Fall 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
noon - 1:30 p.m.
Williman Room, Benson Memorial Center
Please join the Library, Physics Department, Residential Learning Communities Program, and Bon Appétit, for the Fall 2011 Literary Cuisine.
Come hear Professor Philip Kesten, discuss The Physics Of Star Trek by Lawrence Krauss.
The program will examine some of the well-known features of the Star Trek universe. Transporter beams, wormholes, warp drive, time travel: are these just science fiction or are they science fact? Professor Kesten will present some of the surprises and explanations that Krauss offers. It is not necessary to have read the book (or to have seen the television series or movies) to attend this event.
To read an interview with Professor Kesten about his PHYS 5 class (The Physics of Star Trek), which he is teaching this quarter, please go to the official Star Trek web site.
Bon Appétit will be serving a special Star Trek theme lunch for the occasion.
Please plan to join us on November 9, 2011 for an out of this world lunch and an opportunity to win a copy of the featured book or another prize in keeping with the theme of the event.