The Offices of Housing and Residence Life look forward to welcoming new incoming students this Winter.
All students with new bookings will receive an email with specific Move-In information prior to their scheduled dates, below:
Winter Quarter Move-In Dates
- Graduate & Law: Friday, January 2, 2025 from 9:00AM - 4:00PM
- Undergraduate Students: Saturday, January 4, 2025 from 9:00AM - 4:00PM
- Undergraduate Students: Sunday, January 5, 2025 from 9:00AM - 4:00PM
For all students new to campus for Winter Quarter and moving into their space for the first time, please be sure to fully read your move in and assignment email. You will need to have your confirmation email at the time of check-in.
You may check in at the Housing Office located within Benson Memorial Center, Office 212.
Returning Students
If you are returning to campus from Winter Break, your access will begin at 9:00am on Saturday, January 4th, 2025. While there is no check-in required, please make sure to stop by your residence hall service desk to sign-in to your community.
Your ACCESS and Winter Quarter Meal Plan will be activate for use when you return to campus.
Please keep in mind that all students living in University Villas and Neighborhood units may remain in their spaces for the duration of winter break.
What to do if your access card is not working?
Get a new phone or your access card not working? The Access Card Office will mirror check in hours. They will be able to assist with all new phone mobile credential concerns or with printing a new card for you!
Frequently Asked Questions
As you prepare your transition to Santa Clara University, the Housing Office encourages you to consider the two lists of items listed below! Remember plan accordingly, as you pack and prepare for your move to your new residence hall room which may house one or two roommates, two or three sets of university-issued furniture, and your personal belongings along with those of your roommate(s). Consider the size of residence hall rooms and try not to bring too many items!
The University has sustainability commitments to be carbon neutral and zero-waste next year. Please help SCU reach its goals by stopping to think if you really need need to bring a particular item of if you can use available campus resources. (Plus, it’ll make an easier move-out.)
LINENS - All students will need to provide their own sheets, a blanket or comforter, and a pillow. All of the mattresses within buildings that house first-year and sophomore students are extra-long twin (38 x 80 inches) and therefore require extra-long twin sheets. Please note: University Villas has full-size beds.
COOKING & HEATING APPLIANCES - Due to health and safety concerns and energy demands, sunlamps, torchiere halogen lamps, crockpots, toaster ovens, hot plates, space heaters, and other appliances with exposed heating units are not permitted in the residence halls. Furthermore, fire regulations do not permit flammable liquids, such as chemicals, gasoline, or lighter fluid within any residential building.
KNIVES FOR COOKING - Unless you are residing in an apartment with a kitchen, do not bring knives for cooking to campus. Knives for use in food preparation within the community kitchens can be checked out from the residence hall service desks.
AMPLIFIED INSTRUMENTS or DRUM SETS - These items are not allowed in residence halls, and will be confiscated and you will be required to ship these items home if they are seen or heard within the residence halls.
DRUGS or ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES - Any student found in possession of or using illegal drugs will be documented and adjudicated through the Santa Clara University disciplinary process.
WEAPONS or EXPLOSIVE AGENTS - The possession of any weapon including BB guns, air guns, firearms, hunting equipment, knives, martial arts tools, stun guns, paint-pellet guns, or any items of a similar nature, is prohibited in the residence halls. The use or possession of fireworks, firecrackers, or other explosives or chemicals is also prohibited.
The University is not responsible for the safety of personal possessions. In many cases, a student’s personal belongings are covered under a student's homeowners insurance. If this is not the case for you, the Housing Office suggests obtaining additional insurance.
You will not be able to see your residence hall room prior to your scheduled move-in date. Please visit our room layout and dimension page to see the average residence hall space for each community.
Please note: We are unable to go to resident spaces to take measurements. This will have to be done at move-in.