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Paging Services

Paging Service

This service provides the easy access you are familiar with when you request materials from the Automated Retrieval System (ARS), extending it to our open shelving collection. Circulating books can be paged from the stacks and held to be picked up from the Library Help Desk.

While searching in the Library Catalog, you will see a "Request this item" link for the books that can be requested. Click on the link to request the book.

  • Books are generally paged and delivered to the holdshelf within 24 hours.

  • When your book is available for pickup, you will receive an email that will include the last date by which you can pickup the item (e.g., "Pickup At: University Library Holdshelf / Pickup Expiration: Jan 16, 2025"). The holdshelf is at the Library Help Desk near the entrance to the Library.

  • If the book cannot be found on the shelf, you will receive an email stating that your hold has been canceled. The book will be placed in a missing status, allowing you to request it through LINK+ or interlibrary loan.

If you have questions, please contact the Library Help Desk (, 408-554-5020) for more information.