Santa Clara University affirms the right of all students to live and learn in a safe and respectful environment. Oftentimes, however, students from traditionally marginalized groups --women, people of color, the disabled, the poor, religious, ethnic and sexual minorities-- feel neither safe nor respected on our campus. Creating a safe environment for all students is the concern of the entire University.
The Safe Space program enhances Santa Clara's educational commitment to its students by improving the environment for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) members of our community. By providing physical signs of welcome, such as the sticker shown above, and by inviting the University community to ongoing conversations, we can make a difference for all SCU students
Request a training
The Student Safe Space Trainings are provided throughout the year and can be provided upon request for your organization or staff. The training is approximately 1 hour. Request a training here. Please contact RRC@scu.edu for more information.
The Office for Diversity and Inclusion facilitates Safe Space Training for faculty and staff on campus. Please contact Raymond Plaza at rplaza@scu.edu for more information.