When fitness classes aren't in session, our multipurpose room is open for guests to use for stretching, dancing, or yoga.

- 2,100 square foot mirrored room with high performance maple floor
- TRX bands and monkey bars along one wall
- Ballet bars along two of the mirrored walls
- Dumbell racks were added Fall '24 and hold weights 2.5 - 20 lbs
- This space hosts a variety of group fitness, mind, body, and spirit classes, as well as a variety of student groups for dance rehearsals, martial arts, and boxing
- Stretching mats, steppers, stability balls, and Bosu balls are available in the space, but all other fitness class equipment is locked up except when a Campus Recreation Fitness Instructor is present
The multipurpose room can also be reserved by approved groups.
For more information regarding multipurpose room policies, click here.