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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) How is an Executive Function Coach different from an Academic Advisor?

An Academic Advisor assists students in choosing majors and minors, creating academic plans, reviewing the SCU Core Curriculum, and explaining academic policies. An EF Coach will work within these parameters (i.e., student’s choice of a major) by equipping the student with strategies and tools to manage their workload, setting SMART Goals, elevating their study skills, etc.

2) How is an Executive Function Coach different from a Tutor?

A Tutor will focus on a single subject or course that is challenging to the student whereas, the EF Coach will partner with the student to work on EF skills (i.e., task initiation, combating procrastination, study strategies, etc.) that will impact their academic performance holistically. 

3) What Executive Function Coaching is not?

EF coaching is not a grade-focused support and will not enforce the completion of homework. Those will be the byproduct of identifying and practicing executive function skills such as initiating and completing tasks, time management, priority setting, extending focus, etc. Coaching sessions are individualized and consider the specific needs of the student. The coach will partner with the student to develop EF skills that can be applied to all areas so a growth mindset is at the center of this process.