The Role of Assessment of Student Learning in Program Review
The annual assessment reports of student learning play an important role in the program review process, which is undertaken every 8 years by each department.
As part of the process of program review, external reviewers are asked to comment specifically on a program's assessment methods and findings in their reports. This provides departments with a more comparative view of their assessment practices and findings. This feedback, along with the action plan from the department, is shared with Educational Assessment.
As programs develop their action plans following program review, they have the opportunity to engage with their Associate Dean or Assessment Director who supports assessment. Additionally, the Dean's and Provost's staff are involved in meetings with each department to review findings and recommendations that emerge from the department's self-study. These meetings provide another source of input as programs may move to refine their assessment practices. After the program review is complete, any changes to the program's assessment are submitted to Educational Assessment.