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Featured Event

Ordination to the Diaconate of Perry Petrich, SJ, San Hoang Mai, SJ, Joshua Peters, SJ, Justin Claravall, SJ, and Victor Ramos Talavera, SJ
The Society of Jesus and the Salesians of Don Bosco will jointly celebrate the ordination to be conferred by Bishop Michael Barber, SJ at St. Mary’s College Chapel, 1928 St. Mary's Road, Moraga on Saturday, October 19, at 9:00 a.m. Reception to follow.
 | Liturgy News
- No Mass on Saturday, Oct. 19, due to the diaconate ordination, to which all are invited at St. Mary’s College Chapel, Moraga, 9:00am
- During Reading Week, there will be no morning Mass, Monday - Friday. Regular Schedule resumes on Saturday, Oct. 26.
- Spanish Mass on Wednesday, October 30, 5:15pm
Presider Schedule Week of October 28 - November 2:
Monday, 10/28: 8:00am Das
Tuesday, 10/29: 8:00am Musoni 5:15pm Janowiak
Wednesday, 10/30: 8:00am Kunonga 5:15pm Fernandez
Thursday, 10/31: 8:00am Tyrrell 5:15pm Manuel
Friday, 11/1: 8:00am Atsikin 5:15pm Murphy
Friday, 11/2: 8:00am Nyamayaro
JST Announcements
- Magis will not be published during Reading Week. The next issue will appear on November 1.
Lay Formation Gathering, Monday evening, November 4, 5:15-7:00 p.m. in the Loyola Board Room: all JST lay students are invited for prayer, light supper, reflection, and conversation. Please RSVP to Mary Beth Lamb at by Thursday, October 31.
Myers Briggs Workshop: On Wednesday, November 6, 2:00-5:00 in Cardoner, Clare Ronzani will provide a basic interpretation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), focusing on giftedness and areas of potential growth. Time allowing, styles of leadership and implications regarding spirituality will be introduced. Participants are asked to take the MBTI questionnaire before the workshop. (If you have already taken the MBTI and can provide your scores, there is no need to re-take it unless you choose to.) Please register with Mary Beth Lamb, by Friday, October 25 and pick up the questionnaire from her office, Room 107. Questionnaires will need to be returned by Tuesday, October 29.
Restorative Practices for Ministries, for Life Workshop: On Wednesday, November 13, 6:00-7:30 p.m. at JST in Manresa, Dr. Carrie Rehak will facilitate a workshop on restorative justice. Explore general principles of restorative justice; key practices such as"circle" processes; and ways of putting them to use in ministries, in life. A light supper will be provided. Please register with Mary Beth Lamb,, by Friday, November 8.
JST Events |
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Morning Liturgy in French
8 a.m., JST Gesu Chapel
JST Community Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
Together at the Table
9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Santa Clara University
The Synod on Synodality has concluded, and the journey continues. Join the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, key ecclesial leaders, and other partners in mission who are committed to building a synodal Church. We invite you to participate in exploring the transformative power of synodality and prepare for the vital work ahead of remodeling the Church. Everyone is welcome. Your seat at the table is here.
Please RSVP for the event here.
Join us at the Santa Clara University Mission Campus as we:
- Explore the vibrant hope of synodality: Learn about its transformative power within local ecclesial contexts around the world and discern your place of action in mission at home.
- Engage in meaningful conversations: Share your perspectives and listen to others at the roundtable using the Conversations in the Spirit model.
- Hear from esteemed leaders: Join a conversation with Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Synod, and other key figures.
- Experience a community of prayer and fellowship: Come together at the table for Eucharistic liturgy and shared meals.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
Adoration with Benediction
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Liturgy in Spanish
5:15 p.m.
SCU Events |
Miller Center Announcement
Do you know any social entrepreneurs who are working to improve livelihoods and create a path toward self-sufficiency for poor, underserved, or vulnerable communities in the US? Miller Center is currently accepting applications for their GSBI Pathways Out of Poverty US Accelerator program launching January 2020. They are especially looking for profit, nonprofit, or hybrid social enterprises that have been operating within the US for at least one year. You can find more details about the program on their website. Applications are due October 31, so your help in getting the word out in the next few weeks is greatly appreciated.
Markey Women in Ministry Speaker Series: Edwina Gateley
7pm; Music Recital Hall, SCU
The Rev. Francis L. Markey Women in Ministry Speaker Series presents “A Journey of Faith and Ministry from the African Bush to the Bars and Brothels of the City” with poet, theologian, artist, writer, missionary, and minister, Edwina Gateley. This event will take place at SCU, but JST will also livestream the presentation in Manresa.
American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology
5:00pm; Adobe Lodge, SCU
Join the Ignatian Center’s Bannan Forum for a conversation with Diana Walsh Pasulka, Professor of Religious Studies and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. A public reception will follow the lecture.
Patience in a Time of Impatience: The Foundation of Kindness to Self and Others
9:00am-4:00pm, Multifaith Sanctuary, St. Joseph's Hall, SCU
Join the Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education for a day-long retreat with Sarita Tamayo-Moraga and Fr. Rob Scholla, S.J.
Ignatian Educational Practices for Today
11:30am-1:00pm, Mission Room, Benson Memorial Center, SCU
Join the Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education for a workshop on teaching, the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm, and contemporary higher education with Fr. Jose Mesa, S.J., the Ignatian Pedagogy Faculty Fellow at Loyola University Chicago.
How the Light Gets In: Healing Addiction and Pain Near the End of Life
12:00pm, St. Clare Room, Learning Commons, SCU
Drawing on her personal experience with family addiction and caring for elderly and dying parents, and her expertise as a thought leader in end of life medicine, bestselling author Katy Butler will share her thoughts on healing pain, making meaning, and addressing addiction near the end of life.
Dan Hoyle's Border People
7:00, Fess Parker Studio Theater, SCU
Based on conversations and interviews from the South Bronx housing projects courtyards, Refugee Safe Houses on the Northern Border with Canada, and travels along the Southwestern Border and into Mexico. Eleven monologues of people who live on or across borders both geographic and cultural, an intimate, raw, poignant, funny look at the borders we all negotiate in our everyday lives. View the trailer:
Predicting Justice: Optimizing Data in the Criminal Justice System
4:00-5:30 pm, St. Clare Room, Library and Learning Commons, SCU
Join the Ignatian Center's Bannan Forum for a panel discussion on spirituality, business leadership and Jesuit education.
GTU News and Events |
GTU Library Workshops
The GTU Library hosts workshops throughout the semester on Zotero (a free citation management program), Biblical exegesis, finding primary resources, and doing library research from a distance. Click here for the schedule.
Inauguration of Rabbi President Daniel Lehmann
5:30pm; International House at UC Berkeley, 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley
The GTU community will celebrate the inauguration of Rabbi Daniel L. Lehmann as the Eighth President of the Graduate Theological Union. Those wishing to attend must register here by Monday, September 30. A reception will follow.
Artist Panel and Book Release: "Beyond Words: Art Inspired by Sacred Texts"
5-7pm; Doug Adams Gallery, 2465 Le Conte Avenue, Berkeley, CA
To celebrate the release of the CARe Center's exhibition catalog, Beyond Words: Art Inspired by Sacred Texts, three of the artists whose work is featured in the exhibition will be hold a panel discussion. Come meet the artists in person and hear more about their artistic processes.
The Cultural Legacy of the Pre-Ashenazic Jews in Eastern Europe: Jewish Presence in Eastern Europe -- the Beginnings
7pm, CDSP, Easton Hall, 2401 Ridge Road, Berkeley
Moshe Taube is Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University, where he taught in the departments of Linguistics and of German, Russian and East European Studies. Please join us for the first of three lectures given by Moshe Taube in this year's Taubman Lecture Series.
Conference: New Religions; Theories, Practices, People
8:30am - 5:30pm; Dinner Board Room, GTU Library
Speakers will explore themes including but not limited to: innovation and creativity within established traditions; authority and authenticity in new religions, appropriation as a transcultural practice and its criticisms; the encounter between new religions and science; and new religions in the post secular age.
The Cultural Legacy of the Pre-Ashenazic Jews in Eastern Europe: Translations from Hebrew in Russia in the 13th-15th Centuries CE: by Converts?
7pm, CDSP, Easton Hall, 2401 Ridge Road, Berkeley
Moshe Taube is Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University, where he taught in the departments of Linguistics and of German, Russian and East European Studies. Please join us for the second of three lectures given by Moshe Taube in this year's Taubman Lecture Series.
CARe Brown Bag Lunch: "The Museum of You is Open, What’s on Display?"
12-1pm; Doug Adams Gallery, 2465 Le Conte Avenue, Berkeley
Roslyn Sholin, creative director, budding archivist, historian and curator, describes what happened when she inherited a house that had been in her family for 80 years. As she examines how family history and world history are inextricably linked, and how objects can enrich a storytelling tradition, she invites participants to consider their own family artifacts. This is an informal presentation, so please bring your sack lunch. Free and open to the public.
"Jewish and Queer Raised": CLGS Retreat for the Next Generation
Nov. 2-3, 9am-5pm; PSR, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley
The CLGS Jewish Roundtable is hosting the first-ever gathering for adults who were raised in Jewish and queer families and communities. Over forty young adults ranging in age from eighteen to late thirties will attend the weekend retreat, 2-3 November 2019 on the PSR Campus.
The Cultural Legacy of the Pre-Ashenazic Jews in Eastern Europe: Translations from Hebrew in Russia in the Second Half of the 15th Century and the Heresy of the Judaizers
7pm, CDSP, Easton Hall, 2401 Ridge Road, Berkeley
Moshe Taube is Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University, where he taught in the departments of Linguistics and of German, Russian and East European Studies. Please join us for the second of three lectures given by Moshe Taube in this year's Taubman Lecture Series.
"And He Called the Name of that Place Bethel" (Genesis 28: 19): Historical-Geography and Archaeology of the Sanctuary of Bethel
12:30pm, Bade Museum, Pacific School of Religion, 1798 Scenic Avenue
Aharon Tavger, senior staff member in the Tel Burna Archaeological Project, will present a new archaeological study which contains an historical-geographical analysis of the sources that speak on Bethel, and a new archaeological excavation that may have solved the question of the location of the sanctuary. Lunch provided.
Women's Studies in Religion: Art and Discussion Group
12:30pm - 2:00pm, Doug Adams Gallery, 2465 LeConte
The GTU Women’s Studies in Religion program is hosting a series that will involve art-making and discussion, led by skilled facilitator, Karen Sjoholm. No art experience/skill whatsoever required! The focus is on finding balance in our busy lives and forming community with other students. This series is co-sponsored by the Center for the Arts & Religion. All are welcome, regardless of gender identity or expression. To RSVP, write to
Town Hall Meeting: Religious Pluralism at the GTU
12:30-1:30pm; GTU Library, Dinner Board Room, 2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley
All are invited to join this Town Hall Meeting on the topic of "Religious Pluralism at the GTU". Professor Arthur Holder will moderate the discussion. Pizza and drinks will be provided. For more details, please contact Chai Motupalli, Director of Student Life, at
2019 Distinguished Faculty Lecture: Dr. Munir Jiwa, "Islamophilia, Islamophobia, and Islamic Studies in Interreligious Contexts"
6:30pm; PSR Chapel, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley
Dr. Munir Jiwa of the GTU and CIS will prvoide the 44th Annual Distinguished Faculty Lecture on the topic, "Liberal Inclusion or Liberal Conversion? Islamophilia, Islamophobia, and Islamic Studies in Interreligious Contexts". Public reception immediately following the lecture will be held in the Badè Museum (directly across the courtyard).
Community Events and Announcements |
In the Shadow of Slavery: Africa's Food Legacy in the Atlantic World
4:00pm, International House, Chevron Auditorium, 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley
Judith Carney, Professor of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles, will discuss how slaves introduced foods previously grown in Africa to the Americas. She draws attention to the significance of Africa’s food crops as a crucial underpinning of the transatlantic commerce in human beings, the slave ship as a means of conveying African crops to the Americas, and the enslaved as active participants in establishing African foodstaples on their subsistence plots and in the foodways of former plantation societies.
Revealing the Children of God, weekend retreat at Four Springs Seminars
Nov. 8 - Nov. 10, 14598 Sheveland Road, Middletown, CA
Weekend Retreat facilitated by Timothy Locke and Sonya Milton.Focus: how might we think in a new way about including ourselves and others as children of God?
$275 for meals and double occupancy lodging with shared bath. Discount of $25 for registrations received by Oct. 29. Need-based financial assistance is available.
Deep Soul: Twentieth-Century African American Freedom Struggles and the Making of the Modern World
4:10pm, Alumni House, Toll Room, UC Berkeley
UCB Professor of American History & Citizenship, Waldo E. Martin, Jr. will examine why and how twentieth-century African American freedom struggles proved essential to the making of the modern African American Freedom Movement. Second, this lecture will examine the centrality of the modern African American Freedom Movement to both the creation of the modern United States and the development of the modern world.
Job Announcements and More |
City Internships -- NEW!!!
City Internships is tuition based "career accelerator" with a strong track record in protecting and amplifying the value of students' post-secondary education to create globally engaged, career-ready graduates. Upon college graduation, CI alumni secure graduate-level employment 3 times more quickly and starting salaries 30 percent higher than their peers. Career field include: Charities, Non-Profits and NGOs.
There are three programs available to which graduate and undergraduate students may apply.
- Global Accelerator Program (GAP) - 8 wks in London or New York, summer only
- Global Explorer Program (GEP) - 6-12 wks (rolling starting dates, year round)
- Remote Program (RP) - 6-12 wks (rolling starting dates, year round)
For more information, check out the website:
To apply, visit:
Call for Proposals: An Existential Toolkit for Climate Educators Workshop
This workshop to be held July 3-5, 2020 at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich, Germany, seeks materials and presentations for an interdisciplinary workshop that will address the following question: how can educators, activists, and community leaders help students navigate the emotional impacts of ecological degradation and social injustice in the age of climate disruption? The aim of this workshop is to develop a practical toolkit for educators, students and activists across disciplines and professions, with potential emphasis on pedagogical applications, curricular implications, and even co-curricular connections (counseling and wellness, student life, etc). Successful applicants will receive travel support plus accommodation during the workshop. The deadline to submit a proposal is November 18, 2019. Please visit this page for more information.
Complimentary Commonweal Subscription
Students (or anyone who has graduated in the past three years) can subscribe for free to Commonweal at There are no strings attached to these free one-year student subscriptions! It's all made possible by many generous donors who want to make sure that students have access to Commonweal.
FASPE Fellowship, Summer of 2020
FASPE is an intensive, two-week study program in professional ethics and ethical leadership. FASPE is neither a Holocaust studies course nor a genocide prevention program. Rather, the curriculum is designed to challenge Fellows to critically examine constructs, current developments and issues that raise ethical concerns in their professions in contemporary settings in which they work. Each year, FASPE Seminary awards fellowships to 14 to 16 individuals pursuing, or recent graduates of, graduate-level religious training at divinity schools, seminaries, chaplaincy programs or other related institutions. Fellows spend two weeks in Berlin and Poland, where they visit key sites of Nazi history and participate in daily seminars led by specialized faculty. The program couples the power of place with academic rigor and many informal opportunities for creative exchange. 2020 FASPE Seminary Program Dates: June 12, 2020 – June 26, 2020 (Program starts on the evening of June 12) Deadline to apply: December 30, 2019.
For more information about the program, see
To apply, see
Louisville Institute Fellowships
The Louisville Institute offers fellowships for doctoral study and dissertation work. The Dissertation Fellowship (DF) programs offers up to ten $25,000 grants to support the final year of Ph.D. or Th.D. dissertation writing. Preference given to students engaged in research pertaining to North American Christianity, especially projects related to Institute mission priorities. Apply by February 1, 2020.
The Doctoral Fellowship (DOC) program encourages current Ph.D./Th.D. students to consider theological education as their vocation. The Institute awards up to ten two-year Doctoral Fellowships of $2,000 per year. In addition, Fellows constitute a peer learning cohort that meets six times over a two year period. Apply by March 1, 2020.
For more information and to apply, see the Louisville Institute site.
Fall Instructor Position with Xceptional Prep
Test preparation instructor positions are available starting in October for GRE, SAT and/or ACT classroom based prep classes. These are part-time positions in San Jose, Berkeley, and San Francisco with pay of up to $45 per hour. For more information and how to apply, click here.
Web Designer
The Ignatian Way MAP is a new website in process, applying the teachings of Ignatius Loyola to guide and support people in educational, career, ministry and retirement transitions. The project needs a student employee with web design/development capabilities and not necessarily formal training. Employee would contribute to a unique web resource for career/work/retirement planning and spiritual exploration with an emphasis on Ignatian spirituality. A number of web pages have been developed but need “repair” and renovation. New pages need to be developed. The objective of the project is to complete a prototype for the website/resource as a “platform” for research which would lead to funding and full development of the project. For more information and how to apply, see Web Designer, Ignatian Way MAP.
Tang Nguyen, Cuong Vu, Ping-Chung Wong, and Ami Cho. Photo by Paul Kircher. |
To submit items for publication in this newsletter, please send to by noon on Wednesday of the week you want it published. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit photos of events for the photo of the week.
Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University Assistant Dean of Students 1735 Le Roy Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709 Phone: 510-549-5029 |