Staff Senate Meeting, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021 @ 1:00p.m.
- Updates on Student Life (Jeanne Rosenberger & Ciara Moezidis)
- There are numerous ways staff can help students with mental-health issues, including a calling program.
- Staff Affairs UPC Update (Hannah Dahdouh)
- The Staff Affairs committee continues to collaborate with shared governance entities to develop a civility policy for the staff listserv.
- Staff/Faculty Housing Update (Robin Reynolds)
- For information on the entitlement process underway with the City of San Jose and other issues related to University-owned rental units, view the FAQ page.
- Workday Updates (Bob Owen, Ramona Sauter, and Kaz Joseph)
- See entire meeting minutes & Town Hall recording linked below:
Staff Senate Meeting, Thursday, Mar. 11, 2021 @ 1:00p.m.
- Performance Evaluation Updates (Shirley Mata)
- Evaluations this year are an opportunity for staff to reflect on how their job has changed since April 2020 and document accomplishments achieved and areas of struggle. See the Workday Performance Evaluation Checklist and the Employee Self-Evaluation Guide for help.
- Elections and Bylaws Committee (Brian Moon)
- The President-elect election will occur in April; the General election will occur in May. Staff are encouraged to self-nominate or nominate colleagues for senator positions.
- COVID-19 Caregiving Concerns Task Force
- Senators Eli Edwards and Nadia Nasr lead a task force charged with investigating best practices at universities for helping caregivers during COVID-19. If staff have specific issues or know of current work in this area, please email
- See entire meeting minutes and Town Hall recording linked below:
Santa Clara University Human Resources sent an important email regarding issues you need to know for Return to Work on Campus. Click to learn about:
- Health & safety protocols for gradual return to campus
- Spring quarter return of essential access employees only
- The continuing limitations on campus for Spring term and in the county's "orange tier" status
- Financial updates including merit increases and the ongoing hiring freeze
- Student employment restrictions
- Vaccination & Testing update
- Kids on Campus reopening May 3 on a limited-capacity basis
- An upcoming supervisor town hall to discuss return to campus and more
Each month we will spotlight little-known benefits that are available to employees at Santa Clara University.
Learn more about insurance for your pet's health, at a 5% discount for SCU employees.
The Staff Senate invites you to: LUNCHTIME EXAMEN
Every Friday | 12:05 - 12:15 PM
The Examen was developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola
as a technique of prayerful reflection on the events
of the day in order to detect God's Presence and
discern God's direction for us.
No registration required.
Passcode: 634508
Bronco Pantry use is at an all-time high and continues to be in need of support. For those interested and able to help, please consider the following options:
- Donated items: During the COVID-19 crisis, a donation bin has been placed inside the lobby of the Campus Safety Services office for 24/7 donation drop-offs. Most needed items include rice, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, canned vegetables, microwavable meals (vegetarian friendly), granola bars, dishwashing sponges and dish soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. We cannot accept homemade items.
- Target eGift Cards will be forwarded directly to students in need. Donations can be sent to by selecting the e-mail delivery method at time of purchase.
- Safeway Gift Cards can be purchased on our program's Amazon Wishlist. Select "Kim Gilkey's Gift Registry Address" at checkout. Our staff will hand off these gifts directly to the students.
- Cash Donations: Donate directly to our program on the Santa Clara website here.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
Office of Student Life

Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 1:00 pm
Join us, be part of the discussion, and let your voice be heard!
Can't make it? Then submit your questions to StaffSenate@scu.eduby noon on Monday, April 5, 2021.
Meeting will be held via Zoom.
Link and password will be sent closer to meeting date.