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Testing Accommodations

The Office of Accessible Education (OAE) is only able to administer exams for OAE students with dual disabilities requiring double time (2X) extension for exams or for OAE students using assistive technology. Faculty may request to have OAE students approved of extended time to take exams with OAE if there are four or more OAE students requiring extra time in one section of a class.

If you have OAE students or courses that meet these criteria, then click on the Alternative Testing Guideline (ATG) link located in the middle of each OAE student's Notification Letter (which was emailed to you listing the OAE student's approved accommodations). By filling out and submitting the Alternative Testing Guideline (ATG), you will provide detailed instructions to OAE testing staff to ensure your exam is properly administred in the OAE testing center. If you and the OAE student ultimately decide to use OAE for testing support, the OAE student must then proceed to submit an exam request via the MyOAE Portal at least five business days in advance of the agreed upon exam day and time.


For OAE students with 1.5X time, arrangements should be made within your department to proctor these exams.

Alternative Test Site

Alternative Test Site is a distraction-reduced environment that is reasonably quiet with low stimuli. The environment doesn’t need to be a silent private setting nor necessitate students testing with OAE. The environment can include taking the test with other students and the room chosen must allow for OAE students to start and finish their exams with limited interruptions (i.e. a department conference room, an instructor's office, or another classroom that has been reserved).