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Santa Clara University

Santa Clara University

Hope, Heritage, and Insight

President Michael Engh, S.J. delivers the 2017 convocation address.

President Michael Engh, S.J. delivers the 2017 convocation address. 

Positive tailwinds and some sturdy hands at the oars are propelling Santa Clara University as the 2017–18 academic year commences, said President Michael Engh, S.J., at his annual convocation address on September 12. Top rankings for the Leavey School of Business. A financial recovery and reaffirmation of the University’s strong bond rating. Ten million dollars in scholarships for underserved minority students. And a new Campus Climate Survey to tap ideas big and small to foster diversity. “If there was ever a time when we needed to educate students—and ourselves—about living in a diverse society, it’s now,” said Fr. Engh.

Read the full text of Fr. Engh’s speech here or watch it here.  

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