May you find the stirrings of new life as we pass through this Triduum apart, and yet together.
Letter from Assistant Dean of Students, Paul Kircher |
Dear JST Community,
As we enter into Holy Week, we witness the suffering of the world in the midst of COVID-19 and all its effects. As a school community engaged in our mission of theological education and formation for ministry, may we be attuned to what God is revealing to us, and what our unique role is in responding to the pandemic.
This Tuesday evening, April 7, at 6:45 p.m., all JST students are welcome to a conversation with Interim Dean Alison Benders, who will share some perspectives on COVID-19 and invite students’ questions, reflections and concerns. Please see the calendar entry below for further information and the zoom link.
Blessings of Holy Week! May we die and rise once again with Christ, our light and our hope.
| Liturgy NewsA group of JST students is continuing to plan evening prayer gatherings via zoom, from 8:00-8:30 p.m., Sunday through Thursday. If you are interested in helping to lead a session in the coming weeks, please email Sebastian Budinich at Contact Sebastian for the zoom link as well.
Due to the shelter in place directive, Gesù Chapel at JST is not open for Mass or for prayer. We list below some online resources. If you find something that you think would be beneficial for the community, please send the link to Mary Beth Lamb,
Livestreams, virtual gatherings and presentations:
NEW: Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland. Daily Mass is livestreamed from their facebook page. Check there for the Holy Week and Triduum schedule.
NEW: St. Ignatius Parish in San Francisco is livestreaming Sunday Masses. Check for their Triduum schedule.
NEW: Virtual Celebration of the Easter Triduum prepared by composer Dan Schutte
NEW: Seven Last Words of Christ, a youtube presentation by St. Perpetua Parish in Lafayette.
Virtual retreats for Holy Week by Liturgy Training Publications with limited registration. If interested, sign up early!
Online Liturgy of the Word with Future Church on Sunday and Wednesday afternoons, 4:00 p.m. It includes praying together, listening to the readings, viewing the weekly preaching from Catholic Women Preach, and breaking out into small groups to respond to a question based on the readings or preaching. (please note that each Wednesday will be a "repeat" of the previous Sunday).
Daily Mass online offers livestreams of Mass all around the world which you can log on to at the specific time of the Mass.
Catholic Current from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops lists various online sources for livestream and recorded Mass and other prayer resources.
Pray as you go daily video prayer from the Jesuits in Britain.
Text only online resources:
NEW: We Watch and Pray, prayer for the Triduum from Liturgy Training Publications.
Complimentary Online Access to Give Us This Day
Pax Christi has a webpage that lists prayer, study and action resources. These include a shared movie night on Wednesdays.
A Heart Renewed JST's daily email with readings, reflections and prayers
Complimentary Online Access to Magnificat
Complimentary Online Access to Sunday Liturgies from Living with Christ
JST Announcements
- Good Friday, April 10, is a GTU and SCU holiday. There are no classes. The Magis will be published on Thursday, April 9.
- JST updates on COVID-19 can be found here. This page links also to the SCU and GTU updates.
- If you are a JST student and need financial assistance as a result of COVID-19 developments, please see the list of resources on the JST COVID-19 page - see the March 27 update.
- Here are some virtual resources for mental health for JST students:
- SilverCloud: This is a clinically proven online mental health platform, available through August 2020 to all JST-SCU students. To sign up, please visit and choose “Santa Clara University” from the drop-down menu to get started. To confirm your eligibility, you will need to use your school-issued e-mail address.
- BetterHelp: BetterHelp provides professional counseling by licensed therapists 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via phone, video-conferencing, text, or chat. JST students on the SCU health insurance plan may access this free of charge at this link. If you are not on the SCU student health insurance, this service is available for $40-70/week at this link.
- For assistance with Moodle, visit the Moodle Help page for students. You can also access the help page by logging into Moodle, and clicking "site home" on the left side of your screen.
- If you are a JST student and would like to lead or participate in a faith-sharing or prayer group virtually with other students, please e-mail
Community Offerings |
Virtual Labyrinth Walk
Sara Postlethwaite, VDMF, JST S.T.L. student, created this video reflection for the Art & Pilgrimage seminar taught by Kate Barush. Sara composed and performed the music. Virtual Labyrinth Walk
Blessing in the Chaos by Jan Richardson
To all that is chaotic
in you,
let there come silence.
Let there be
a calming
of the clamoring,
a stilling
of the voices that
have laid their claim
on you,
that have made their
home in you,
that go with you
even to the
holy places
but will not
let you rest,
will not let you
hear your life
with wholeness
or feel the grace
that fashioned you.
Let what distracts you
Let what divides you
Let there come an end
to what diminishes
and demeans,
and let depart
all that keeps you
in its cage.
Let there be
an opening
into the quiet
that lies beneath
the chaos,
where you find
the peace
you did not think
and see what shimmers
within the storm.
from The Cure for Sorrow: A Book of Blessings for Times of Grief
Submitted by Mary Beth Lamb, received from Suzanne Gagne Bregman, JST Alumna
Virtual Choir Pandemic Response
JST Events |
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
JST Weekday Liturgy
5:15 p.m.
SCU Events and Announcements |
tUrn is designed as a dynamic interplay of shared goals, transformative headliner events, resources grouped by themes to spark conversation and action, and partners near and far who are making it all happen to develop SCU's climate crisis awareness & action via zoom. tUrn events are free and open to the public. RSVP for each headliner after 4-1 at tUrn headliners.
Community Conversations: Building Bridges at SCU
4:00pm, Classroom 1, DSPT
“Community Conversations: Building Bridges at SCU” is a new initiative kicking off the 2019-2020 academic year. These will take place on the first Tuesday of each month and provide an opportunity for faculty, staff and students to come together and engage with each other.
This initiative is part of an effort to address concerns that arose in the Campus Climate study about how as a community, we can have honest, open and respectful engagement.
Questions for discussion: What does community mean for you right now? How do you keep your spirits up? What is difficult? What is your wish for our SCU community now and in the near future?
GTU News and Events |
GTU Emergency Alert System
All GTU students, faculty and staff are urged to sign up for GTU's emergency notification system, called GTU-ALERTS to receive short emergency announcements via text and email. This is particularly important in our current situation as events continue to unfold.
In order to participate in this system, sign up at:
You are encouraged to configure as many email addresses and mobile phone numbers as you regularly monitor in order to have the best coverage in case of emergency. The account expires one year from the date of creation unless you renew it. Renewal is a simple matter of clicking on a link contained in the expiration emails or texts you will receive when your account expiration approaches.
GTU At Home Book Club
On Wednesdays (April 1 - April 29) at 12:30, the SFTS library is hosting an online silent book club, which offers an opportunity to socialize, share what you are reading with others, and spend time reading your own book silently. For zoom info and more info on at home book clubs, see
GTU Library Workshops
The GTU Library hosts workshops throughout the semester on Zotero (a free citation management program), Biblical exegesis, finding primary resources, and doing library research from a distance. Click here for the schedule.
A Religion and Art Historian's Perspective on this an Age of Uncertainty
noon, online
In this online event, Dr. Kathryn Barush, presents a religion and art perspective on faith, resilience, culture, and community in this age of uncertainty. You can find both a video reflection and blog from her on our website after noon PST on April 10, 2020.
Third Thursdays at BAMPFA
4:30-5:30 online
Dr. Devin Zuber will be discussing a piece by Richard Misrach, Untitled (OF 104-91: Swimming Pool), from the exhibition Lands of Promise and Peril: Geographies of California.
Join us on Zoom! Meeting ID: 642 744 772 Password: bampfa
Two Faith Perspectives in our Time of Uncertainty
noon, online event
Community Events and Resources |
The Metropolitan Opera is offering nightly Met Opera streams from their archives. Operas by Bizet, Verdi, Bellini, Puccini and Wagner are featured. The broadcast begins at 7:30 p.m. EDT and continues until 6:30 p.m. the next day. Met Opera Streams
Radical Hope with Cecilia González-Andrieu, Ph.D.
online, 6:00p.m.
Join us, with your beverage of choice in hand, for a conversation about Radical Hope with Cecilia González-Andrieu, Ph.D., theologian at Loyola Marymount University
Virtual Way of the Cross for Economic and Ecological Justice
Based on the Economic Way of the Cross, written by the Religious Working Group on the World Bank/IMF, the Way of the Cross for Economic and Ecological Justice provides a prayerful way to walk the steps of Jesus in this time of financial and ecological crisis. This year, it will be a virtual event.
Each station symbolizes institutional roots of this suffering in government, in transnational corporations, in international financial institutions, in trade agreements, macroeconomic policies and financial transactions that give shape to economic activity around the world.
Job Announcements and More |
Church Mutual Religious Scholar Scholarship for 2020-21
For the fourth year in a row, CM CARES will award up to $250,000 in scholarships to deserving graduate-level religious scholars. Fifty scholarship winners will each receive a $5,000 award that may be used to pay for tuition, fees, books or other costs of attending school during the 2020-21 academic year. Students of all faiths are encouraged to apply.
For more information, click here. To apply, click here. Deadline to register is April 8.
Lucile Murray Durkin Scholarship for Women Discerning Priestly Vocation
Scholarship applications are open to women and non-binary persons enrolled or accepted into an undergraduate or graduate studies program. To be eligible the candidate must be enrolled or participate in at least one class or significant volunteer ministry of comparable scope that they believe would forward the discernment of their call to a life in ordained ministry. This scholarship is primarily directed to women and non-binary people who wish to be ordained Catholic Priests (including Ecumenical Catholic and Roman Catholic Women Priests). Secondarily it is open to those who are seeking priestly ordination in other denominations. For more information, click here. To apply, click here.
Applications are accepted until April 29, 2020 and awardees will be notified in June 2020.
Call for Papers: EcoTheo Review
The EcoTheo Review is a quarterly journal dedicated to enlivening conversations and commitments around ecology, spirituality, and art. They are always open to submissions of poetry, prose, and visual art that explore questions of nature and spirituality, from within and outside all religious traditions. They are delighted by innovative, original, thoughtful art that reflects the values of curiosity, justice, and community. They also welcome reviews of contemporary poetry and prose that engage themes of ecology and/or theology. They look forward to reading and seeing your work! Please visit for submission guidelines.
Call for Papers, Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience
The Conference on Religious Experience and the Crisis of Secular Reason, September 16-18, 2020 at the University of Vienna, is looking for abstracts. Please submit papers of no more than 600 words, formatted for anonymous review, to before May 30, 2020. You can also enclose a full paper; submissions with ready papers will be given a priority. Enclose your biographic information in the body of email. Notifications of acceptance will be emailed by June 15, 2020. For more information, click here.
View from Loyola from JST Archives; just in case you are missing it! |
To submit items for publication in this newsletter, please send to by noon on Wednesday of the week you want it published. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit photos of events for the photo of the week.
Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University Assistant Dean of Students 1735 Le Roy Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709 Phone: 510-549-5029 |