Update from Staff Senate President
Melissa Brotherton
As the 2017-18 academic year comes to a close and I reflect on our collective accomplishments, I am very proud of the Staff Senate's many milestones reached this year, which will continue to benefit our staff and the Santa Clara community for years to come. We look forward to highlighting this work in the Staff Senate's End of Year Report, to be published in early July. Thank you for your amazing collaboration throughout the academic year.
Speaker: University President Michael E. Engh, S.J.
- Fr. Engh expressed his gratitude for the work of the Staff Senate, and his candid and transparent responses to our questions was greatly appreciated. The questions and answers with Fr. Engh can be found in the May Meeting Minutes.
Newly-formed Staff Housing Task Force Member Appointments
- Gayle Bandy (Chair), Housing & Conference Services
- Kelli Bruggeman, Research and Faculty Affairs, Provost
- Jeanette Coran, Planning & Projects
- Liz Gallegos Glynn, University Relations/Gift Planning
- Jennifer Nutefall, University Library
Speaker: Charlie Ambelang (Staff Compensation and Kids on Campus)
- As the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Charlie shared the details of the staff compensation study implementation plan. There were a lot of great questions from the crowd. Charlie also gave an update on Kids On Campus.
Staff Appointments on the 2018-19 SCU Governance Committees
- University Coordinating Committee
- Carly Koebel, Staff Senate President 2018-19, Ex officio
- University Budget Council (UBC)
- Brian Moon, Information Services 2018-21 (New position as a result of a Staff Senate proposal)
- Benefits Committee
- David Harrison, Director of Advancement, Miller Center 2018-21
- Student Affairs Committee
- Denise Ho, Alumni Relations 2018-21
- Pancho Jimenez, Art & Art History 2018-21
- Staff Affairs Committee
- Andrew Chai, Staff Senate President-Elect, 2018-19
- Monica DeLong, Director of Operations, Markkula Center 2018-21
- Luis Lecanda, Financial Aid, 2018-21
- Jenny Sullivan, Chapter and Groups, Alumni Relations 2018-21
Below are additional details of the topics discussed during the meeting. I invite you to read the Meeting Minutes for more info.

Speaker: SCU President Michael E. Engh, S.J.
Q&A with the Staff Senate |
Fr. Engh answered questions that were submitted to him in advance of the meeting and those that were asked by senators during the meeting. For brevity, only the questions are listed below. To read Fr. Engh's responses, please refer to the meeting minutes.
- What is the timetable to complete the Arts Walk and Arts neighborhood - the SCU Arts District?
- Will there be more outdoor art incorporated in the landscape?
- What are the plans to activate this space?
- About the new Chief Operating Officer (COO) appointment
- Why and what does he do?
- Is the COO position permanent?
- About our capital campaign:
- How are you feeling about the campaign and our big goals?
- How will SCU transition staff that were hired specifically for the campaign once the campaign ends?
- What is our financial status and what can we expect from the new VP of Finance and Administration, Michael Crowley?
- Looking ahead, what is most exciting to you when you think of SCU's future?
- SCU is the No. 2 Masters University in the West, how do we get to No. 1?
- Can you talk about the endowment and the possible interest rate change?
- Sustaining Excellence – what changes are you already seeing or anticipating?
Speaker: Charlie Ambelang, AVP, Human Resources
Staff Compensation Study Implementation and Kids on Campus |
Compensation Study: Charlie presented the implementation plan for HR's Comprehensive Compensation Review Project.
- Lower salary grades (6-7) will be implemented in Phase 1 (effective May 1, 2018)
- Salary grades 8-15 will be adjusted in Phase 2 (implemented in August 2018)
- Salary grades 16-17 and NA will not be adjusted.
- Individual salaries still reviewed against market and for internal inequities.
A campus-wide email on this subject is forth-coming; community forums will be held over the summer. You can also check out the slides from Charlie's presentation. The following questions were asked during the meeting. For Charlie's responses please read the meeting minutes.
- How are market positions identified?
- Do the adjustments replace the annual merit-based increases?
- Is there a possibility that UBC will not fund future adjustments?
- When are salary grades reviewed?
Kids on Campus (KOC): Charlie provided an update on KOC, including tuition rates (there will be a 7% increase for the 2018-19 academic year), the current enrollment and staff makeup, and waitlist numbers. The following questions were asked during the meeting. Read the meeting minutes for Charlie's responses.
- How much did the rates increase in previous years?
- What do you anticipate the increase to be in future years?
Working Groups and Committee Updates
Working Groups
Staff Benefits
Sustaining Excellence
- Staff Tenure - what is the promotion track for staff?
- No plans to move to a tenure track for staff. Communicate to your manager if you are interested in moving up or look for lateral moves at SCU.
- Sliding scale for parking permits based on salary
- Working on the End-of-Year report to deliver to Fr. Engh early July
Elections and Bylaws
Last Staff Senate Meeting of the 2017-18 Academic Year
10:30 a.m. - noon | Graham Commons
- Welcome 2018-19 new Staff Senators!
- End of year reports from committees and working groups
- Review 2018-17 accomplishments
*All staff members are invited to attend Staff Senate meetings
Staff Senate End-of-Year Celebration Lunch
Noon - 1 p.m. | Graham Commons

Join us for an End-of-Year Celebration Lunch. Please RSVP so we have an accurate headcount for catering. Thank you.
*All staff members are invited to the lunch
*Due to a packed agenda we postponed this month's spotlighters until June.