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A fountain surrounded by people and trees at an open house event.

A fountain surrounded by people and trees at an open house event.

A Day in the Life

Come to Open House 2017 and experience a day in the life of one of the most beautiful campuses in Northern California.


Come to Open House 2017 and experience a day in the life of one of the most beautiful campuses in Northern California.


The annual Open House event is designed to help prospective students and their families learn more about the intellectual climate and campus community at Santa Clara University. And it gives them a chance to experience a day in the life of one of the most beautiful campuses in Northern California.

Who is Santa Clara? We’re students, teachers, and mentors headquartered in the most innovative place on earth: Silicon Valley. Different people flourish here. Santa Clara University people—with their gifts and goals—are driven to build a better, kinder, more humane, and sustainable planet. We come from all walks of life. We travel seas, coasts, highways, and city blocks to call SCU home. And when we’re together, home is exactly what this place feels like.

Are you one of us? We can’t wait to find out. RSVP now and come get to know us!

Here are just a few things about us from those who know us best—our students:

The Best Places on Campus

Dowd Art and Art History Building is a must-see! The building is brand new and has some of the best views of campus, the valley, and the hills. Inside are state of the art computer labs, study areas, and art studios.

Alonzo Billips ’20, Bioengineering

I recommend people check out downstairs of the Benson Center to see some of the most lively student organizations, like KSCU, The Rainbow Resource Center, and more! Also, peek in the Cellar to see all of the late-night snacks available.

Andrea Pena ’20, Sociology and Ethnic Studies

My favorite spot on campus is the Rose Garden. Some of my favorite moments have been having picnics with my friends during the year. It is so beautiful year round and a great place to soak up some vitamin D!

Lauren Kinerk ’19, Finance and Economics

The Mission Gardens—a beautiful area that is slightly away from the normal foot traffic provides such a peaceful place to sit, think, and breathe in the fresh air and smell of flowers.

Rachel Robles ’18, Communication

Check out the Learning Commons (Library)!

Nick Fazio ’20, Undeclared Arts and Sciences

My favorite place on campus is Alumni Park. It’s the area right behind Locatelli and it has a shaded area and picnic tables. I love going there before a hard practice or after a test because it is so peaceful and pretty.

Angelica Scott ’20, Undeclared Arts and Science

Why Did You Choose SCU?

As an inherently indecisive person, it took me 10 universities, countless excel spreadsheets, and April 30th to make my decision. It came down to the strong sense of community I felt during my (multiple) visits to campus, strong academic reputation, and proximity to home that made SCU the perfect university for me!

Theodore Looney ’20, Public Health and Psychology

I chose SCU because it not only offers an incredible, world renowned education, but also makes you understand what it means to be a man and woman for and with others—a global citizen. I knew that when I graduated, I would understand how to work with a passion and purpose.

Alonzo Billips ’20, Bioengineering

I loved the business program and being in the heart of Silicon Valley. I also really enjoyed how everyone was not only enthusiastic about their majors, they also were excited about being involved in multiple other organizations on campus, whether that was sports or volunteering or academic clubs. I thought that this aspect of the school made the students well rounded and their time here at SCU so much fun!

Amelie D’Hers ’20, Finance

I chose SCU because of the global perspective that the institution instills through its Jesuit values. I think it is so crucial that during their time in college, students be exposed to different perspectives, immerse themselves in an understanding of issues being faced by marginalized groups, study abroad, engage in difficult dialogues, and begin to understand their place in the world. SCU provides the foundation for those discoveries beyond the classroom.

Andrea Pena ’20, Sociology, Ethnic Studies

SCU had the perfect mixture: great size, great opportunities to travel abroad, great location, great philosophy. The school places an emphasis on expanding your horizons and venturing into the uncomfortable in order to learn and grow and be challenged.

Eoin Lyons ’19, Finance, Political Science

It took me a while to finalize what school I would go to, but Santa Clara won me over for a few reasons, the top two being small class size and the feel of a community on campus. We are lucky to be a medium size school that feels small enough where you will see familiar faces, but large enough that you can constantly meet new people.

Nick Fazio ’20, Undeclared Arts and Sciences

What’s Your Favorite SCU Memory?

The fall of my junior year, I studied abroad in Lund, Sweden. I had previously been in China through the Global Fellows program, so I had not seen any Broncos in at least 4 months. I attended Oktoberfest in Munich that year and stayed with a few of my closest friends. When we walked into the first tent, we found at least 25 Broncos grouped together in the back. That’s when I realized that no matter where I went in the world, the Bronco connection would always be there.

Austin Diercks ’18, Mathematics with a Financial Emphasis

My favorite memory at SCU so far has been playing intramural softball with a group of friends on Sunday nights!

Theodore Looney ’20, Public Health and Psychology

Road tripping to Tahoe my first year with my suitemates and our friends!

Liana Viselli ’19, Communication

My first year here, my friends and I wanted to visit the local In-N-Out, but had no method of transportation. Fortunately, we found out that the airport shuttle was free and happened to go right by the restaurant. A few minutes on the bus and some strategic conductor-halting maneuvers later, we found ourselves with some delicious burgers in hand. And after doing it several other times that year, we also found ourselves with extensive knowledge of the VTA bus system!

Brendan Appelman ’18, Mathematical Economics/International Business

Going to midnight breakfast the week before finals with all my friends! Even though we were all stressed about finals, we got yummy food and a nice break from studying.

Amelie D’Hers ’20, Finance

I always love finals week here (I know, sounds crazy) but there are a multitude of activities for students to participate in that will help them get through the crazy week!

Bridget Flaherty ’18, Political Science and Communication

One of my favorite memories at SCU was the retreat I went on with MEChA-El Frente members during the winter quarter. There, we discussed our unique experiences as Latinx students at SCU and grew as a collective organization. I met some of my best friends on this trip!

Andrea Pena ’20, Sociology, Ethnic Studies

My favorite SCU memory has been being in the Ambassadors Program! Everybody in the program is so incredible to be around and going into work always brightens my day.

Mimi Najmabadi ’19, Marketing/Studio Art and Graphic Design

I went backpacking in the Grand Canyon with the Into the Wild student club over spring break my sophomore year. I met some wonderful students and saw beautiful sights for five fun-filled days.

Lauren Kinerk ’19, Finance and Economics

This last summer, I spent two months interning in Hyderabad, India, with Franklin Templeton Investments. I had a phenomenal time learning not only about the industry, but also about the culture and life in India, and had the chance to meet up with fellow Broncos and visit the Taj Mahal.

Eoin Lyons ’19, Finance, Political Science

I like starting the year off in the soccer stadium stands watching the girls soccer team play Stanford. I was pumped to see so many students represent and show some Bronco pride!

Nick Fazio ’20, Undeclared Arts and Sciences

My favorite memory has definitely been all of the times that I have sat in Benson with my teammates. We could talk for hours and have so much fun and forget about all of our responsibilities, which maybe wasn't always the best, but it was one of my favorite memories.

Angelica Scott ’20, Undeclared Arts and Sciences