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Santa Clara Mission

Santa Clara Mission

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

On behalf of the campus community, SCU President Michael E. Engh, S.J., extends wishes for a very merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a peaceful and prosperous new year.

On behalf of the campus community, SCU President Michael E. Engh, S.J., extends wishes for a merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a peaceful and prosperous new year.

As I reflect upon my holiday message in times of division and discord, I find myself returning to the origin story of our faith tradition. In this season of light and salvation, one filled with joy, love, and hope for the new year, we also recall the deep struggle and suffering of those not blessed with peace. Ours is the story of a pregnant woman and her husband searching for refuge, only finding closed doors and unanswered knocks. This story is one we are familiar with today—the persecuted family forced to abandon home and to seek aid in a foreign land. This Christmas season, and into the new year, let us open our doors and answer the knocks with open arms.

I am encouraged daily by the words and deeds of the members of the Santa Clara community. Lulu Santana, who has dedicated her ministry to spreading love and compassion across campus, offers this blessing as she prepares to embark on a new chapter of her own life:

“May we greet each other and every moment with gratitude and peace. May we welcome the desire to live with joy and kindness. And may we embrace the known and unknown with freedom and great hope.”

It is in giving of ourselves to each other and to those in need that we strengthen our shared bonds of humanity and civility. We rekindle our spirit of hope and cooperation to illuminate our world and its future.

On behalf of Santa Clara University, I wish you a Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and peaceful and prosperous new year.