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Focused on imaginative, effective teaching, CAFE dialogues draw faculty from a range of disciplines, inviting colleagues to learn from each another by sharing essential and emerging tools to nurture and challenge students. CAFE helps facilitate an education that allows students to address real-world problems and serve not only their community, but also the world as competent, conscientious, and compassionate individuals.

Below are series of CAFE talks grouped by topics and themes. If you'd like us to consider a specific topic, please reach out to

Stream our recent CAFEs!

AI is not going away. How do we develop strategies to acknowledge, understand, and make use of new tools effectively and ethically to support our scholarly and creative work and our students’ learning?

What AI is, What it isn’t, and Why it Matters

  • Overview, Contexts, Possibilities

  • Ethical Challenges and Opportunities

  • Experimentation

Click an image below to watch the CAFE discussion.

AI Feb 22AI Apr 23

Wouldn’t it be great if students walked away from each of our courses with a clear sense of how much they learned and pride in the effort they invested in their learning activities? Class assignments are one of the ways we can facilitate this kind of meaningful learning, but we don’t always take advantage of simple techniques that can transform assignments into productive challenges where students can shine!

Click an image below to watch the CAFE discussion.

Transforming Pedagogy CAFE Oct 2023multimodal assessments

Assignment redesignGroup Collab  

Are you curious about how faculty are making use of technology in their hybrid or virtual environments? Learn more about what tools and resources SCU faculty used in their teaching and why they may be adaptable for fully in-person instruction as well!

Click an image below to watch the CAFE discussion.

Online Innovationsasynchronous learning

Designing Engaging Zoom Sessions

Learn about strategies and practices that support diverse populations at SCU with a focus on cultivating belonging in the classroom, understanding differences and diversity, and enhancing engagement between students and faculty.

Click the image below to watch the CAFE discussion. 

CAFE with a group of international students image  

Access Check-In November 2023

neurodivergent students

Teaching International    

Finding belonging

Student Belonging

Additional Resources:

"Closing the Distance between Student and Teacher," Marcia Chatelain, Ph.D.

Inclusive Teaching Strategies with Bryan Dewsbury, Ph.D.

Supporting students' mental health and their sense of wellness are key to their success at SCU. Learn more about classroom practices that promote a culture of care and enhance student learning and engagement as well as campus resources.
Click an image below to watch the CAFE discussion.
Pedagogies of Wellness and Compassion Series

Pedagogies of wellness dec 21     Jan 22 Pedagogies of Wellness

Pedagogies of wellness oct 22

Additional conversations and resources:


CAPS Presentation

Learn about technological tools available to SCU faculty! Jazz up your Camino and learn about how to leverage some of the new tools on Camino to organize your course content and engage your students! Some tools and topics we’ll be covering include Gradescope, Camino course design, and VoiceThread, and as always, there will be time for your questions.

Click the image below to watch the CAFE discussion.
