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| Liturgy News
JST hosts liturgy each Thursday in the Gesù Chapel at 12:40 p.m. PDT for JST students, staff and faculty only. The chapel allows for 25 participants, including presider and ministers. Those wishing to attend must register by 10 a.m. on Thursday, following the guidelines presented on the registration form. If more than 25 register, we will contact you if we cannot accommodate you. We also need lectors, ushers, and sanitizing helpers. To volunteer, sign up on the separate Ministry sign-up sheet. Both the registration form and the ministry sign-up sheet are posted in the the Moodle course, "JST Community Life, Liturgy and Prayer", in the tile, Liturgy Past and Upcoming.
- Lay Sending: JST will send forth lay graduates into ministry and service in a Liturgy of the Word with a Rite of Sending on Thursday, May 20, at 5:15 p.m. PDT. A limited number of participants will attend in person in the Chapel, while all others may attend online. The link for online access will be posted.
- Commencement Mass: JST will celebrate a Mass giving thanks for all of our May 2021 graduates on Friday, May 21, at 5:15 p.m. PDT. This will include a blessing of the graduates. A limited number of participants will attend in the Chapel, while all others may attend online. The link for online access will be posted.
JST Announcements
April 23, April 30, May 7 and May 14, 12:15-1:15 p.m PDT
JST MDiv student, Elise Dubravec, is facilitating the Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought and the Ignatian Tradition of the University of San Francisco discussion series to explore the Jesuit Universal Apostolic Preferences in light of women’s experiences and voices. Full information and Registration
- Associate Professor Anh Tran, S.J. will present for the Ricci Scholars’ Study Lecture Series (University of San Francisco) on Thursday, May 13, 7:00 a.m. PDT, "The Impact of Catholic Literature on the Faith Identity of Vietnamese Believers in Pre-modern Vietnam (1620-1900)." Sign up here.
- JST's student journal New Horizons is seeking academic papers, pastoral reflections, and art from graduate students on themes of welcoming the stranger in Fratelli tutti, ranging from climate change to crises of migration and economy. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and are due by May 28, 2021, to be published in August 2021. Please find the full Call for Papers here and email with any questions.
- JST will honor our 2021 graduates in a virtual Commencement ceremony of prayer, reflection, acknowledgement, and conferral of degrees on Saturday, May 22, at 10 a.m. PDT. See here for more information, including the livestream link.
Watch for further information on liturgies in celebration of our graduates.
JST Events |
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
SCU Events and Announcements |
Gift of Peace Retreat (3 part zoom series)
- "Disturb our Peace" (Zoom): Saturday, April 24, 11:00am-12:30pm (PDT) - "Give Us This Day" (Zoom): Saturday, May 8, 11:00am-12:30pm (PDT) - "Gift of Peace" (Zoom): Saturday, May 22, 11:00am-12:30pm (PDT)
Students may join us for this Spring's Gift of Peace Retreat, which will be a three-part online series of retreats designed to contemplate the presence of peace in our lives. As we continue to engage with the reality and transitions of COVID in our lives, we are invited to reconnect with ourselves and our world in a new way. During this retreat series, we'll explore the theme of peace through an Ignatian lens, reflecting on our story and the larger story we are invited into at this time. We'll spend time considering matters of desire, hope, attachment, freedom and fear. Each retreat session will include a guided reflection, small and large group conversation and prayer. Should you have any questions, feel free to email, Victor Lemus (Campus Minister for Retreats) at: Sign up here.
SCU in Quarantine: Our Pandemic Stories
The unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last 12 months has brought forth unprecedented challenges and extraordinary change, while also providing opportunities for remarkable achievements and periods of stillness and reflection. Submit your short stories—in text or audio form, or through original artwork—to this digital time capsule. They will be housed in perpetuity in University Archives so that future historians may better understand how we got through this time, together yet apart. Submit your story here.
Pushing into the Blue
April 30 and May 1, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. PDT, May 2, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. PDT
Experience a new devised digital piece exploring the climate crisis written and performed by SCU students.
Let's Talk Suicide: A Necessary Conversation
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. PDT, online
Help the Cowell Center launch May Mental Health Month and Suicide Awareness Week by joining us in a “necessary” conversation on suicide awareness. During this event, Cowell Center therapists and guests will discuss what we can all do to stay alert, share personal stories of impact, and discuss ways we can all do our part.
Community Conversations: Engaging with Current Events shaping our experiences today
12:00 - 1:15 p.m. PDT, zoom
The May Community Conversation will provide a space for the SCU community to talk about current events in the world beyond our campus, and how these events are affecting each of us. The ongoing pandemic, voting rights, the politicization of public health, gun violence, racism: these are just a few of the issues that affect us locally, nationally and globally.
Short Talk on a Long Topic: Whiteness and Poetry, Art, and Film
12:15-1:30 p.m., PDT, online event
Please join CAH Faculty Fellow Robin Tremblay-McGaw (English) for a reading and discussion on the construction of whiteness in art, films and culture.
Black + Mental Health + Matters Workshop
5:00 - 6:30 p.m. PDT
This workshop centers Black students in an arts-based, tender conversation about mental health and culminates in a video panel of culturally competent mental health resources. This program is geared towards the Black student experience; however, Black staff, faculty, and administrators are welcome to attend to help foster community amongst all Black-identified individuals at SCU.
Brazilian Youth, Prosumption, and Digital Citizenship: Digital Inequalities and Mediated Tensions from the Margins
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. PDT, via zoom
Professor Inês Vitorino Sampaio will discuss digital inequalities among Brazilian youth and implications for social justice.
New Religions and the Mediation of Non-Monogamy
noon - 1:00 p.m. PDT
Healing Eco-Anxiety
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. PDT
An experiential workshop that helps you stay refreshed, energized, and sane while tackling the climate crisis.
Racial Justice in a Global Context
noon-1:00 p.m. PDT via zoom
As part of our 2020-21 Global Community Hour series, our Spring Quarter panel will explore Racial Justice in a Global Context.
Writing with Joy: A Conversation on Pop Culture
4:00-5:00 p.m. PDT
Join R. Eric Thomas, national best-selling author, and Dr. Danielle Morgan, assistant professor of English at SCU, as they talk about why pop culture matters and writing about current events with joy and rigor.
The Ethics of Local Listening: Practicing Moral Theology as Accompaniment and Solidarity with Meghan Clarke
5:00 p.m. PDT via zoom
Please join SCU's Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries in understanding the ethics of local listening and how it impacts our call to accompaniment and solidarity. Meghan Clarke is an associate professor of Theology at St. John's University in NY.
Transformational Growth with Coach George Flowers
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. PDT online
In this session, you will learn how to tap into resilience and identify strategies that help you achieve extraordinary levels of excellence in the face of stress and change. Be prepared to reach new levels of personal performance in this training. Registration is limited.
Workshop for SCU in Quarantine: Our Pandemic Stories
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. PDT
Understanding Everyday Racism to Move Toward Racial Equity with Dr. Lindsay Pérez Huber
4:00 p.m. PDT
Utilizing the tool of racial microaggressions, Dr. Lindsay Pérez Huber provides an understanding of how everyday and systemic racism emerges in schools, colleges, and universities, and how it negatively impacts Students of Color. She provides strategies to disrupt everyday racism and what institutions need to consider to move toward racial equity.
Workshop for SCU in Quarantine: Our Pandemic Stories
noon - 1:00 p.m. PDT
GTU News and Events |
Sacred World Art Collection at the GTU
In 2014, the Institute for Aesthetic Development and F. Lanier Graham donated an extensive teaching collection of sacred objects to the Graduate Theological Union. This virtual exhibition features forty of the over 500 spiritual and ritual objects from the collection.
Saturday Meditation
Meet weekly on Saturdays from noon - 1:15 p.m. PST for meditation led by GTU Ph.D. student, Stefan Waligur. It follows a format of chanting, prayer, silence and conversation (in large group and in break out rooms). All are welcome!
CLGS: Queer Jews: A Twentieth Anniversary Symposium in Memory of David Schneer
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PDT
20 year after the publication of the book "Queer Jews," the Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion (CLGS) is hosting a symposium in honor of the role the book played in re-imagining the American and global Jewish worlds, and in memory of co-editor David Schneer’s many gifts and contributions to queer Jewish life.
The Radical Jewish Union Sit-In at the SF Jewish Federation: 50 Years Later
11:00 a.m. PDT via zoom
Nearly 50 years ago, the members of the Berkeley-based Radical Jewish Union (RJU) staged a Sit-In at the Jewish Community Federation in San Francisco to advocate for much more robust community support of Jewish Education. The 50th anniversary of “The Sit-In for Jewish Education” will serve as the springboard for a virtual program that will encompass major developments in the field over the past 50 years (specifically in the Bay Area Jewish community, but also in the US in general and in Israel) and some reflections about future trends.
An Interfaith Prayer Service for the National Day of Prayer
11:30 a.m. PDT, on zoom
The Interreligious Chaplaincy Program invites students, faculty, staff, friends and family to this virtual prayer service. This online event will highlight blessings, songs, prayers and ceremonies from a variety of world religious traditions.
Art Break with Rev. Dionne Carter
noon - 1:00 p.m. PDT online
GTU Doctor of Ministry Student Rev. Dionne Carter will be leading our last Art Break of the semester! Rev. Carter will discuss her own art practice and how it has been shaped by her academic research and study.
CLGS Lavender Lunch: "Sexuality, Gender, and Power in Traditional IFÁ Religion and Its Diasporic Renditions" with Ọyasùúrù Ifáwárìnwa
12:15 - 1:15 p.m. PDT via zoom
In this Lavender Lunch Ọyasùúrù Ifáwárìnwa, an Iyanifa (an initiated IFA priest), discusses understandings of sexuality, gender, and play in Ifá, a Yoruba religion. Drawing upon the ancient and vibrant proverbs, poems, and stories of the Ifá tradition, Ọyasùúrù Ifáwárìnwa will explore some of the ways in which gender, sexuality, and play interact in this ancient, rich, and living religious tradition.
Urgency for Intersectional Justice: Amplifying Women's Studies in Religion as a Faith-Driven Pathway
4:00 p.m. PDT, zoom
This lecture is aimed to focus a positive light on Women's Studies as a pathway or focus area of specialization that many graduate schools might have; yet are we under-utilizing this opportunity, even at the GTU?!
Embodied Virtue: Self-sacrifice of the Bodhisattva in Early Buddhist Narrative and Art
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. PDT
Visual representations of the Buddha Shakyamuni’s extended biography have a ubiquitous presence at early Buddhist sites, and played an important part in the spread of Buddhism. A phenomenon starting in India, the preponderance of such visual representations spread and developed widely, with a significant and revolutionary impact on the cultures it reached. Dr. Dessi Vendova's talk will focus on narrative and visual depictions of previous life stories (jataka) in which the Bodhisattva (the Buddha-to-be) performed extreme acts of generosity involving acts of bodily self-sacrifice.
Madrasa-Midrasha| Psychoanalysis in Judaism and Islam
noon PDT
Join us for a conversation on Psychoanalysis in Judaism and Islam with Dr. Naomi Seidman (University of Toronto) and Dr. Omnia El Shakry (UC Davis).
Dr. Seidman's talk is titled "Dreaming in Yiddish: Freud's Jewish Languages" and will explore the Jewish languages embedded in a number of Freud's dreams through the lens of the Hebrew and Yiddish translation of his work. Dr. El Shakry's talk is titled “Psychoanalysis and Islam: Translation and Tradition in Modern Egypt” and will explore the intersections between the psychoanalytic and Islamic mystical traditions, asking what it might mean to think through psychoanalysis and Islam together, not as a ‘problem,’ but as a creative encounter of ethical engagement.
Community Events and Resources |
A Virtual Academic Lecture Series at the Ricci Institute
Thursdays, May 6, 13, and 20, 7:00 a.m. PDT
The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco presents the Ricci Scholars’ Study Lecture Series 利氏學仁書齋系列講座 for the 2021 Spring Semester. This series continues our goal to promote research and the study of the history of Christianity in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam by inviting specialists from across the world to share their research through virtual lectures. JST's Rev. Anh Tran, S.J. will present on May 13.
The presentations include:
May 6: Luís Fróis’s História de Japam: New Interpretations, Dr. Javier Takamura, University of Oxford.
May 13: The Impact of Catholic Literature on the Faith Identity of Vietnamese Believers in Pre-modern Vietnam (1620-1900) by Rev. Anh Tran, S.J., Associate Professor of Theology, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University.
May 20: Sources and History: Some Archival Collections in the Study of the History of Christianity in China, Japan, and Korea, by Rev. Dr. M. Antoni J. Ucerler, S.J., Associate Professor, University of San Francisco; Dr. Hongyan Xiang, Associate Professor, Colorado State University; Dr. Franklin Rausch, Associate Professor, Lander University.
7th Annual Bay Area Book Festival
The Bay Area Book Festival will be virtual online from May 1 - 9.
From a civil rights activist who wrote what Van Jones called “the book we have been waiting for,” to a Nobel laureate known as “an artist without ego,” to some of the most subversive and spellbinding award-winners on the literary scene, there’s something for every taste, mood, and brand-new beginning.
The 2021 festival lineup is here! Grab your festival passes, register for our free events, and join some of the most exciting authors today! Check it out here!
Women’s Experiences and the Jesuit Mission: Discerning the Next 10 Years
April 23, April 30, May 7 and May 14, 12:15-1:15 p.m PDT
JST MDiv student, Elise Dubravec, is facilitating the Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought and the Ignatian Tradition of the University of San Francisco discussion series to explore the Jesuit Universal Apostolic Preferences in light of women’s experiences and voices. Each week, participants are welcome to join this virtual, lunchtime discussion to share their thoughts, opinions, and feelings about the UAP presented. Before the discussion, recommended reading material is provided for context and directing conversation. Participants are welcome to bring lunch or snacks!
Solidarity Toward the Common Good: Women Engaging the Catholic Social Tradition
The Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought and the Ignatian Tradition is proud to present a series of events celebrating the forthcoming book, Solidarity Toward the Common Good: Women Engaging the Catholic Social Tradition. Through diverse experiences, identities, and disciplinary approaches, the authors explore both how women have shaped the Catholic Social Tradition (CST) and how their voices have also been marginalized in CST. Each event explores CST with critical attention to intersectionality, exploring gendered dimensions of labor, family, migration, racism, healthcare, and non-violence. This series is scheduled for five Tuesdays from 5:00 - 6:00 pm PST, starting April 6.
May 4: Womanist-splainin', Shawnee M. Daniels-Sykes and Diana Hayes
May 11: Women's Work: What Counts in CST?, Kathleen Maas Weigert and Margarita M. Rose
May 18: Women, Migration, and Domestic Work in CST, Erin Brigham, Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos, Kristin E. Heyer and Gemma Cruz. (this one only, 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. PST)
Together in Unity: Cantare Con Vivo's Spring Virtual Concert
4:00 p.m. PDT via youtube
This year’s spring concert will feature the Chorale, Chamber Ensemble and Cantare Youth Singers in four all-new recordings, including “O Perfect Love” and “Sir Duke”, as well as favorite past performances. Highlights from Cantare's virtual classrooms will be shared and graduating high school seniors will be honored. JST staff members Paul Kircher and Mary Beth Lamb are performing. Subscribe to Cantare's YouTube channel or join their email list to receive the concert link as soon as it is available!
Solidarity on Tap with Miriam Aidee Uribe
6:00 p.m. PDT
Join the Ignatian Solidarity Network at the next virtual Solidarity on Tap with Miriam Aidee Uribe, a worker rights advocate and University of San Francisco Latinx Alumni Society member.
Behind the Blue White Line: White Supremacy and Policing
1:00 p.m. PDT
In the wake of George Floyd’s killing nearly one year ago, local and state governments have passed dozens of police oversight laws aimed at curbing the use of excessive force. Even with the conviction of Derek Chauvin in Floyd’s murder, police still mostly enjoy impunity as they continue to kill at the same rates since 2013, with Black and Brown people still targeted disproportionately.
What will it take to stop the killings and create real accountability and community safety? Anti-racism author, attorney, and scholar Dr. Jacqueline Battalora is also a former Chicago police officer. She knows first hand that white supremacy and misogyny are at the root of the problem - within recruitment, training, and police culture and in police academies, departments, and associations. After all, a society steeped in racialized and gendered ideas about bodies, reflects them in its structures and systems, assumptions and expectations. Sliding scale: $5 - $25.
Calls for Papers, Grants and More |
Collaborative Liturgical Accompanist, part-time, St. Ignatius Church, San Francisco, CA
St Ignatius Parish is seeking a part-time Collaborative Liturgical Accompanist to be the primary liturgical accompanist for 3-4 weekend Masses, special liturgies (e.g. Holy Week and Christmas), weddings and funerals. The ideal candidate will be an accomplished instrumentalist (both piano and organ experience) and vocalist, with outstanding communication and organizational skills. Ultimately the CLA is a person who can work with musicians of all skill levels to produce an excellent liturgical outcome, a person able to build relationships and trust among all the musicians they encounter in a variety of situations.
For more details, go to
Call for Papers
Theology and Pop Culture is currently seeking contributions for a potential edited volume of essays, Theology and Protest Music, to be published by Lexington Books/Fortress Academic (imprints of Rowman & Littlefield), on theology from various faiths connected with protest music of various popular genres. Essays should be written for academics, but avoid jargon in order to be accessible for the layperson. Women and people of color are particularly encouraged to contribute. This is an ecumenical and interreligious book series in which LGBTQ+ persons are affirmed and welcomed. Authors are invited from various fields, including theology, religious studies, ethnomusicology, anthropology, sociology, and critical media studies; and musicians are welcome contributors. Proposed abstracts are due by May 1, 2021. Details are available at
Call for Papers: Science, Faith and Religious Life
This special issue of Review for Religious will treat science, faith, and religious life. Manuscripts on any aspect of this topic will be considered. Of particular interest are essays that treat the challenges of religious education in an age of science. How, for instance, can we meet the challenges in evangelizing those who seem indifferent to the great questions about the meaning of life and assume that contemporary science alone is sufficient? All submissions must be received by June 15, 2021. For more information, see
Call for Papers, Conference for the Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience
The conference, "In the Shadows of Religious Experience: Hostility, Violence, Revenge," a webinar hosted by the University of Vienna, will take place online Oct. 6-8, 2021. Please submit papers of no more than 600 words, formatted for anonymous review, before July 10, 2021. Enclose your biographic information in the body of the email. Send the paper to You should receive a response acknowledging your submission. Notifications of acceptance will be emailed by July 20, 2021. For more information on the webinar, click here.
Call for Papers: Teaching Religion & Theology
Teaching Theology & Religion encourages all members of the GTU community to contribute to upcoming volumes of the journal.
Co-editors Drs. Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero (PhD ’15) and Jennifer W. Davidson (PhD ’11) are looking for full articles (4,000 to 7,000 words), In the Classroom essays about concrete teaching practices (up to 3000 words), Teaching Tactics on a specific repeatable practice (400 words), or reviews. More information on submitting articles is available here.
Farewell Reception for George Murphy, SJ and Alison Benders on Thursday, April 29. Screenshot by Mary Beth Lamb.
To submit items for publication in this newsletter, please send to by noon on Wednesday of the week you want it published. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to submit photos of events for the photo of the week.
Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University Assistant Dean of Students 1735 Le Roy Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709 Phone: 510-549-5029 |