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Test Accommodations

Eligibility for test accommodation services is determined by the Office of Accessible Education (OAE) and is provided for courses where the functional limitation(s) indicate a need.

OAE students receive confirmation of prescribed accommodation(s) through the Eligibility Letter delivered through the MyOAE Portal. OAE students must request prescribed testing accommodations each quarter and for each class where needed.

After requesting your accommodations for the term in the MyOAE Portal, a Notification Letter will be emailed to your faculty. You must meet with your faculty within 2 weeks after you’ve requested your accommodations for the term.

At this meeting, you will need to discuss your approved accommodations, specifically how the instructor(s) will provide your testing accommodation(s). If the instructor is unable to implement your testing accommodations, due to but not limited to, the following:

  • Double time (2X) extension for exams and other testing accommodations that cannot be met outside of the OAE testing center,
  • Four or more students requiring extra time in one section of the same class,
  • Extenuating circumstances, which will be reviewed on a case by case basis in collaboration with OAE, instructor, and student,

Then you may calendar your exam through the MyOAE Portal following OAE established exam scheduling processes. 

In order to best support OAE students and to facilitate a seamless process for both students and faculty, OAE students requesting OAE to administer their exams need to calendar their exam requests via the MyOAE Portal at least 5 full business days in advance of the exam date/time. OAE requires advance notice to allow sufficient time to process requests and retrieve exams instructions as well as the exam to be administered from the instructor.

Please note you will be unable to calendar your exam request on the MyOAE Portal if the instructor on record has failed to submit the Alternative Testing Guideline (ATG). If this occurs, please follow up with your instructor directly as they will be responsible for administering your exams.

Exam appointments are accepted on a "first-requested, first-approved" basis and seating is subject to availability. OAE testing center hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. We are closed during weekends and holidays.

Alternative Test Site

Alternative Test Site is a distraction-reduced environment that is reasonably quiet with low stimuli. The distraction-reduced environment doesn’t need to be a silent private setting nor necessitate students testing with OAE. 

Students must review each course syllabus to determine if testing accommodations are required. For courses requiring testing accommodations, students must log in to their MyOAE to submit their request(s) at the start of each term. The request will generate and send a Notification Letter to faculty notifying them of the prescribed accommodations.

Students are responsible to follow up with faculty to request meetings as soon as possible (preferably during office hours or by appointment) to discuss test accommodations. All testing arrangements will be arranged and agreed upon between student and faculty. For exams being administered by OAE (see below), students must submit an alternative testing request for each exam on MyOAE. The course syllabi will state the number of exams for the quarter, this includes quizzes, midterms, and final. OAE recommends all exam requests be entered at the start of each quarter. If the exams accommodation(s) are not requested in a timely manner (at least five full business days prior to the actual exam date) students testing accommodations may not be implemented by instructors and or OAE due to insufficient notice.

 Administration of exams are as follow:

  • Fall, Winter & Spring: Exams are administered Monday through Friday between 8:30AM -4:30PM. All exams are administered in Benson 1, unless otherwise arranged.
  • Extended hours are available during Finals Week.
  • Show up to your exam at least 15 minutes prior to your exam time with allowed testing materials - no extra calculators, Scantrons, writing materials, or Blue/Green books will be provided.
  • OAE students who show up late or unprepared for their exam with OAE will NOT be compensated for the elapsed time - the OAE student must complete the exam by the time as scheduled and stated on the testing staff’s exam cover sheet.
  • OAE students' exam time begins promptly as scheduled. To protect the integrity of the test, if the OAE student has not arrived at the testing location within 15 minutes of the scheduled time (according to the clock in the testing location) he/she/they may no longer be able to test on that day. If it is determined that the OAE student needs to reschedule, it is then the OAE student’s responsibility to speak with their instructor to reschedule the exam. Make-up exams follow the policy as indicated on the individual course syllabus.
  • OAE students needing to reschedule or cancel an exam due to illness or an emergency must contact the OAE Accommodations Coordinator at (408) 554-4109 or email "" as soon as possible. OAE students will also need to notify their professor to negotiate an alternate time to take the exam. Make-up/reschedule of exams are subject to instructors and departmental policies. 
  • Rescheduling an exam is only done with the professor's approval. Once the professor's approval and new exam request are received, it may take between 2-4 business days to schedule exams requiring extended time only. Exams requiring additional accommodations (such as a scribe) may be delayed in scheduling until the required accommodation support can be secured.
  • OAE students will receive the full allotted time if the professor is late dropping off the exam or if OAE is late in obtaining the exam. Depending on the amount of time lapsed, OAE students may need to reschedule the exam.
  • OAE students MUST have a university-issued ID card. ID may be held by OAE staff for the duration of the exam.
  • OAE students are NOT permitted to make use of any aids (i.e. open notes, calculator, formula sheets, headphones, any electronic and/or recording devices, etc.); unless otherwise approved on the Alternative Testing Guideline (ATG). While taking the exam, OAE students should have nothing on their desks except the test, essay booklet, answer sheets, and pen/pencil. Cell phones are to be turned off and put away.
  • OAE students will be assigned to specific testing seats.
  • Smoking, eating, and drinking are not permitted in the OAE testing rooms; unless approved as an accommodation(s).
  • Exam breaks are not permitted; unless approved as an accommodation(s).
  • All testing materials will be collected by OAE testing staff prior to dismissal: exam, essay booklets, Scantrons, and/or scratch paper.
  • In case of an emergency, all exams in progress will be stopped. After the building receives clearance, exams will resume. However, depending on the amount of time lapsed, OAE students may have to reschedule.

OAE will administer exams in the following order of priority:


Priority Level Description
1 OAE students receiving double time (2x)

OAE students utilizing assistive technology accommodation(s)

3 Faculty member having 4 or more students in a course section prescribed extended time
4 Faculty and the OAE student who are not able to make suitable arrangements
5 All others will be scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis 

 To schedule exams with OAE:

  • The OAE student logs into the MyOAE Portal.
  • The OAE student completes an Alternative Testing Request for each exam (following the parameters specified in the Alternative Testing Guideline (ATG)).
  • The OAE student and faculty receive a confirmation email that the exam has been scheduled. Confirmation emails will be sent 48 business hours prior to exam date requested.
  • Alternative Testing Requests must be submitted no later than 4 business weeks prior to the Final exam scheduled date (approximately one month prior to the start of Finals Week). The Finals Week schedule is available on the Office of the Registrar website.
  • OAE students who submit late Alternative Testing Requests will be placed on a “Wait List.” OAE students on the “Wait List” will be scheduled on the first available date and time; OAE cannot guarantee the date and time originally requested.
  • The OAE testing center's Finals Week schedule will be confirmed at least three (3) business days prior to the 1st day of Finals Week.
  • Final exams administered by OAE will take place in various locations - please log in to your OAE profile for exact locations.

The following items are not allowed in the OAE testing center:

  • Any products containing peanuts or tree nuts
  • Any food products that have strong odors or loud wrapping/crunching noises (e.g. potato chip bags, baby carrots) 
  • Any cell phones or any electronic/programmable items (e.g. Apple watches, etc.)
  • Any music or personal listening devices unless explicitly approved by the instructor in the Alternative Testing Guideline (ATG)
  • Any oversized hoodies, sweaters, hats with brims
  • Any testing item not specified on the testing staff’s exam cover sheet (be sure to follow up with your instructor to ensure OAE has the most up-to-date allowed testing materials for the exam)

OAE testing center will allow:

  • Any beverages with lids
  • OAE provided noise-canceling headphones and foam earplugs
  • OAE provided analog desk clocks (upon request)
  • Individual time notifications during the exam in the following increments:
    • 1-hour remaining 
    • 30 minutes remaining
    • 10 minutes remaining
    • 5 minutes remaining
    • End of exam time 

OAE is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged or unattended personal belongings and strongly recommends that OAE students leave personal items and valuables at home. OAE staff shall not hold equipment, valuables or bags for students. No items should be placed directly in front of emergency access doors.


  • Service dogs must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered and under the handler’s control, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
  • Service dogs in the Testing room must remain on the floor near the handler.
  • Service dogs' needs must be taken care of prior to the beginning of an exam.
  • Service dogs must not pose a disruption to other students in any way.
  • Service dogs must be trained to behave properly in all OAE facilities, which include the OAE testing center. Inappropriate behavior that disrupts the normal course of business or threatens the health or safety of others will be required to discontinue testing and reschedule the exam pending professor's approval.
  • Service dogs will not be provided care or food by OAE staff.

A service dog will be removed from the OAE testing center if:

  1. The service dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it.
  2. The service dog is not housebroken.

OAE students suspected of cheating should expect the following: 

  • Exam stopped immediately 
  • Exam and all materials will be collected by OAE testing staff (OAE students will not be allowed to complete exam)
  • OAE will not reach out to the instructor regarding allowing the student to continue the exam at the time of the incident
  • The instructor will be notified of suspicion and directed to pick up exam and all materials
  • Incident will be reported by OAE to the Office of Student Life for possible violation of student conduct - Academic Integrity 
  • It will be at the discretion of the instructor whether or not to allow the OAE student to complete the exam at a future date - proctoring of the exam in question will not be supported by OAE

OAE adheres to the University’s Student Conduct Code and Academic Integrity. Failure to comply is subject to disciplinary sanctions, including suspension of OAE test-taking services.

For more information visit:

Office of Student Life


Academic Integrity


Updated January 2017