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Department ofModern Languages and Literatures

Spanish Studies Program


Spanish Studies students are encouraged to explore the diversity of the Spanish-speaking world in our courses and beyond.

  • The US has the 2nd largest Spanish-speaking population in the world!

Students don’t have to go far to apply their linguistic and cultural knowledge in the real world.

Our curriculum:

  • We focus on developing the necessary skills for today’s connected world in innovative communicative language classes and dynamic literary, linguistic and cultural analysis courses.
  • A degree in Spanish Studies will prepare students to be critical thinkers that take multiple perspectives into account as they go on to careers in any field.

Why study Spanish?

  • Communicate with real people in the world When you take Spanish and take the time and energy to learn this language, you’re not just abstractly learning words and rules, you’re learning a system of communication that will allow you to speak and communicate with real people.
  • Increase and enhance your future career possibilities Being bilingual opens up career possibilities in international businesses, technology, health services, human resources, translation/interpretation and more often with higher salaries.
  • Become more worldly and well-rounded Learning another language and learning about other cultures gives you more compassion and empathy for the experiences of others outside the US.
  • Strengthen your brain Learning another language increases the folds in your brain. It has also been shown to stall the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. The new language creates new pathways in your brain that helps you retain its strength for many years.
  • Learn how to learn Learning Spanish is applicable to learning other skills. Knowing that with time and focused effort you can do anything is a valuable life-lesson.

Where can I study abroad?

Studying abroad is a transformative experience in many ways, not only do students improve their language skills through immersion in the language, they are also exposed to new cultures and ways of life and can make lifelong connections with fellow citizens of the world. Students that major in Spanish Studies can study abroad in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, or Spain through the Global Engagement’s Study Abroad program.

Other opportunities to go abroad include working with social enterprises and/or nonprofits through the Global Fellows program (with placements in Bolivia) and the Global Social Benefits Fellowship (past placements included Mexico and Nicaragua, but this is subject to change every year). Some Ignatian Center Immersion trips also provide opportunities in the US and abroad to travel and immerse yourself in Spanish!


Study Abroad/Global Engagement

Global Social Benefits Fellowship

Ignatian Center Immersion Trips


Major/Minor Requirements

Major in Spanish Studies

NEW program for students who entered Fall 2020 or after

40 upper-division units, of which:

  • One course from 100 or any 101

  • One course from 102 or 103

  • One course from 100 to 110 (not taken to fulfill the above two requirements)

  • Spanish 175 or 176, or an approved equivalent

  • One course in literature/culture studies above 110

  • One additional course above 110 (not taken to fulfill the above two requirements)

  • Any two UD (100-199) Spanish courses not taken to satisfy any of the above requirements

  • At least 20 of these units must be taken at SCU or taught by SCU faculty.

For Students who entered SCU BEFORE FALL 2020

  • SPAN 100

  • SPAN 101

  • SPAN 175

  • LAT AMER Latin American Lit/Culture

  • SPANISH Spanish peninsular Lit/Culture

  • RESIDENCY (at least 20 units of the 40 required at SCU)

Minor in Spanish Studies

NEW program for students who entered FALL 2020 OR AFTER

19 upper-division units, of which:

  • One course from 100 or any 101

  • One course from 102 or 103

  • One course in literature/culture studies above 110.

  • One upper-division elective, not taken to fulfill the above three requirements

  • At least 10 units taken at SCU or taught by SCU Faculty

For Students who entered SCU BEFORE FALL 2020

  • SPAN 100 or dept. approved substitution

  • SPAN 101 or dept. approved substitution
  • One course in Hispanic Lit. or Culture

  • Remaining units taken in UD electives taught in Spanish

  • 10 units taken at SCU

Any student who enrolled before Fall 2020 is welcome to follow the newer requirements. They will need to contact their advisor to approve the appropriate substitutions for the Registrar.

Spanish Academic Advising

Advisors for Upper-division courses and Spanish Majors:

Abel Cruz

José Ortigas

Jill Pellettieri

Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Tripp Strawbridge

Advisors for Spanish Minors and CORE Second Language, find an advisor by the start of your LAST NAME:

Maria Bauluz

Laura Callahan

Maricela Portillo

Kayce Davis

Placement/Proficiency Advisor
Maria Bauluz

Where can I use Spanish locally?

  • Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative Work with local low-income business owners (many are Spanish-speaking) in a 4 unit ELSJ course in Winter and Spring quarters. 
    Check out this blog post by Spanish Major ‘18, Christian Linares

  • SCCAP - A great on-campus organization connecting you to volunteer opportunities locally. Always remember that the service you do and connections you build should be your main priority, using and improving your Spanish should be seen as a secondary bonus!

  • Check out the Workers Connection and ESL on Campus!

  • ELSJ courses - The ELSJ courses in our department include a component in which you work with local Spanish speaking community members. But also keep in mind that many of the ELSJ courses in other departments may also include working with Spanish speakers!

  • Benson
    Video de estudiantes y trabajadores de Benson 


Student Resources

Word Reference
It is a dictionary but it also has translation forums. It helps you translate words that are untranslatable (e.g. "nerd"). WordReference is based on the Espasa dictionaries and is very user-friendly

Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua
The site is less user friendly than WR, but the DRAE is considered the “official” Spanish dictionary

Another very good page, based on Vox dictionaries, but it requires registration and payment

EFE’s Fundación para el español
Great resource for more advanced students

Spanish Grammar drills

A collection of grammar exercises for intermediate and advanced students of Spanish

Verb Conjugation Tables
The page is poorly designed page, but useful

Interviews with Native Speakers
Listen to native speakers talk about a variety of topics, ranging from beginning to advanced levels

Lo Más TV
Learn Spanish by watching Spanish TV in an online video player designed for language learners

Spanish Podcast
Spanish-themed blog and podcast site, appropriate for language learners

Notes in Spanish
Lots of audio for different levels

The Mixxer
Free and educational. A great resource

Language Exchange

Language groups in your area. For those interested in meeting with other people to practice Spanish or other in a place near you. is a commercial site to match people with common interests locally. There are a number of foreign language and culture groups listed for the Bay Area

A great resource if you're looking for any type of media in the Spanish-speaking world

CNN Español
Noticias de Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y el mundo

Mexican Press


La Jornada


El Universal

Spanish Press

El País

La Vanguardia

El Mundo

El Periódico

Digital Newspapers

YouTube Channel

News Aggregators

Spain-based news aggregator

Música y asuntos sociales
Highly recommended for Span 2 and 3. Listen to music while you read the lyrics. Learn about social issues from Latin America

Funny Soap Opera
A very funny soap opera written by Spanish students on the BBC site. Easy and subtitled

Lyrics Training
You listen to music and provide the missing words in the lyrics. At the beginning level, only a few words are missing. If you're feeling brave, do the advanced level, where no words are provided

Alternative Latino Music
It's in English, but it will lead you to discover great alternative Latino music.

24 Horas
Chile al día , crónicas y reportajes

Spain's public TV channel

Madeleine Doyle

“My time in Seville, Spain has been nothing short of incredible! I am so grateful for the opportunity to explore this beautiful city everyday and interact with the locals. One of the best parts of my experience abroad has been my homestay. I live with a "Señora", Chari, and we get along so well! I get to practice my Spanish everyday and her daughters and granddaughters come by often, so I get to experience what family life is like in Seville."