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Staff Recognition Awards & Recipients

At the annual Staff Recognition Event, awards are presented to outstanding staff members, or in some cases a department/unit, from among the University's eleven divisions who excel in one of four awards categories:

Inclusive Excellence Award (Individual or Group)

  • Awarded to an individual or unit/department whose efforts helped SCU reach the university's goal of becoming a more diverse and inclusive campus for all.

Spirit of Ignatius Award (Individual or Group)

  • Awarded to an individual or unit/department that has made an impact on the lives of others through selfless acts of humanitarianism.

Outstanding Excellence Award (Two, Individual)

  • Awarded to two individuals who exhibited exemplary commitment to promoting and integrating competence, conscience, and compassion into the campus environment.

Outstanding Excellence Award (Two, Group)

  • Awarded to two units/departments of staff members (of two or more team members) who have exhibited exemplary commitment to promoting and integrating competence, conscience, and compassion into the campus environment.

Charlie Ambelang Award (Individual or Group -- Awarded by the Staff Senate)

  • Presented by the Staff Senate to an individual or unit/department exhibiting qualities exemplified by the late Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Charlie Ambelang.
  • To learn more about why this award was created click here.
  • Inclusive Excellence Award: Ricardo Padilla, Programs Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM, School of Engineering
  • Spirit of Ignatius Award: Susan Huang, Academic Department Manager, Accounting Department
  • Spirit of Ignatius Award: Vania Tong, Assistant Director, Career Development, STEM & Innovation
  • Spirit of Ignatius Award (Group): Law School Office of Career Management
  • Outstanding Excellence Award: Cory Gong, Academic Department Manager, Public Health and Environmental Studies and Sciences
  • Outstanding Excellence Award: Stefani Blanco, Assistant Director, Financial Aid
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Group): Therapists in Residence
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Group): Office of Student Life  
  • Charlie Ambelang Award: Lisa Swendsen, Assistance Vice President, University Event Planning Office


  • Inclusive Excellence Award: Marqus Koranteng, LEAD Scholars Program
  • Spirit of Ignatius Award: Bronco Pantry - Amanda Chavez, Colleen Maeder, Katie Holscher, Kimberly Gilkey, Matt Cameron
  • Outstanding Excellence Award: Kathleen Schneider, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Outstanding Excellence Award: Lauren Baines, de Saisset Museum
  • Outstanding Excellence Award: Tracy Cox, Campus Safety Services
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Group): Enterprise Application - Aleksandra Gacevic, Bill Fowler, Bill Meissner, Brian Frank, EMai Anh Pham-Ky, Erusha Kongara, Heather Green, Jake Day, Josephine Hon, Joyce Sze, Kaz Joseph, Kumar Bhagavatula, Lionel Milan, Lynette Raygoza, Mark Matthiessen, Meenu Jhigan, Robert Boyd, Srivatsa Udupa, Steve Lin  
  • Charlie Ambelang Award: Chris Harris, Career Center
  • Inclusive Excellence Award (Group): LEAD Scholars Program - Andrea Jackson, Erin Kimura-Walsh, Jessica Johns, Marqus Koranteng, and Sarah Dagnino
  • Spirit of Ignatius Award (Individual): Sarah Bonini, Alumni Relations
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Individual): Tyler Masamori, Emergency Planning
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Individual): Donna Bolio, Athletics
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Group): Kids On Campus - Alma Ruiz, Carol Secor, Cecilia Robles, Filomena Tirado, Irene Bronner, Lina Awadallah, Maddi Manelski, Mary Kamath, Mary Kate Marron, Maureen Burnham, Natalie Plecque, Patricia Soraire, Sandra Djurovic, Sobha Weerasinghe
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Group): Alumni Relations - Alma McChesney, Audrey Redmond, Jenny Sullivan, Kristina Schroeder, Maria von Massenhausen, Maureen Muscat, Megan Alderete, Megan Schiel, Melissa Brotherton, Paul Neilan, Sarah Bonini, Yesenia Magdaleno-Solis, Zach Plaza
  • Charlie Ambelang Award: Campus Engagement Working Group - Alyse Hudock, Amanda Chavez, Austin Hunt, Bernell Nevil, Colleen Maeder, Gloria Hermosillo, Janice DeMonsi (co-lead), Jessica Johns, Lori Salazar (co-lead), Marqus Koranteng, Ricky Padilla, Samantha Kibbish, Tiger Simpson
  • Inclusive Excellence Award (Individual): Bernell Nevil, Assistant Director, Office of Multicultural Learning
  • Spirit of Ignatius Award: Katharine Rondthaler and Lisa Martinez, Forge Garden
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Individual): Jenny Brown, Technology Support Manager, University Operations Tracking and Tracing Team Operations Manager
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Individual): Sergio Lopez, Manager of Direct Appeal, University Relations
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Group): Cowell Center - Alanna Conrad, Estrella Ramirez, Greg Matos, Joanna Maung, Joseph Walling, Kate Peterson, Laurel Hess, Nicole Banks, Pat McBride, Sarah Rotsinger-Stemen
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Group): Enrollment Management (Undergraduate Admission, Financial Aid and One Stop) - AJ Howell-Williams, Alex Marchewka, Alex Soek, Andrea Kwong, Ariana Rodriguez, Azucena Romero-Herrera, Becky Konowicz, Carol Koch, Charity Garcia, Cindy Tirado, Claire Kreeft, Danielle Sandoval, Eryn Olson, Gerardo Miranda, Gerry Chin, Jorge Bose, Kendall Wulbrun, Lorenzo Gamboa, Lynda D'Aloia, Marta Ruiz, Michaela Ahlstrom, Michelle Machado, Nan Merz, Pamela Schlimmer, Patricia Lopez, Paola Garcia-Vega, Randy Wang, Raye Loftus, Sandra Ramirez, Sharon Gan, Shaun Ferreira, Sofi Samaniego, Stefani Blanco, Trista San Agustin, Victoria Garcia
  • Outstanding Excellence Award (Group): Robin Reynolds, Sam Florio, and Sean Collins (Resilience and Recovery)
  • Charlie Ambelang Award: Joanna Thompson, Director, Office of Multicultural Learning