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Students Core Competencies

Executive Function Coaching will address students' core competencies to become self-regulated learners and achieve their academic and professional goals.

Students' core competencies are: 

1. Building academic self-awareness

  • Identifying and accessing resources (i.e., The Hub, Drahmann Center, CAPS, etc.) 
  • Developing critical thinking and depth of learning (i.e., connecting past information with new ones and gaining a better understanding of those concepts)
  • Improving communication with peers and professionals (i.e., engaging in academic dialogue)

2. Building confidence, resilience, and grit

  • Confidence is trusting in your ability to achieve what you set your mind on doing while being aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Resilience is bouncing back from a setback or a challenge, readujst, and keep going. 
  • Grit comes from core values that will ignite your passion toward a long-term goal. Resilience is an element of grit. 

3. Setting, reviewing, and adjusting goals

  • Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals (S.M.A.R.T.). 
  • Creating an action plan with specific steps to achieving set goals
  • Periodically reviewing progress on the goals and adjusting expectations 

4. Developing organization and time management systems and strategies 

  • Creating work plans and studying schedules
  • Managing calendars and to-do lists
  • Organizing materials and resources 
  • Understanding course expectations

5. Developing academic skills and strategies (i.e., study strategies, testing strategies, etc). 

  • Developing individualized, effective study strategies (i.e., managing distractions, initiating tasks, monitoring progress, and evaluating results)
  • Identifying and assessing stressors during exams and establishing tools and techniques to manage them
  • Evaluating note-taking skills and improving these skills by learning different techniques