Staff Senate Survey
In an effort to serve you better, your Staff Senate representatives respectfully ask that you take a moment to complete a brief survey and enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
The Staff Senate conducts this survey every 2-3 years to guide our initiatives and resolutions within the University's Shared Governance system. Sharing your thoughts, suggestions, and concerns allows us to bring these topics to the forefront of our conversations, and more effectively voice the issues that are important to you.
All staff members are encouraged to take the survey. Your responses are strictly anonymous. Survey results will be reported to the University community at a level of aggregation that does not reveal individual responses.
If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, you can email Carly Koebel, Staff Senate President. Last date for submissions is March 20, 2019.
Share Feedback with Staff Senate
Send comments, concerns, feedback, questions, or suggestions to Staff Senate by emailing us at or using the form linked on our website.
Key Updates
- Ed Ryan, Vice Provost for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, discussed WASC Reaffirmation Process
- Marissa Pimentel provided a facilities update:
- Finn parking will be underground and will connect with Sobrato underground parking
- STEM priority will be to have students spaces open for Fall 2021
- The Atheltic Excellence Center will break ground on May 1
- Everyone will be issued new access cards with the retrofit of current locks and installation of new technology
- Dennis Jacobs, Provost - Update from the Provost
- Came to campus in 2011 - average tenure for a Provost is 4.5 years. He is, therefore, the second longest serving Provost in all the Jesuit schools
- Highlights of time at SCU include recruitment of faculty and staff; high impact experiential learning; collaborative work across disciplines; Nationally recognized programs; diversity and inclusion and Campus Climate work
- Excited for SCU's future - it's almost time for a new strategic plan! (current plan is through 2020)
- The new president will lead the search for a new Provost
February 21, 2019 meeting minutes are saved on the Staff Senate Google Drive

March 21, 2019 at 10:30am Nobili Dining Room
All staff are invited to attend Staff Senate Meetings.
Hear updates, share your ideas or concerns, and connect with staff from across campus.
The March meeting includes a visit from John Sobrato, Trustee and Presidental Search Committee Co-chair and Sam Perez, President - Associated Student Government. Fr. Dorian Llywelyn, Executive Director - Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education and Tom Plante, Professor - Psychology Department will also be delivering the Mission Priority Examen.

In an effort to get to know each other better and to identify areas of collaboration, senators will take turns during every meeting to share three personal facts about themselves, and a highlight and challenge in their area or department. This month's featured senators come from the Staff Senate Executive Committee.

Leslie Leonetti, External Relations Manager, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics - Senator
Things about Me
- Born and raised in Santa Clara County, grew up in Morgan Hill.
- I am an alumna, class of 1973, and a legacy. My dad graduated in 1950 and fun fact - my mom was the first woman to work in the SCU Athletic Department in 1946 as the secretary.
Area Highlights/Challenges
- I’d like to share our new Executive Director's 5 Aspirational Goals for the Center as he takes over the leadership role:
- Evaluate and rethink the way we engage with the campus and determine a way to engage every undergraduate student in the work of the Center.
- Increase communication and raise awareness about the Center regionally, nationally and internationally. We are doing that now as we have hired a PR expert to develop a plan to let the world know about our broad expertise in all our Ethics Program areas.
- Deliver more relevant events to help increase awareness of the Center - please join us at one of them! All are listed on our website:
- Think and plan for a larger and dedicated space for the Center's offices.
- Gird up our financial resources in order to accomplish the above 4.

Kayla Wells, Program Director for Immersions - Senator
Three Things about Me
- I am originally from a small town in Western Massachusetts with a population under 2,000.
- As an undergraduate at SCU, I studied Environmental Science and worked at the Center for Sustainability.
- I enjoy writing poetry, doing pottery, and learning modern calligraphy.
Area Highlight
- A highlight for the Ignatian Center is our beautiful new home at 990 Benton Street. Our new space has fostered greater collaboration between our various program staff as well as the opportunity to host over 40-50 students every Monday for immersion preparation meetings.
Area Challenge
- Our greatest challenge is getting males involved in our programs. With a shift in our marketing we have seen greater male participation but any ideas you have here are welcome!