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Orientation walking tour

Orientation walking tour

New to SCU

Orientation leaders share their experiences on what coming to the Mission Campus for orientation meant to them.

Orientation leaders share their experiences on what coming to the Mission Campus for orientation meant to them.

The two days new students spend at summer Orientation provides them with the information and tools they need to explore their new environment.

SCU students who volunteer to lead the seven Orientation sessions went through the program themselves. Following is what they had to say about the experience. You can also see additional tips and suggestions from orientation leaders here.

Ava Atkinson

Ava Atkinson

I didn't know anyone from my school or my area that was coming to Santa Clara. I was the first student from my high school in 10 years to go to Santa Clara, so I was really nervous about making friends. I got here and I made one of my best friends—we still hang out together to this day. We're hoping to live together junior year. So it turned out to be a great experience.



Cameron Bick

Cameron Bick

I had no idea what to expect. I thought maybe we'd learn our classes, register, and get shown around the campus. But in the first 5 minutes I got here, I saw the orientation leaders dancing and I loved it. I thought, "I want to do that." They made us feel so comfortable and at home.




David Diebold

David Diebold

I had just gotten off the wait list. I honestly was terrified. I was having thoughts about not being able to fit in or not really understanding the community. But immediately after getting here, I felt welcomed by the orientation leaders and other students. I felt fortunate that they were so energetic and welcoming to all of us the entire day. They really made us feel like we would find friends immediately. Our small group in the Loyola RLC session, we remain close and I still talk to them throughout the year. I had a great time at orientation.


Pedro Da Silva

Pedro Da Silva

I expected orientation to be a shorter version of what we actually have now. I expected it to be just learning the services and resources that the school has. Through the small groups I had at my orientation session, and specifically my orientation leader being completely honest with us and completely transparent about his experiences at Santa Clara, I found that my orientation experience was so much more than what I thought it would be. And I was very excited to come to Santa Clara and very proud to be a Bronco.


Ali DeAmbrosio

Ali DeAmbrosio

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I came to orientation. I’m from the east coast, so I wasn't expecting getting on a plane and coming by myself! But it was a really great learning experience. I learned how to be independent very quickly and I’m very grateful for that.




Camille Hope

Camille Hope

Coming as a first year student, I thought orientation was going to include all the basics—signing up for classes and meeting new friends. I didn’t expect the depth, like talking about diversity and inclusion. That caught me by surprise but I definitely enjoyed it. And it made me feel more a part of the SCU community here and created stronger bonds with the people I met during orientation.





Photo by Charles Barry