Congratulations and Welcome to New Staff Senators
Staff Senate welcomed new members at the June meeting, including the following newly elected Senators. Meet them at a Staff Senate meeting in the fall! New Senators incude:
- Rachaella Giannota, Alumni Relations
- Kari Craighead, College of Arts and Sciences
- Anna Rivard, College of Arts and Sciences (Current Senator)
- Janis Davis, College of Arts and Sciences
- Sarah Stricker, Enrollment Management
- Shane Maye, Leavey School of Business (one-year term)
- Marina Mesini, Leavey School of Business
- Andrew Amador-Corrales, Law School
- Janelle Atangan, Law School (one-year term)
- Joanna Thompson, Office of Student Life
- Yvonne Dominguez, Development
- Nadia Nasr, Information Services
- Lisa Fabiny, Provost (Current Senator)
- Hannah Dahdouh, Ignatian Center
Share Feedback with Staff Senate
Send comments, concerns, feedback, questions, or suggestions to Staff Senate by emailing us at
Key Updates from Staff Senate's June Meeting
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Dean Search
- Butch Coyne, Director, SCU Presents, was appointed as staff member to serve on CAS dean search committee.
What’s in store for 2019-20 (2019-20 Staff Senate President, Andrew Chai)
- Staff Senate will shift to host fewer speakers and more debates, motions, resolutions, and charges.
- The goal of the Staff Senate will be to affect more change.
- Senators will be encouraged to more actively reach out to their constituencies and identify issues of concern, and bring these ideas to the Staff Senate meetings so they can be forwarded to the appropriate committees.
Speaker: Lisa Kloppenberg, Interim Provost
- Shared about her background and that she is looking forward to serving as Provost, learning all that she can in this role, and assisting Fr. O’Brien in his role as President.
- Addressed Staff concerns of transparency, inclusivity, and transitions that were identified in the Staff Survey.
2018-2019 Accomplishments
- Advocated for staff to serve on the Presidential Search Committee: Eva Blanco Masias, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions, was appointed.
- Ixtlac Dueñas was hired as the Senior Administrative Assistant for Collaborative Governance.
- Hosted the first Faculty/Staff Mixer in January.
- Voiced Staff concerns in the Faculty/Staff Housing Project, including Carly Koebel's attendance at City Planning Meetings.
- Debuted Staff Senate Buddy program and Staff Senate Recruitment videos.
- View more details and additional efforts in the minutes, Staff Senate Survey Report, and Staff Benefits Working Group Proposals.
June 20, 2019 meeting minutes are saved on the Staff Senate Google Drive

Save the date for the Annual Staff Faire!
Wednesday, September 11th, 11:30AM-2:00PM
Ignatian Lawn
More details to follow.
New Senator elections will take place in September 2019 for areas with remaining open seats. Are you in one of the following areas? If so, we'd love to have you join Staff Senate. Email us at and keep your eye out for nomination emails in the fall. You can nominate yourself!
- Athletics (3)
- Miller Center (1)
- University Operations (1)
- Enrollment Management (1)
- Provost (1)
- University Finance/Finance & Administration (1)