Welcome to the Tuesday Teaching Tip, an easy-to-implement tool that you can use immediately in your classroom teaching.
Reflection gives students the opportunity to make sense of course material and learning experiences on their own terms. Including reflection in your teaching can help students deepen their learning, take ownership of course concepts, and transform course materials for their own future uses.
Reflection can be done in three ways: before an activity, during an activity (or in-action), and after an activity (or on-action), and can provide a more holistic approach to improving teaching. Also, you as an educator can share your own experiences and insights to promote a classroom community.
So, this week, we challenge you to incorporate reflection into a class session!
Here’s one way to do it
- Before the lecture or activity: Introduce the topic and give students a couple of minutes to think about what makes them curious about this new learning.
- During the lecture or activity: Ask students to interview another student and ask each other “why are we learning this new concept?”
- After the lecture or activity: Give students an Exit Ticket and ask them how they could apply this new knowledge outside of the classroom.
Let us know how it went. We would love to hear your feedback about how you implemented today’s Tuesday Teaching Tip in your classroom. Click here to fill out our 3-question survey.
Join us for our CAFE (Conversations Advancing Faculty Excellence) next week on Ignatian Pedagogy to learn more reflection and other aspects of Ignatian Pedagogy, including how you can implement these values into your teaching. RSVP here.
In the meantime, RSVP to join us for lunch at our upcoming CAFE tomorrow on AI in Action: Enhancing Teaching and Learning in the Classroom at 11:45am, followed by an “Implementation Hour” with support for implementing what you learned at the CAFE into your plans for an upcoming class session or assignment (plus dessert!). You’re invited to both; stay as long as you can.
See our full calendar of events here.
Visit our Faculty Development DRT page on Ignatian Pedagogy.
This week’s Tuesday Teaching Tip was prepared by Sofia Kotsiri and Long Le on behalf of the Faculty Collaborative.
Missed a teaching tip? Read them all here.
And check out our full calendar of CAFEs and other Faculty Development and Faculty Collaborative events.