff Assembly reviewed and provided feedback. [See full statement here.]
Transition Activities
- Senate Buddies
- This program pairs newly elected Senators with current Senators who can share their experience in the Staff Senate and instruct new senators on the Staff Senate protocols and processes.
- Working Groups
- The Staff Senate President-Elect for 2020-21, Joanna Thompson, explained that any staff member may participate in any of the three Working Groups and can serve as chair or co-chair. If interested, staff can send their contact information to
- Questions or ideas regarding Working Groups can be sent to
Future Staff Senate Meetings
- The scheduling of future Staff Senate meetings will move to Thursday afternoons.
- Senators and staff are asked to email their top needs, priorities and concerns to Staff participation and active engagement in shared governance will help make a difference in the year ahead.
Thank you to the Staff Senate President for 2019-20
- The Executive Team and Senators thanked Andrew for his dedication and service to the Staff Senate. Andrew's use of “inclusive leadership” helped set the tone and accomplishments of the Staff Senate during his term of service.
The June 18th meeting minutes are saved on the Staff Senate Google Drive.

On behalf of the Senate, our Staff community and the entire SCU family, we wish to thank our outgoing senators. Santa Clara University is stronger thanks to your dedication and commitment; thank you!
- Judith Anderson-Hamed (2018-2020): Access Card Office
- Janelle Atangan (2019-2020): School of Law
- Andrea Cruz (2018-2020): Campus Ministry
- Harold Gutmann (2018-2020): University Marketing and Communications
- Billie Knepper (2018-2020): University Library
- Sergio Lopez (2018-2020): Development Office
- Shane May (2019-2020): Leavey School of Business
- Leah Nakasaki-Peterson (2018-2020): Office of Student Life
- Joe Pereira (2018-2020): University Operations, Facilities
- Mike Rasay (2018-2020): Mechanical Engineering
- Alma Ruiz (2018-2020): Kids on Campus
- Tanisha Sparks (2018-2020): Jesuit School of Theology
We also extend a warm welcome to our incoming senators. Congratulations on being elected senators in your respective areas. We thank you in advance for strengthening our community through your service:
- Samuel Andalon (2020-2021): Development Office
- Michael Brady (2020-2022): University Operations, Campus Safety
- John Callan (2020-2022): Development Office
- Allesandra Dahlberg (2020-2022): Office of Student Life
- Elizabeth Edwards (2020-2022): School of Law
- Dianna Gallagher (2020-2022): Jesuit School of Theology
- Gabriela Guerrero (2020-2022): HR & Kids on Campus
- Adam Hays (2020-22): Information Services
- Sara Hebel (2020-2022): Athletics
- Kim-Ha Ho (2020-2022): Finance and Administration & UFO
- Claire Kreeft (2020-2022): Enrollment Management
- Erica Leyva (2020-2022): Auxiliary Services
- Chi Lo (2020-21): Leavey School of Business
- Deborah Lohse (2020-2022): University Marketing and Communications
- Sarah MacGregor (2020-2022): School of Education and Counseling Psychology
- Bill Mains (2020-22): Leavey School of Business
- Anne McMahon (2020-2022): Office of the President
- Joanna Padua (2020-2022): School of Engineering
- Laura Redman (2020-2022): Athletics
- Erin Reineking (2020-2021): Athletics
- Stacey Sauber (2020-2022): Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship
- Tyler Simpson (2020-2021): Office of Student Life
- Elisa Yanagihashi (2020-22): Office of the Provost
We welcome our returning senators. Congratulations on your re-election, and thank you for your continued engagement:
- Leslie Leonetti (2020-2022): Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
- Brian Moon (2020-2022): Information Services
Get Up & Move 2.0 was so good!
Our Get Up and Move 2.0 session was a smashing success -- and so much fun! Over 25 members of our faculty and staff from accross campus attended this virtual workout. Due to the popularity of our 1.0 event, the Staff Senate was delighted to host this reprise. |
Always happy to enhance our community engagement, the Staff Senate looks forward to organizing similar events in the near future - we hope you can join us then! Stay tuned.
Bronco Pantry use is at an all-time high and continues to be in need of support. For those interested and able to help, please consider the following options:
- Donated items: During the COVID-19 crisis, a donation bin has been placed inside the lobby of the Campus Safety Services office. The bin is available 24/7 for donation drop-offs. Most needed items include rice, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, canned vegetables, microwavable meals (vegetarian friendly), granola bars, dishwashing sponges and dish soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. We, unfortunately, cannot accept homemade items.
- Target eGift Cards can be sent to by selecting the e-mail delivery method. Individual cards of $25, $50, or $100 are preferred. These gifts will be forwarded directly to students in need.
- Safeway Gift Cards can be purchased on our program's Amazon Wishlist. To ensure quick retrieval during the COVID-19 crisis, physical cards will be mailed to Assistant Dean Kimberly Gilkey by selecting "Kim Gilkey's Gift Registry Address" at checkout. Our staff will hand off these gifts directly to the students.
- Cash Donations: Donate directly to our program on the Santa Clara website here.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
Office of Student Life

Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Topic: Transition Activities
Join us, be part of the discussion, and let your voice be heard!
Can't make it? Then submit your questions to StaffSenate@scu.eduby noon on Monday, August 10, 2020.
Meeting will be held via Zoom.
Link and password will be sent closer to meeting date.